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Dayz for Xbox One?

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I like how you are going fuck off pc jerks oh wait I am on a pc game forum. under 1000 pounds phtt you can get way cheaper ones. that will run this game and others good enough. Study!

Ehm it's called future proofing sir. I told him to fuck off NOT all PC players because then I would be talking about myself which would be retarded. So can you all stop being selfish and open up to console players wanting this game but maybe they can't afford or maybe even want a PC. Also if I want to buy a grand computer I will, nothing to do with you or anyone else.

Look guys come on everyone deserves to play this game so stop trying to deprive others of the game.

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Why is everyone basing their thoughts on 360 and PS3?

There's no chance a console version of DayZ will be out in the current-gens' lifetime. The game is at least a year away from being considered "done".

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Ehm it's called future proofing sir. I told him to fuck off NOT all PC players because then I would be talking about myself which would be retarded. So can you all stop being selfish and open up to console players wanting this game but maybe they can't afford or maybe even want a PC. Also if I want to buy a grand computer I will, nothing to do with you or anyone else.

Look guys come on everyone deserves to play this game so stop trying to deprive others of the game.

1k is future proofing? no... 4k is future proofing x2 titans x2 480 SSD 16GB RAM i7/AMD 8 core overclocked to 4.00 1200w PSU is future proofing :P

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1k is future proofing? no... 4k is future proofing x2 titans x2 480 SSD 16GB RAM i7/AMD 8 core overclocked to 4.00 1200w PSU is future proofing :P

With the upcoming next gen console the future of games goes as this...a PC that is bought 2 years ago will play every title running on a console with two graphic levels higher than a console provided they do a proper port. And this goes for every title that comes out in the next years until the next console gen comes out...again outperformed buy the PC gen from 2 years before. I wonder what they will do about heat management if they really want to get super power out of those things...will probably be very loud.

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First off, I'm dissapointed in how you are expressing your opinion. Insulting people over the internet is stupid.

Secondly, community doesn't matter? What a joke, without a community their would be no game.

Now go off and play with your other troll friends and stay off this forum please, because you have a very negative attitude to others.

The 'assholes' part was for all the elitists, not just you. I was just responding to you because your comment was so utterly stupid.

And no, community doesn't matter. Look at the CoD community. Awful. Pure awful. And yet, one of the most successful franchises ever. So, you tell me community matters? :rolleyes:

And I'm not a troll (Although I do love to troll from time-to-time), I just don't react kindly to stupidity. Kindness to stupidity only encourages it.

joe_mcentire: I kept myself together quite fine. Maybe you should leave the forums because you're asking people to leave the forums instead of contributing to the topic? *sigh* :rolleyes:

Private Evans: If you think that "CoD kiddies" will "ruin" the game, then don't get it on consoles. It's that simple. Oh, and I didn't know you could see into the future. Tell me, when is Kingdom Hearts 3 coming out?


Aim: LT

Shoot: RT

Lean: Bumpers

Stances: B

Vault: A

Equipment: Scroll menu with D-pad slots to accommodate most used items (Map, Compass, etc.)

Reload: X

Animations: Lol you're funny.

Free look: Hold down left stick, look with right stick.

Switch Weapons: Y

Scroll Menu: Right Stick

Cycle Weapons: Y

There, that's all you need for DayZ. That's all that's necessary. Works well, fits perfectly. Now, you were saying?

Edited by Masterfocker
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1k is future proofing? no... 4k is future proofing x2 titans x2 480 SSD 16GB RAM i7/AMD 8 core overclocked to 4.00 1200w PSU is future proofing :P

Wait a second...I just remembered my ass is lined with Diamonds ;)

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im not buying a xbox.....

please make it for the playstation.

Xbox one looks like shit.

or at least they botched their "Xbox presentation"

im a hardcore gamer and i dgaf about TV and fantasy football.

