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Rick the Survivor

Hip Fire Too Good on Snipers

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I know its the default Arma II hip fire but i think its too good in DayZ. For example I had an DMR, and another guy had a AKM and we both were in the classic both hiding behind a tree scenario about 50 meters away. He had hit me once in the chest so i was bleeding, so i needed to bandage but knowing once i did he would move up and kill me. I ran out to get behind one of the very large trees that you could hid in. I saw him peak and I hip fired about 10 or so rounds off very fast and struck him in the head.

It seems kinda ridiculous to me how accurate hip fire is on sniper rifles, you could do this on AS50 too, thank god that getting removed. Maybe tone hip fire down on snipers rifles to make everything else a little more competitive with them.

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This isn't Call of Duty. >.>

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Seriously though, here come the "ermagerd u kant chang dat yo"

I agree TBH, in actuality, a 7.62 round is fairly hard to keep steady, especially on a gun such as a DMR without the proper firing stance (Survivor: "Stance? What is a stance?")

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I agree. It really needs to be nerfed.

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This isn't Call of Duty. >.>

Ya but at least they got hip fire right, tell me that you could hold a 27lb AS50 on your hip and shoot it with any real accuracy, none the less with rapid semi auto fire

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However at the ranges you can hipfire in ARMA or day-Z it's perfectly reasonable that it would be on-target

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I've hip fired snipers and missed and sometimes Got amazing headshots. The shots go to where your barrel is pointing, the don't magically shoot further to the left. I understand how recoil works and I personally think arma is fine.

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There is no such thing as hip firing in arma

you always have the weapon shouldered like a real marine/army personal would

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Ya but at least they got hip fire right, tell me that you could hold a 27lb AS50 on your hip and shoot it with any real accuracy, none the less with rapid semi auto fire

You want to talk about realism in Call of Duty? Okay, explain to me how when a gun is at my hip, the bullets come out sideways/at an angle, but when I have it raised, it fires straight.

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You read my mind....

I like Hot Pockets :)

Have you tried Brisk Iced Tea? It's all the flavor of iced tea with all the carbonated joy of soda.

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There is no such thing as "Hip-firing" in ArmA and DayZ. Your gun is always at your shoulder, you're just not aiming down the sights. This doesn't need nerfing whatsoever.

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To expand on this

even more

Go fire a DMR which is basically a M21 IRL

Not much kick in it.

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I like Hot Pockets :)

Have you tried Brisk Iced Tea? It's all the flavor of iced tea with all the carbonated joy of soda.

Mmmm, gas station food.

Anyways, the crosshair is independent of view and represents the barrel of the gun. What this means is, unlike most agmes where the crosshair is center view, the crosshair in ArmA is representing where the barrel is aligned. Ever notice how the small dot in the middle bounces up and down? That's the barrel swaying. When you free look, the crosshair stays in the direction of the barrel. So no, the crosshair isn't "overpowered". I actually like that they've added the ArmA 3 crosshair to the standalone. It's much easier to use and less accurate. But removing the crosshair should be left server side as it is, tbh.

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Stop playing on servers with crosshairs, sorted -_-

Just another case of "I'm a call of duty noob that knows everything about firearms"

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You want to talk about realism in Call of Duty? Okay, explain to me how when a gun is at my hip, the bullets come out sideways/at an angle, but when I have it raised, it fires straight.

Science. The altitude of raised weapon corrodes the firing pin. Now, if you tie in the factor that dfinal - dinitial / tfinal - tinitial = *I can't remember* it's obvious that the corrosion causes the bullets to tumble when exiting the barrel. This means it is going to catch the slightest of drafts and fly off wildly. But when you have the weapon raised, there is less oxygen in the air, resulting no immediate corrosion to the firing pin, allowing the gun to operate "flawlessly."

Now, Call of Duty devs have taken the time and consideration to impliment this into their games via algorithm, and this is what makes it the true mil-sim it is today. The ArmA series is nothing but a halfast copy/wannabe of the CoD series. As for the "Steady Aim" perk, I'm stumped.

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You got shot in the chest with a AKM "so i was bleeding". LoL.. Just how arcade has this game become? Were you playing on a server with crosshairs by any chance? If so, don't complain.

