Hosty 647 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) So I have been thinking, why would they add the Humanity System in SA if there are clothes wich can be changed? What's the point of Bandit and Hero skins anymore?Maybe they will add something like, scars and on the face of a Bandit?What's your thoughts? Edited May 29, 2013 by Hosty Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ayy baby. 29 Posted May 29, 2013 The hero-bandit system is dumb, hurrr durr kill 3 people suddenly change clothes. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 345 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) If you get about 30m away from someone and listen, you can hear a heart beating. The faster it is, the lower the humanity (or is it the other way around? needs confirmation). This will probably be in the SA. Edited May 29, 2013 by McCullins Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted May 29, 2013 This will probably be in the SA.Source? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serious Stan 202 Posted May 29, 2013 Source?His source is the mob, maybe not a post-worthy rumor. But its true :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) His source is the mob, maybe not a post-worthy rumor. But its true :)Yeh, I'm not being harsh I've just seen so much random stuff posted about the SA as if it's fact. It confuses people. Before you know it, one comment get's quoted as fact and then as far as people are concerned it's true, even if nothing of the sort has been discussed. Edited May 29, 2013 by Fraggle 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dgeesio 1034 Posted May 29, 2013 i dont think anyone should be different in clothes to show they are a abandit kinda takes away from the game tbh. not knowing is more exciting and uncertain.oh look hes a hero skin lets kill instantly. hes a bandit shoot him instantly. thats how it currently doesnt work at moment :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bca quattro 44 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) as if the bandit skin would kill the agme - lolits the behavior of the players (KoS, playing deathmatch with hostile KI-Infected, ignoring thjat the first goal in DayZ is to survie not the longest killstreak)... THAT is killing tha game - not a Playerskin...anyone with a banditskin DESERVES IT and to be shot on sight!you only get a banditskinn for killing suvivors and heros - if you dont kill them you dont get a banditskin - its that easy!its not the humanity system that fails - its the playerbase that fails! Edited May 29, 2013 by quattro_ger Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trizzo 632 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) Hopefully. The current clothing system they have demonstated I hope is a sign of this. Players controlling what they want to do should be DayZ. Not the other way around. Edited May 29, 2013 by Trizzo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 23 Posted May 29, 2013 I like the bandit, hero system. Just because I love trying to become a hero and the challenges that it entails. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 271 Posted May 29, 2013 I'd like the option to spawn in a modified Hero skin in DayZ standalone if you have enough humanity Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dajeroen 11 Posted May 29, 2013 The System they use now are the books, showing what you are. It makes the game more interesting not seeing if one is a bandit or not. Makes it even more paranoa. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted May 29, 2013 The current plan is to implement something, at some time after alpha, that indicates this kind of stuff. Perhaps changes in facial expression, or blood on clothing/hands after you handle recently dead bodies etc... We want to go for a much more subtle effect than the in-your-face humanity system. More to follow on this. 15 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alphamat 116 Posted May 29, 2013 The blood seems like an interesting and more subtle idea, but it's not really authentic is it? I mean if you just shot somebody in the head, taking his gear doesn't neccesary mean you got blood all over yourself. It would be amazing if you'd be able to implement a system that puts blood on people's clothes when they killed people with melee weapons. People will say this is unbalanced as people using guns don't get affected by that, but I don't think this game is about balance/nerfing..This means that people using guns wouldn't be able to be spotted as bandits, but I think that's a good thing! There'd be more stress and tension in player encounters as they wouldn't know if the person they're facing is a good or bad guy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rocket 16567 Posted May 29, 2013 I'm no expert on dead bodies, but those I have seen who died from trauma the blood gets everywhere.Blood on clothing is a developing concept that's yet to be properly implemented, so it's certainly subject to a great deal of change. But source from another body (i.e. gloves) and damage (i.e. your own shirt covered in your blood) is most likely. