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I got banned for no reason please help

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Hey I got banned and I dident do anything :/ and I don't want to pay another $29 to play if some one could help me by telling me what I need to do to get unbanned it would be appreciated thank you.

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First of all, is it a Global Ban or an admin ban?

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If it's a Global Ban, contact BattlEye. If you do NOT get a "You have been kicked. (Global Ban ID #xxxxx)" message, you are not banned from all BattlEye-protected servers. Simply find another server.

If it IS a Global Ban, however..

It's extremely rare that BattlEye has banned you for nothing.

The most likely reasons you were banned are:

- You hacked

- You tried to hack but it turned out to be a key-stealer

- You downloaded an 'optimizer,' installed something with an .exe, or used some other suspicious software

- You have a virus/malware on your computer

BattlEye bans a GUID/key if it's detected using hacks. It doesn't matter if it's by you or someone else. Your key is your responsibility.

Do the most logical thing and contact BattlEye.


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Well first I would never hack...or try to download hacks. Some how I think a hacker has gotten hold of my key and I do not know how... so I will go contact battle eye right now... thank you

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