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Looking for a small group.

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Hey there, I'm looking for a group to play DayZ With since my Real life friends don't enjoy the game anymore, But i am still willing to play, In the past i have found a couple of groups that i played with... But they don't seem interested anymore... Enough about myself...

I'm looking for a small group of up to 5 players that are mature, When i say mature i mean at least 16.. Oh and i don't want to join any servers, So to the people i've seen advertising there servers on small forum posts like this.. Just don't i don't want to play on a server that's so desperate for players they have to spam the forums! But yeah leave a reply if your interested.. Thanks.

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Go ahead and join up with us at NaB. Join our teamspeak and we'll see it from there

TeamSpeak Adress: Ts55.gameservers.com:9618

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No thanks mate, Just seen you post the same thing on someone else's topic... If your not willing to put the effort in.. I'm not interested..

Sorry Panzer.

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Hey man me and another guy have just teamed up (me through here).

I'm 14 and he is 16.

I'm from uk and he's from U.S.

But you're welcome to join no matter where you're from mate.

It would be better if you had a mic though mate.

If you do that's great!


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Hey the names danny i'd be more then happy to join you in ur adventures lol

im 25 been playing for a while and do alot of youtube and twitch so im looking to to do some vids aswell if your down for that

but hit me back on my email : thedaddysilva@hotmail.com

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Thanks for the replys guys, Keep em comin'!

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age 17 uk, scotland looking for a group for ages now, i play dayz origins and am getting good at it, skype isotonic.101

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Cheers Isotonic for the offer, Gunna wait for more to come in though.. Will keep it in mind :P

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I got a small/medium group of players, around 3-5 people playing Origins and we just started fresh, we are looking for more people though! If interested just pm me!

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Cheers for the reply Sami, Definately will think about it :P

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Recruitment Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...-noob-friendly/

Server Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...custom-scripts/

Server Changelog Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...s-changelog-22/

Update Post: http://dayzmod.com/f...tes-are-coming/


b_560_95_1.png Custom DayZ Hive

b_560_95_1.pngPublic Teamspeak Server

b_560_95_1.pngMinecraft Factions PvP Server

Edited by Beck

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This is what i didn't want here ^ I even specificly said in the original post.

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Hey man I am a admin on the F8L Planet server and I always am looking for some more buddys to play with and share my experience with! So Hit me up on skype kclausen7!

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Got one great guy already, started to setup on a server... If anyone else wants to join let me know... A few people asked about my age and playstyle etc, I'm 18 and i play to have fun, and meet people... And occasionally... Kill people for there beans! >:D But yeah... If any of you want to contact me i'll leave my skype here (Justice90215) And i'll see you all tomorrow... Night!

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Anyone can join mine and my friends group if you are interested add Kags77 on Skype :) we play everyday

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Hey. I play occasionally. I am always looking a group to join up with. I work better with planning ahead of time when people are going to play. I am pretty sporadic of when i can play. I am 26 and have been playing for about a year. I am a survivor. Let me know if you want to play.

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Hey man! I'm 19 years old from Canada looking for some people to play with. I don't have a clan or anything, I just don't want to play alone. If you're willing, send me a message and let's survive the wilderness, lol.

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