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Winchester vs Lee-Enfield

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The quintessential rifles of DayZ, the Winchester and the "Dinner Bell" (well, once upon a time it was).



Not too important.

Winchester: 1.70

Lee-Enfield: 1.61


The Winchester can fire a shot every second, the Enfield can fire a shot every two seconds. Theoretically a Winchester-equipped player could fire three shots while in the same period of time an Enfield-armed player could only fire one. The Winchester also has a 15 round magazine compared to the Enfield's 10.



9/10 standing

8/10 prone


6/10 standing

5/10 prone

Both these rifles take a while to chamber a new round, so recoil isn't a big issue with either.



The Enfield has pretty good sights. The front blade is a bit thicker than some others, but the rifle is very accurate and long range hits are fairly easy. Visibility of bullet impacts is a bit less than the M4 and M16 aperture sights, but visibility of the surrounding area is much better. It's zeroed at 300 meters. Effective range out to 400 or so.


The Winchester has a pretty good sight picture, but the low zero range, low accuracy, and rainbow trajectory bring down the "overall package". The sight is zeroed at a mere 50 meters. At longer ranges the slug will drop down and you'll have to aim high above where you actually want it to hit. I'd say the effective range is about 150 meters. It's great for close quarters, though.


Winchester: 3.0 mils

Lee-Enfield: 0.5 mils

Yikes. The Winchester has shotgun-like accuracy, which is not a good thing. On the other hand, it doesn't matter too much because you'd rarely hit anything at long range with the slow muzzle velocity and rainbow trajectory.

Winchester spread at 50, 100, and 150 meters.


The Lee-Enfield, in contrast, is almost as accurate as a DMR or a CZ550. It's twice as accurate as an M16A2 and 6 times as accurate as the poor old Winchester. That's pretty damn good. The only real limitation is the lack of optics.

Lee-Enfield spread at 100, 200, and 300 meters.



Ehhh, I've been having second thoughts about damage lately: http://dayzmod.com/f...8-blood-damage/

Nevertheless, here are the "accepted" damage values.


000m 6722

100m 6257

200m 5824

300m 5420

400m 5045


000m 8910

050m 6894

100m 5335

200m 3194

(going by my hunch about damage the Winchester would do ~8300 and the Enfield ~6700, both numbers +/- ~400)

The Lee-Enfield is quite a powerful beginner weapon, and this power gives one a compelling reason to stick with an Enfield over, say, an M4 or an AK-74. It can knock out players in one shot, and usually kills them in two. It also retains its velocity very well over range.

At very short ranges, the Winchester is a real powerhouse. Within 50 meters, it's more powerful than an Enfield and will chew players up. However, the slugs lose velocity extremely quickly, and at long ranges this weapon becomes relatively weak. Still, this weapon is typically only used at close ranges, so damage shouldn't be a problem.

Graph showing how the Winchester's damage

drops off extremely quickly compared to the




The Lee-Enfield is louder. 9RQsQS8.gif


Winchester 1866

Residential 0.4 %

Farm 1.5%

Supermarket 0.6%


Residential 2.4%

Farm 2%

Supermarket 0.6%


Winchester and Lee-Enfield magazines spawn pretty much anywhere you can find common "generic" loot. Lee-Enfield magazines are twice as likely to be found compared to Winchester magazines.


The Winchester is the better choice for short-range fights and anti-zombie work, but the bullet drop and lack of accuracy make it terrible at longer ranges. I'll almost always take an Enfield for the long-range accuracy and power. Overall, it's a better weapon for player hunting and ammo is more common as well.

So... are you a Winchester or an Enfield fan?


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GOOOOOOOOOOOD THREAD GEWS. Darn you caps lock where are you.

Edited by The reloader.

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Wow, you have been doing your research :)

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I prefer a Mossin Sangat

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Very nice. I have always considered the Winnie a zombie killer, the Enfield a player killer.

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I've always been a fan of the Winchester, something about that fire rate makes it more usable in the closer ranges of the cities.

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You sir, just got some of my beans for this incredible and accurate research!

Just one thing Gews: For me the most interesting thing would have been the noise comparison. Maybe you can specify that

chapter a little more because i think the Winchester is wwaaaaayyyy quieter then the Lee!

p.s. I looovvveee the Winny!

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noise 125 vs 162 for Z, I prefer always the Enfield. PVP for me is frequently the long range.

Edited by NoCheats
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i like the Winchester but i almost always take the Enfield because of the sights

Edited by King Tubbs

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Just one thing Gews: For me the most interesting thing would have been the noise comparison. Maybe you can specify that

chapter a little more because i think the Winchester is wwaaaaayyyy quieter then the Lee!

