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JKing (DayZ)


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Hey guys! I have another suggestion..


I think Dogs should be added. Things they can do are:

Follow you

Attack Hostile players

Attack zombies

Find specific items

"Scout the area" for you

Sniff out food/drinks [NOT ALWAYS!!] - Find items

Have several commands

can be "tamed" with food

You also have to:

Feed them

Give them water

Heal them [Feed them or give them a dog type of morphine & Such]

Be cared

You can find them in forests and towns. [NOT FOUND IN PLAINS]

When they "Scout the area", They would go where you want them to, [up to 250 Meters away from YOU] and bark if they see a zombie(s) or players.

They would be HERE on the rarity scale

10 - Rare!



7 - Here






1 - Very Common.

They would have different breeds, and one type of breed would be made for one or two things. Such as:

Chocolate Lab - "Scouting"

German Shepard - Fighting & Finding items

Golden Retriever - Finding items

Black Lab - "Scouting" & Finding items

Rotweiler - Fighting

You can also name them! When you right click on them, it opens a menu, which shows their name, food level, water lever, and health.

I like the idea, tell me what you think in a reply down below!

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Already being worked on for DayZ...this has been suggested a long arse time ago.

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Also dually noted alot of private hives already have dogs, whether they function to full potential or not is up to your standard.

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They can also:

-get the mail

-bite the mailman

-get you sued

-get zombified

-betray you

-rip out your guts

-get in the way of your shot

-eat all your food

-drag around a really smelly corpse you've tried to get rid of but it always keeps finding it because it smells so bad and you really wish it would drop it for some soap

Edited by McCullins
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Fucking seriously? God dammit. *facepalm*

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Hello there

Don't forget many low count (and high) posters don't absorb as much info as us regulars. Cut the chap some slack and point him in the right area, that way we'll have a nice new happy member.



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Some servers already have dogs on them..............

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Some servers already have dogs on them..............

Yeah . Bad ones. (jk)

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Yeah . Bad ones. (jk)

My dog gets all the rabbits

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