Dude don't worry, it's not coming out for xbox anyways, you need more buttons on the controller

And no, community doesn't matter. Look at the CoD community. Awful. Pure awful. And yet, one of the most successful franchises ever. So, you tell me community matters? :rolleyes:

I think you didn't get the point, it's not like a game is not successful because the community is made out of 10 year old kiddies like CoD's, in fact those frachises will be more successful, because those 10 year old kiddies do not notice if the game was changed or not, let's face it, CoD has had the same graphics since CoD 4, the thing is, that this game's community is not made out of 10 year old kiddies, and if they do bring it out on consoles, the community will get full of 10 year old kids and it will destroy the game, because this game is based off of the community, if the community gets bad, people will stop playing it, just because it's not fun playing this game with a bunch of assholes, it's not fun to be trolled in this game, maybe yoiu can take it in an arcade FPS but in this game it's not that easy to get back at the guy who trolled you, now when we talk about arcade FPS games then the deal is different because you can handle some assholes in a lobby, because you all have the same firepower, just different ability, that's why CoD is successful, because it's filled with fanboys that don't care if it's changed or not, 10 year old kids, or just people that don't care if they are trolled

Edited by IncognitoNico
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Dude don't worry, it's not coming out for xbox anyways, you need more buttons on the controller

The new Xbox is rumoured to have one of those key pads on the controller, I don't want some brain dead cod fan getting his mittens over my precious beans.

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The new Xbox is rumoured to have one of those key pads on the controller, I don't want some brain dead cod fan getting his mittens over my precious beans.

Yeah but still at least to me, it wouldn't be comfortable to hold a controller with too much buttons, I would fell better using a mouse and keyboard

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I think you didn't get the point, it's not like a game is not successful because the community is made out of 10 year old kiddies like CoD's, in fact those frachises will be more successful, because those 10 year old kiddies do not notice if the game was changed or not, let's face it, CoD has had the same graphics since CoD 4, the thing is, that this game's community is not made out of 10 year old kiddies, and if they do bring it out on consoles, the community will get full of 10 year old kids and it will destroy the game, because this game is based off of the community, if the community gets bad, people will stop playing it, just because it's not fun playing this game with a bunch of assholes, it's not fun to be trolled in this game, maybe yoiu can take it in an arcade FPS but in this game it's not that easy to get back at the guy who trolled you, now when we talk about arcade FPS games then the deal is different because you can handle some assholes in a lobby, because you all have the same firepower, just different ability, that's why CoD is successful, because it's filled with fanboys that don't care if it's changed or not, 10 year old kids, or just people that don't care if they are trolled

You act like the people who get it on console will drive the PC players away. That's how everyone acts. I just don't understand it. Is it my reading being off? Am I just misunderstanding?

IncognitoNico: I already posted how the controls would work on the Xbox controller, so I don't know where you got "Dude don't worry, it's not coming out for xbox anyways, you need more buttons on the controller".

Oh, and if you don't like playing it with a controller, and would rather play it with a M&K, then play it on the PC, not consoles. Not hard. It seems a lot of people don't understand this. They go off what they think, and not as a whole.

Edited by Masterfocker
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Wait a second...I just remembered my ass is lined with Diamonds ;)

future proofing depends i'd rather get a $100 psu 600w + and keep upgrading the graphics card and get a intel quad core processor. It depends what type of games you want to play. "open up to console players" truth be told I don't care this being a pc exclusive would make people realize oh wait this games on there let's put some actual effort in and get a pc, though the first thing people think of when they think of pc's is crappy alienwares and shit, which deserve death.

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Look guys come on everyone deserves to play this game so stop trying to deprive others of the game.

And that should also apply to PC players but apprently not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_exclusives_%28seventh_generation%29. Theres 2500+ console exclusive games that PC players deserved to play but were deprived off by CONSOLE EXCLUSIVITY.

I can only hope DayZ never goes to those dumb boxes.

