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JKing (DayZ)

*Spread the word* Tweak the options for better FPS on lower spec PC's

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Hey guys! I new to DayZ, and im getting really bad framerate [FPS]

My system specs are:

Intel Core i3 @ 2.27 GHz

4 GB of DDR3 RAM

Intel HD Graphics [2000 or 3000 i forget what one]


Toshiba Satellite A665-S6050

I also get REALLY bad mouse lag, my smoothing is on 0, and i have a:

Logitech G400 Gaming mouse

It does UNBELIVEBLE on other games.

My sound is fine, considering on how i have Razer Electra's w/ 7.1 Surround sound..

But i need help.

And you are probobly wondering, Wth is this doing on the suggestions forum?

Well, it is here because i think the mod developers should tweak the performance and make better video settings, like even lower options. like very very low, or disabling things that just eat our lower class computers in game fps.

Please leave reply's for better fps on my computer, or spread the word.

Thanks! -JKing

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well, i guess asking is a way to get a guide. My pc is a bit better than yours and i still get 30-40 depending how many "action" is happening, u know. A better processor seems to do the diference

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Bahahaha I have the same setup. It's annoying when every mouse movement you make lags 1/8th of a second behind... but all is good if I'm getting 20 fps or higher.

I got 45 once when I looked at the ground!

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Your CPU is running too slow and is a little outdated for DayZ. Also it would help if you specified your graphics card. You can find it by typing 'dxdiag' into the windows bar and navigating to the 'Display' tab.

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All my PC will tell me is that is it intel HD Graphics. I am almost positive it is 2000.

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hi im pretty new to this game only played 3 month or so, you guys all talk about "your CPU/GPU sux its out dated for dayz" sorry but it is BullSh*t i have a dual core E4500 Proscessor, with a ATI RADEON HD 3650 graphic card, so if it is to do with prosessors surely my game would suck right! WRONG! i get 25-30 FPS on my PC so it cant be the prosessor sorry cos mine is SH*T! i get higher frames than people i play with and they run quad cores and i3's and i7's, @JKING look for tweaking guides on google to help pin point the exact settings for your spec to match the game, and set your resolution to match your desktop resolution and 3D graphics the same that should help as well.





All my PC will tell me is that is it intel HD Graphics. I am almost positive it is 2000. 
Start > Accessories > System Tools > System Information 
^^ that will tell you what you need to know about your PC m8
OS Name: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
Processor: Intel® Core2 Duo CPU     E4500  @ 2.20GHz, 2200 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
Installed Physical Memory: (RAM) 2.00 GB
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 3600 Series
Audio: AMD High Definition Audio Device
Edited by RAPID

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I'm sure the SA will be tweaked a little more and be optimized a little more than the mod. You should be getting better frames when it comes out.

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The CPU is really slow and it doesn't have a graphics card. That laptop is not meant for gaming, in fact I'm surprised that you haven't fried it yet.


hi im pretty new to this game only played 3 month or so, you guys all talk about "your CPU/GPU sux its out dated for dayz" sorry but it is BullSh*t i have a dual core E4500 Proscessor, with a ATI RADEON HD 3650 graphic card, so if it is to do with prosessors surely my game would suck right! WRONG! i get 25-30 FPS on my PC so it cant be the prosessor sorry cos mine is SH*T! i get higher frames than people i play with and they run quad cores and i3's and i7's, @JKING look for tweaking guides on google to help pin point the exact settings for your spec to match the game, and set your resolution to match your desktop resolution and 3D graphics the same that should help as well.


You have a graphics card, the OP does not. He's running on integrated graphics.


I'm sure the SA will be tweaked a little more and be optimized a little more than the mod. You should be getting better frames when it comes out.


Not playing on that machine he won't.

Edited by mZLY

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You have a graphics card, the OP does not. He's running on integrated graphics.


i know that, but people go on about CPU/GPU and to be honest my cpu is shit, but i get higher frames than most people running i3's, quads etc who i play with, by all means flush the laptop down the toilet, they are not a gaming platform, unless its some high tech alienware , but best bet would to buy a Desktop PC custom built or build it your self, and dont use on board graphics card just buy one





And you are probobly wondering, Wth is this doing on the suggestions forum?

Well, it is here because i think the mod developers should tweak the performance and make better video settings, like even lower options. like very very low, or disabling things that just eat our lower class computers in game fps.


^^ if that gone done you might aswell scrap your laptops/PC and play Tetris, very low sux for visuals, so very very low it would be like you are blind and cant see lol 

Edited by RAPID

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Needs to be moved in Support or Troubleshooting section. Everyone knows Arma is poorly optimized, no news here. Having everyone posting their exact setup down to their peripherals in the Suggestions' section and asking for tweaking advice on their specific setup is going to turn said section into a bigger mess than it already is.

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As several people have stated all the tweaks in the world are not going to help you. Slow cpu and no gpu im surprised the loading screen loads.

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People...save a bit of money to get a decent rig. You can't expect the developers to make a game from 2013 run on a computer from 1999...

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