:P That section isn't fleshed out because I haven't checked how the audible range works. The Winchester gunshot carries up to 1000 meters for players, the Lee-Enfield up to 1500 (I'm not sure if this was officially patched, or if DayZ lowered the Enfield's noise just for zombies).

NoCheats is probably correct, 125 vs 162.

Edited by Gews
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Seriously man, you need to consolidate all these weapon threads into one and get it stickied, very informative.

If i have to choose i'll most likely go for the enfield, just love the accuracy of that thing.

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Wow, thanks for all the work, good to see some informative threads still exist here :)

Do you know something about the "fainting" system in dayz? I always had the impression that the winnie has a higher chance to let people pass out when you hit them once, but i never found any proof for this. I dont even know if the system is based on the projectile, the damage or whatever?

I like both weapons, but i would prefer the lee. As i don`t have that much time to play at the moment i like to stick to the coast line and if i cant find a cz i always have a lee in my backpack as "sniper" rifle while i try to find an assault rifle as my primary. But i like the pop pop sound of the winnie.

Edited by okami

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Solid effort Gews.

Whilst the dinnerbell does pack a punch, I'm backing the Winchester all day, every day.

It looks gnarly too.

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I won't drop a Winchester until I'm done looting the larger towns for the usual vital items and meds. 1 shot kill and quite stealthy when used indoors (against Zs anyway).

Once I'm ready to head out into the woods, I'll take the first Lee Enfield I find as I'm much more likely to see other players first and can make good use of it's range.

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Very good work, beans to you!

I prefer the L-E due to its accuracy. At close range/confined areas (e.g. in a city) I switch to a sidearm because of rate of fire, but tthe Winchester is still ideal to kill Z, as pointed out.


Edited by _Anubis_

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Ok Gews and now all sidearms! :lol: :beans:

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I prefer a Mossin Sangat

Mosin Nagant you say? Talk about an old war horse rifle. The late 1800's certainly bred some tough weapons that hurt the shooter nearly as bad as the shootee! haha

Moving on to more applicable topics: Gews, great post. Good data. I'm forever angry about the misuse of the 1866. Or the mislabeled weapon I should say. The Winchester Model 1866 is labeled in-game as a 12ga. shotgun--which it was not. The ammo model of "15 round 12ga. slugs" is wrong. It's all wrong. The 1866 wasn't even a shotgun, it was essentially one of the first western rifles. Old cowboy calibers like .44 rimfire (.44 henry), and .45gov/.45-70 etc. were the calibers it was made in (.44 rimfire being the first).

I'm making a movement to have the weapon rebranded in-game as the Winchester model 1894 chambered in .30-30 as it's one of the most popular hunting rifles in the world--and would stand to reason that it'd be a lot more common (as well as it's ammo) in a post-apocalypse scenario.

As far as your post goes, tons of great data there. Very well done--and did I mention that I like the pictures? Eye candy always makes things easier to digest ;)

Brilliant work, Cheers!


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Winchester is the first gun I ever found, but I would have to go with Lee-Enfield. Very accurate and useful for long ranges.

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I prefer a Mossin Sangat

You mean Mosin Nagant.

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The Mosin Nagant can be found in DayZ 2017 instead of the Enfield.

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I've always liked the Winnie, silent, better rate of fire, and with practice you can learn the bullet drop off. I've had PvP kills at ~200m+ before.

I defended my noob base at Krushevich in Taviana with a winnie against 2 players for 30-40 minutes before they gave up and logged.

I'll pick up a Lee if I find one before a Winnie (which I usually do, due to the significantly higher drop rate), but if I have a Lee and come across a Winnie it goes in my backpack until I find a sniper / assault rifle.

Just for fun once, I used a Lee inside a firehouse (forget what city in Taviana). I had 6 full clips, and I ran out of ammo, and zombies were still coming at me. Only when I switched to my sidearm and killed the already alerted zombies did they stop coming at me. Obviously using a Lee inside any city is a pretty bad idea, but my little experiment was the icing on the cake.

I play Taviana mostly, and inside city limits visibility is usually limited to 100-250m. The winnie is still effective at the lower end of those ranges. If I'm being engaged from 300m+ inside a city I'm either dead, or the guy missed and I'm behind cover and moving another direction. If the other person has the drop on you with a Lee / sniper, it's usually a bad idea to find cover and try to peek out and engage, even if you saw where the fire was coming from.

That being said, I've had my fair share of kills with the Lee as well, I just find the Winnie to be the all around more versatile weapon.

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