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And that should also apply to PC players but apprently not http://en.wikipedia....th_generation). Theres 2500+ console exclusive games that PC players deserved to play but were deprived off by CONSOLE EXCLUSIVITY.

I can only hope DayZ never goes to those dumb boxes.

oh yeah I hate console exclusives that makes me think why don't they give us console exclusive games until then no dayz for you's.

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I will never understand why people buy something like Xbox one and supporting the company´s on they way to a total control System.

Buying something like Xbox One is like saying " Yeah, i love company control over my Freedom of Choice. I love it when company´s making restrict systems to earn more money. I love it when i am expose the arbitraryof a company "

Edited by DaGolem
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I will never understand why people buy something like Xbox one and supporting the company´s on they way to a total control System.

Buying something like Xbox One is like saying " Yeah, i love control over my Freedom of Choice. I love it when company´s making restrict systems to earn more money. I love it when i am expose the arbitraryof a company "

This won't be the end of the console era though in order to kill the beast you have to chope of it's head so ALL Microsoft products would have to fail In order for this to stop. probably same with sony.

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oh yeah I hate console exclusives that makes me think why don't they give us console exclusive games until then no dayz for you's.

Aw somebody is butt hurt at any negativity towards consoles.

gimpbox forums are that way -->

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I really never thought about how selfish people actually are. You are seriously butt hurt about this. Why is it people are so fucking selfish. You need to get a grip guys, this game will eventually come to Xbox One but it wont be any time soon. So you PC elitists can go cry some more i just want everyone to enjoy this game but it seems that these 'mature' players on PC can't see the positive side to having it on consoles. So when all these 'mature' PC players actually grow up and see that other people might not WANT a PC or might not be able to afford one yet you tell them tough shit...Nice one guys real mature.

Also for people who are thinking that this topic is about Xbox 360 then please remove yourself as the title clearly states 'Dayz for Xbox One' I know the game would be shit on current consoles but not for next gen. There may be a lack of buttons but lets be honest here if you play it on PC and only want it on PC then guess what...Just play it on PC :o. I know it's crazy but people having it on console isn't going to effect the game it's self so please just contribute to the topic and not moan about everything.

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besides, just play state of decay

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I really never thought about how selfish people actually are. You are seriously butt hurt about this. Why is it people are so fucking selfish. You need to get a grip guys, this game will eventually come to Xbox One but it wont be any time soon. So you PC elitists can go cry some more i just want everyone to enjoy this game but it seems that these 'mature' players on PC can't see the positive side to having it on consoles. So when all these 'mature' PC players actually grow up and see that other people might not WANT a PC or might not be able to afford one yet you tell them tough shit...Nice one guys real mature.

Also for people who are thinking that this topic is about Xbox 360 then please remove yourself as the title clearly states 'Dayz for Xbox One' I know the game would be shit on current consoles but not for next gen. There may be a lack of buttons but lets be honest here if you play it on PC and only want it on PC then guess what...Just play it on PC :o. I know it's crazy but people having it on console isn't going to effect the game it's self so please just contribute to the topic and not moan about everything.

......................................umm i was joking, i just REALLY hate what the Xbox 1 has to offer. always online,1 copy of 1 game works on 1 Xbox ONE tons of exculsives. it looks like crap i mean, did they learn nothing from diablo 3 and the new sim city? i mean, microsoft, get a grip. i prefer pc for mods and more complex games...............so, chill out man

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on record, your making me mad by insulting a ton of people who are just as entitled to their opinion as yours. so, be nice..... did i just tell a internet jerk to be nice? what am i thinking, just shut up and accept that everyone has there opinion, and that your not the central focus of the planet. i hate it when people tell others what they think is right! it is right for YOU not for ME. DONT QUESTION IT

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And that should also apply to PC players but apprently not http://en.wikipedia....th_generation). Theres 2500+ console exclusive games that PC players deserved to play but were deprived off by CONSOLE EXCLUSIVITY.

