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Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

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So what would you like to see being added to the crafting system.


Input ()

Output ()

Tools ()

FailChance 0.00 to 1.0 //0 is always sucess.

Enchantments = If it add to something example blood

ActionType = What kind of action example patterns/blueprints/recipe's You must add an action Type.


Input (fish, Chips)

Output (Fish N Chips)

Tools (Cooker Or Match's)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = 1200 Blood Gain

ActionType = recipe

May as well give you guys a chance to get some ideas added while where in the middle of doing all the patterns/blueprints/recipe's.

Make one per post this will allow others to give beans on good ideas :-)

OrLoK Says: Please use http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/135974-crafting-discussion-only/ to discuss and argue on your ideas and suggestions. Please keep this thread free of chad/opinion. L

Edited by orlok
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Input (Satchel Charge, Radio, Empty bottels, Scrap metal, Tin cans)

Output (Improvised explosive device - IED)

Tools (Toolbox, Duct tape)

Chance: 0,5

Enchantments = Chance to blow your self when crafting.

ActionType = Boom

Edited by latz
Updated to failChance
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Input (fuel, empty glass bottle, rag)

Output (molotov)

Tools (matches/zippo)

FailChance 0.05

Enchantments = negative humanity (500)

ActionType = recipe/explosion

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Input Metal Pole + Machete
Output Spear
Tools Toolbox
Chance 100%
Enchantments = Melee weapon
ActionType = Primary weapon?

Can anyone say 'Let's pretend to be Macgyver"?

Looks like Rocket took appreciation to this idea! (Video will automatically send you to the portion of the video) Edited by TIC321
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Input (grenade, string)

Output (trip wire)

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0.05

Enchantments = negative humanity (1500)

ActionType = none


Input: pile of wood (x3) scrap metal

output: barricade

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0.05

Enchantments = none

ActionType = immovable object unless equipped with toolbox


Edited by Inception.
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Input (Wood Sticks, clothing/bandage)

Output (Splint)

Tools ()

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Fixes broken leg after a while.

ActionType = None

Input (Long stick, String)

Output (Fishing pole)

Tools (Toolbox)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Able to catch fish from lakes.

ActionType = Primary weapon

Edited by voddler
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input (1x steel tube + 3 scrap metal + 1x wire + 1 thick steel plate + grenades/ HE 203/ smoke + 5 scrap wood )

Output (mortar pit)

Tools (toolbox + entrenching tool/shovel + explosive blueprints)

FailChance 0.04

Enchantments = Longer range attacks on set areas, cover from fire. Negative Humanity for kills!

ActionType =stationary mortar pit. Unmovable once put down.

Edited by Box
Font colour fix.
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Reserved for my setup

Input (Metal pole, 3 torches)

Output (Search light)

Tools (Tape ;) )

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Allows a searchlight to be placed facing in 1 direction.

ActionType = None

Edited by Guest

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Input (tin can, grenade/satchel, razer blades)

Output (IED,Claymore (big IED if satchel))

Tools (Toolbox)

FailChance 0.15

Enchantments =

ActionType = booby trap

can be combined with trip wire ^^^ above for a claymore

Edited by beatSTV
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Phew...spot on the front page...this is going to get some use!

Weapon torch/headlamp

Input (torch, duct tape)

Output (headlamp or weapon flashlight)

Tools (duct tape)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = Passive headlamp for free hands, weapon flashlight for all guns

ActionType = None

1 x Spear

Input (hunting knife, wood pile)

Output (sharpended wood spear)

Tools (hunting knife)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = Close quater throwing weapon that can be retreived, repeat stab weapon, degrades with use

ActionType = weapon

1 x Improved Spear

Input (hunting knife, wood pile, duct tape)

Output (sharpended spear with knife end for increased damage/range)

Tools (hunting knife, duct tape)

FailChance 0.00

Enchantments = Close quater throwing weapon that can be retreived, repeat stab weapon, no degredation with use

ActionType = weapon

Edited by Trizzo
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Create new posts for each one :-) it will allow ppl to give beans for the favorite ideas :-)

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Input (Camo suit, Pine leaves)

Output (Guilli suit)

Tools (Knife, Needle, Thread)

Chance: 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType = None

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Input (Fishing Net, Pine leaves, Rope, Metal bars)

Output (Camouflage net)

Tools (Knife, Needle, Thread)

Chance: 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType = None

Edited by latz
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Input (Camo suit x 3, Raincoat, Rope, Metal bars)

Output (Tent)

Tools (Knife, Needle, Thread)

Chance: 0

Enchantments = None

ActionType = None

Edited by latz
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Sorry there R4ZOR, I acted pretty immature there!

Input (Peace of papers, paperclip)

Output (Diary)

Tools (none)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Makes it able to write things in the diary with a pencil you've found

ActionType = none

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  On 5/17/2013 at 8:05 AM, voddler said:

Sorry there R4ZOR, I acted pretty immature there!

Input (Peace of papers, paperclip)

Output (Diary)

Tools (none)

FailChance 0

Enchantments = Makes it able to write things in the diary with a pencil you've found

ActionType = none

Cool stuff...writting down grid references, leave both fake and real entries as you please...a list of people killed etc...etc...

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input (2x Wood + 2 bandage)

Output (wooden splint)

Tools (n/a)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = fix a broken leg allow player to walk

ActionType = alternative to morphine.

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input (1x Wood + 1 wooden arrow + 1x toilet paper + 1 x shotgun shells)

Output (incendiary arrows)

Tools (hunting knife)

FailChance 0.03

Enchantments = set fire to people/objects, illumination at night etc.

ActionType = burn, kill, damage, destroy and illuminate !

Edited by Box

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input (2x camo clothes/plastic sheet + 4x steel tubes + 2x string)

Output (dome tent)

Tools (toolbox + Staple gun)

FailChance 0.02

Enchantments = ability to store more items than old camping tent

ActionType = improved storage tent. Allows tent construction and saves relying on looting rare tents.

Edited by Box
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input (2x wire + 1 grenade + 1 wood)

Output (tripwire explosive)

Tools (toolbox + explosive blueprint)

FailChance 0.04

Enchantments = defend areas or bases, kill attacking players, trap animals

ActionType = explosive booby trap.

Edited by Box
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input (5x woodpile + scrap metal + string + nails)

Output (ladder)

Tools (toolbox / hammer?)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = na

ActionType = movable ladder to get access to various rooftops and inaccessible areas

Edited by Box
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input (1x camo net + 1xwood + 1x wire)

Output (camo netting)

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = na

ActionType = un-movable camo net cover for vehicles

Edited by Box
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input (15x sandbag packs + 8x wood + 5x scrap metal + 2xrope)

Output (large bunker)

Tools (toolbox, shovel/entrenching tool)

FailChance 0.03

Enchantments = heavy cover

ActionType = un-movable large bunker. Base building/ambushes etc

Edited by Box
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input (5x woodpile + 4xemptyjerrycans + 2x string + 1x cloth/civilian clothes)

Output (raft)

Tools (toolbox)

FailChance 0.02

Enchantments = ability to get to islands off coast, alternative to a boat

ActionType = small 2 man raft

Edited by Box
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input (2x woodpile + 1x wire/string + 1x wooden arrow )

Output (longbow)

Tools (toolbox + hunting knife)

FailChance 0.01

Enchantments = loner range than crossbow, ability to launch ranged attacks and "bombardments"/mortar style attacks with arrows

ActionType = a strong mele weapon offering longer range arrows

Edited by Box
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