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You want to talk about realism in Call of Duty? Okay, explain to me how when a gun is at my hip, the bullets come out sideways/at an angle, but when I have it raised, it fires straight.

When you fire from the hip you're more or less firing in a general direction as opposed to truly aiming. You shouldn't have pinpoint accuracy, I agree with the OP. :)

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When you fire from the hip you're more or less firing in a general direction as opposed to truly aiming. You shouldn't have pinpoint accuracy, I agree with the OP. :)

Do you have much firearm experience, mZLY? I do, and I can tell you beyond a doubt that "Shooting in the general area" with a longarm or pistol is pretty easy within 30 feet. I don't SUGGEST shooting from the hip, because if you're an idiot you're going to hurt yourself and/or another human or animal you don't intend on hurting, but it isn't difficult.

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Do you have much firearm experience, mZLY? I do, and I can tell you beyond a doubt that "Shooting in the general area" with a longarm or pistol is pretty easy within 30 feet. I don't SUGGEST shooting from the hip, because if you're an idiot you're going to hurt yourself and/or another human or animal you don't intend on hurting, but it isn't difficult.

How many times have you shot a firearm under stress like this?

Within 30 feet, no, it isn't hard to hit a target when not looking down the sights. But when we are talking about a 7.62 round or larger in a 9-10 pound rifle, the recoil will not allow for accurate follow up shots.

I can easily pull my 9mm Glock 18, ATI CS9, or my custom Ar-15 and put a good 3 rounds within a quarter of each other at 10 yards without using the sights. I'm not gonna take out my Ruger .44 or my .308 Savage Axis and do the same thing. General area, possibly... Not likely though.

(12 years of handling firearms, professional firearm training)

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Aaaaah, Science.

I you're wearing a lab-coat, it must be true.

As folks have already pointed out, the rifle stays shouldered whether you're using optics or not.

Hip-fire doesn't exist in ArmA/DayZ.

The problem IMO is the accuracy of shots to crosshairs after several shots and at unnatural range (considering you don't even have to look down the sights once).

In DayZ it's worse because in my mind we're supposed to be average Joe civillians. Not feckin' SAS.

Honestly, I don't like that fact that there are crosshairs at all, but I can just play on servers without them, so I don't really care.

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How many times have you shot a firearm under stress like this?

Within 30 feet, no, it isn't hard to hit a target when not looking down the sights. But when we are talking about a 7.62 round or larger in a 9-10 pound rifle, the recoil will not allow for accurate follow up shots.

I can easily pull my 9mm Glock 18, ATI CS9, or my custom Ar-15 and put a good 3 rounds within a quarter of each other at 10 yards without using the sights. I'm not gonna take out my Ruger .44 or my .308 Savage Axis and do the same thing. General area, possibly... Not likely though.

(12 years of handling firearms, professional firearm training)

I wasn't considering the spam-method of DayZ... so you're right. A *single* shot isn't that hard to make. :)

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Do you have much firearm experience, mZLY? I do, and I can tell you beyond a doubt that "Shooting in the general area" with a longarm or pistol is pretty easy within 30 feet. I don't SUGGEST shooting from the hip, because if you're an idiot you're going to hurt yourself and/or another human or animal you don't intend on hurting, but it isn't difficult.

Sure it can be pretty easy to guess where the bullet is going to hit, but as Raymond pointed out, recoil is a real accuracy killer when it comes to hip-fire. Most guns in DayZ would have a fair amount of recoil in the real world.

One shot could put you off several inches from where the bullet went prior.

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It's not hip fire since the gun is always shouldered. It's just not using the sights. The precise crosshair and the silly amount of steadiness is to blame.

Snipers shouldn't be penalized just for being snipers, there has to be an actual reason for it. "Hip fire" from an SVD would be as accurate as "hip fire" from an M14, they weigh about the same.

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Sure it can be pretty easy to guess where the bullet is going to hit, but as Raymond pointed out, recoil is a real accuracy killer when it comes to hip-fire. Most guns in DayZ would have a fair amount of recoil in the real world.

One shot could put you off several inches from where the bullet went prior.

Which is why you wait a second between shots. I understand the math that a quarter-inch flinch puts you 16 inches off target at 30 feet. That's why you learn not to flinch >.>

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