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Poncho Villa

Could it be possible to put a train in DayZ?

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Could kindof ruin the 'zombie apocalypse immersion' but would be pretty nice also I guess.

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Could kindof ruin the 'zombie apocalypse immersion' but would be pretty nice also I guess.

I can't stand hearing the word immersion and DayZ in the same sentence anymore... Immersion and DayZ are no longer partners.

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"Have you had your immersion broken in the last 18 Months?

Where there's blame, there's a claim!"

Alternately, you could look into "immersion insurance".

DISCLAIMER: Cover does not extend to Private Hives

Edited by Chabowski
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What about removing the tires from the weels and have cars running on tracks?

Tunnels would offer possibilities too.

Imagine a train acting as a mobile base or trade caravan.

Watch Ryan's express for more inspiration ;)

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"Have you had your immersion broken in the last 18 Months?

Where there's blame, there's a claim!"

Alternately, you could look into "immersion insurance".

DISCLAIMER: Cover does not extend to Private Hives

IMO the only way to play DayZ anymore is in Private Hives with actual admins that care about who is playing instead of relying on anti-hacks to fail. Private Hives are really the only way to go anymore. And if you're having your immersion broken, then you aren't playing the right ones.

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Do you have any idea how much it would cost to cover all those unregulated servers?


I don't really sell "immersion insurance".

I don't even think "immersion insurance" is a real thing.

Though with all the "broken immersion" cases we see at the office (I don't have an office), it'd be a lucrative market.

Edited by Chabowski
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so, I blow up train with granade, then what ? no more train..... the end :murder:

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there was a train in the walking dead game that you had to turn on and it just had manuals for all the switches

so if they put in a manual for train driving and fixing or whatever it could be fun

also someone said metros

that would be sooooooo awesome but only if they are kinda destroyed and stuff like in fallout 3

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Considering we as players can fix Huey helicopters i don't see why we aren't capable of fixing a train.

The track is a bit small though isn't it? Would be nice if it did a circular journey around Chernarus.

And yes this has been discussed before.

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Your average civilian would not be able to repair or operate any kind of train.

So it could be like the helicopter requiring skill and knowledge to drive and also have a million buttons in Russian to add to how much skill you need to be able drive it.

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I pondered this idea a few times. I think it could be a great end game concept, especially if they implement power grids down the line, etc.

No necessarily what about the diesel electric trains and handcars and stuff huh? Although an interesting concept good sir eh?

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