I can only hope DayZ never goes to those dumb boxes.

Lolwut? You're complaining about console exclusives? What about PC exclusives? Way to have one-sided thinking :rolleyes:

Perigrin: First, get your facts straight. It's not always online. There's no confirmation as to what the situation is, since many people are saying different things, but it is not always online.

And the DRM? Guess what? PC is mostly DRM. And the PS4 will have the same things if the developers wish (And they will).

Tons of exclusives? Are you really complaining about tons of exclusives? Oh my god... :huh:

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on record, your making me mad by insulting a ton of people who are just as entitled to their opinion as yours. so, be nice..... did i just tell a internet jerk to be nice? what am i thinking, just shut up and accept that everyone has there opinion, and that your not the central focus of the planet. i hate it when people tell others what they think is right! it is right for YOU not for ME. DONT QUESTION IT

dude i just said that everyone is entitled to their opinion, including you master. however, i just hate the PC market being held back by consoles.

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dude i just said that everyone is entitled to their opinion, including you master. however, i just hate the PC market being held back by consoles.

That's the developer's problem, not consoles. Deveopers have all the power to make a PC game, and make the same game on consoles, just dumbed down. Look at Minecraft. A lot of people like to use BF3 as an example. No. BF3 is like that on PC because of EA, not consoles. BF2 = before EA. BF3 = after EA.

And yeah, everyone's entitled to their opinions. Except the elitists. They don't get opinions. Blind elitists of anything should all die

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on record, your making me mad by insulting a ton of people who are just as entitled to their opinion as yours. so, be nice..... did i just tell a internet jerk to be nice? what am i thinking, just shut up and accept that everyone has there opinion, and that your not the central focus of the planet. i hate it when people tell others what they think is right! it is right for YOU not for ME. DONT QUESTION IT

Dude please kindly remove yourself from this topic. As said already PC elitists are the problem here. I will excuse your insult as you are clearly incapable to read. In my previous post I was highlighting PC elitists as the douche bags. If you are also trying to say that I am a liar that people here call themselves 'Mature' then tell us that consoles don't deserve Dayz then yet again please remove yourself. I don't want to hear PC elitists opinions as they are immature and think that PC is the best thing yet. I have said already that I play Dayz on PC and i play it a lot. But I want others to enjoy the game is it that hard for people to understand. Please guys just stop and think for a minute, think about other people rather than yourself.

I just want everyone to enjoy the game on console and PC. If you don't want it on console then don't buy it. Simple.

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Personally i think putting it on a console would be a huge waste of time/money, I've played arma 2 arma 3 and dayz with a Xbox controller on my PC, the only good it would do is if i was in the prone position with either a sniper rifle and or a machine gun, but if someone walked up from behind me, the idea of turning around is utterly pointless. the only good that controller does is makes it easier to shoot people. but movement and everything else just goes right out the window.

One thing i would like to straighten out, PC games are meant for PC, Consoles can not play games that are meant for PC, usually, they are just way to big, But a PC can make every game a console can as long as it's allowed by the maker, and they usually tend to play a lot better.

PC has and will always be the heavy weight when it comes to gaming, consoles will never stand up to a pc, because if they did, they would cost a shit load of money that most people wouldn't even buy. console games are stuck with the same ole crap, PC has the area needed to expand, console does not. and if the console did you'd certainly noticed the difference in the price tag. Xbox/PS is for the younger community or people that like playing in boxed environments with no free path play, always a path set and always a path that has to be followed, i mean that Walking Dead video game is a perfect example of an Xbox environment is like.

From everyone on this forum either they agree with what i say or not, but we all know deep down inside they do. Just make the fing switch to PC. and leave your troubles behind you and start a whole new set of problems. plus if you did switch and you found out that you have a knack for pc's you can start a fing career with that, what kinda career can u start with an Xbox or PS?

Edited by =DiG= Zgraphz

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