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alphamat 116 Posted May 29, 2013 Hah, I can already imagine the madmen running around covered in blood shouting "Friendly in Cherno!!" :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homeslice1986 9 Posted May 29, 2013 I doubt this will change many peoples behavior in the game, bandits will be bandits at the end of the day, and by the time you're close enough to see the claret chances are they've already shot you in the face.The problem with the humanity system is that its very hard to balance, if you give the game away about a persons nature too far away, it renders the system pointless, as people will happily shoot anyone who seems a bit dodgy. Too close, and see my above point.Theres no easy way to deal with this.. Good luck Rocket, old boy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hosty 647 Posted May 29, 2013 Yeh, I'm not being harsh I've just seen so much random stuff posted about the SA as if it's fact. It confuses people. Before you know it, one comment get's quoted as fact and then as far as people are concerned it's true, even if nothing of the sort has been discussed.Actually I have seen a video of rocket mentioning the heartbeat thing, but I don't think you will have enough time to listen to the heartbeat before you're dead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
homeslice1986 9 Posted May 29, 2013 Actually I have seen a video of rocket mentioning the heartbeat thing, but I don't think you will have enough time to listen to the heartbeat before you're dead.I dunno, last time I checked (which was a while ago) the heartbeat thing did work quite well, the closer you got, the louder it was, but you could still hear it from a good distance away. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 345 Posted May 29, 2013 Source?My friends told me about it being in the DayZ mod right now. The thing is, I don't think it's in vanilla ArmA in any way (except maybe sound effects or something), so if Dean wanted it in the mod and it's STILL there (they say it's been in a while), it's very unlikely it's not going to be in the standalone.This is why I say probably, because it is his decision and sometimes people don't do what you'd expect, or they'll find a new way, ect ect. It's a possibility not worth ruling out, to state it that way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
person915 345 Posted May 29, 2013 (edited) I doubt this will change many peoples behavior in the game, bandits will be bandits at the end of the day, and by the time you're close enough to see the claret chances are they've already shot you in the face.The problem with the humanity system is that its very hard to balance, if you give the game away about a persons nature too far away, it renders the system pointless, as people will happily shoot anyone who seems a bit dodgy. Too close, and see my above point.Theres no easy way to deal with this.. Good luck Rocket, old boy.Once, I was at NEAF. I shot at a guy once with my sniper, got some aggro, and then relocated. He left. He was wearing only a survivor skin and had an M4A1. So my friend shows up and loots while I cover, and about an hour or so later, I see the other survivor on the hill, in a ghille, crouched, with an M107 aimed right at the place.I was RUNNING, right behind him, and he didn't even see me. I had enough time to be freaked out, assess the situation, line up hipfire shot with my M40A3 and take it. He never even heard me, or turned at me at all.I've also snuck up on people a many before and have been close enough that I would have been able to hear the heartbeat had I known about it. Edited May 29, 2013 by McCullins Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xx_fr0st-w0lf_xx 53 Posted May 29, 2013 bandits should not be punished for being bandits, but maybe make subtle reward for being a hero, nothing to important but maybe something as a little incentive to aid people instead of filling them with lead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beck (DayZ) 1768 Posted May 29, 2013 I am definitely looking forward to the new clothing system. I liked the way they implemented the clothing changes in the mod depending on humanity, but I think this was due to the restrictions they had with the Arma 2 engine they were working with. With the freedoms they have with the standalone I'm hoping they are able to implement some really cool ways to distinguish humanity. I really like the idea of getting blood all over my clothes when I'm looting a dead body, although it doesn't exactly display MY humanity, if I'm looting a bandits body. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 271 Posted May 30, 2013 Offtopic; Rocket, in-case you don't already know about this, can you swing in the arguement ( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJTurneR 112 Posted May 30, 2013 As far as I am aware you will be able to wear whatever you want, as you can pickup different bits of clothing. If this is the case, is the Hero/Bandit system already gone anyway? Or is it going to be specific bits of clothing you can wear depending on your humanity?I think getting rid of the whole thing will help, people have their own set way of dealing with certain playstyles i.e. If they see a bandit.. Lock N' Load, etc.. If people had their own unique clothing I think people would think about the way they dealt with players more, as they won't be recognisable as a hero or bandit, it will come down more to what gear has he got, is it worth me killing that person, what benefit do I get from killing him, is that players a threat, etc..It's a better concept than "Oh look, a bandit.. Bang!" "Oh look a hero.. Bang Bang" "Oh look a fresh spawn.. Miss!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites