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Private servers prove that the average players don't know shit about gameplay

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DayZ the Survival game! Thats what most players convince themselves it is.

But right now, most of these private servers just completly goes against what DayZ was intended to be about.

I have played quite alot of strategy games, Company of heroes, Men of War. The majority of players in these games prefered the most retarded maps with the most retarted settings. Which also resulted in the least amount of real stratagy.

This kinda shows that the average players just don't have a clue what makes a game good. They just wanna find the easiest way to win and have all the flashy units and gear. Actual challange and stuff that forces them to think and adapt is something very few players play games for.

Same goes for DayZ, people just want what is easy. Spawn with silenced pistols, rifles, spawn with map, no night, increased heli crashes by 1000% etc..

Its as if more is always better. But its not, because this is a survival game...

On some of these private servers I almost never see any random players teaming up, there is really minimal need to scavange gear, zombies has a minimal impact on gameplay. Even the PvP sucks because it basically comes down which player is the biggest no-life camper.

I can understand if people want to try out stuff on servers like this. But i really hope the standalone tries to encourage more survival.

The customer isn't always right and many times don't understand what factors are need to make a great gameplay experiance.

(PS. Not all private servers are bad)

Edited by Evilsausage
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Wait, I thought games were about having fun?

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I really hope the Standalone will be difficult as f*ck!! No 35839^56 vehicles, no 42 choppers, no 7 barracks at balota/kamenka etc, hardly any military grade stuff, food and drink that is scarce, deseases that wipe out entire servers, something that gives your character meaning and not just your gear etc.

An authentic survival experience. Something that stays true to the starting principles of DayZ which are what I started DayZ because of, back in May. Let me just quote R a moment: "I hear what everyone is saying, and yes - its cruel and unsporting when you get killed 10 seconds into the game. But that's what this is, it is brutal, it is cruel. This is not fair. Maybe you will hate this game. Maybe you already do. It is an unforgiving environment with no structure. It is up to you to decide what to do next. DayZ was designed to be impossibly cruel, dark, and brutal. It was not designed as a game it was more of an experiment, I prefer the term "anti-game" - in other words the mechanics are not designed to be balanced, or offer a way out for different situations. These are things game designers normally take care with.It is the kind of system/environment that will sometimes make you want to punch the computer screen. But with that kind of risk, comes great emotional reward when you carry something off. So here's the challenge - just take a moment and think about what you are asking me for, with alot of these requests. Balancing, structure, rules, protection. These are what the game industry has shoved in your face for the last twenty years." posted in April 2012.

As you say there is no point to these servers IMHO but the majority of DayZ players seem to flock to them. It baffles me what new players starting DayZ now will think of the SA. At the moment I have to look under rocks to find a hacker-free server with a DayZ experience close to vanilla. They will most probably hate SA because it will be "too difficult and unforgiving". I dont know, I hope I am wrong.

Anyway end rant :P Had to get that off me.

So Dean, Matt and co please make this game challenging, dark, brutal, unforgiving etc. but at the same time rewarding and worthwhile like the mod still is sometimes.

Edited by Zarniwoop
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These players are probably not here for the DayZ experience if that's what they're into, but DayZ is what it is because people do love a challenge. With time the DayZ challenge has worn away so it's kinda lose/lose.

Either way, I think the SA will be much more survival oriented with longevity in mind, so rest easy for now.

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I can see where you're coming from. The tone of a private server depends on the owner/admin. Some do nothing at all to modify their servers. Others cater to the crowd of which you speak. Still others have gone the other way ... trying to make the experience more difficult. I've had a private server for four months. Before renting a server DayZ was a much different experience for me in that I really had no clue what happened behind the scenes so to speak, both in the game and server code and via different admin control panels. I can see someone with less control taking advantage of that newfound knowledge at the expense of their players. Of course, that is not too cool.

Truth is, it is amazingly simple and cheap to rent a server - but quite difficult to both be a fair admin and to run a server properly. Some take it to the extreme; some use their servers as money making vehicles; some like to play little dictator or use their admin panel to mess with players. I think that right now the most important thing to remember is that public DayZ servers must remain true to the original vision and must operate within a set of enforced rules and standards. I would only begin to worry when that changes.

To each their own I suppose. I certainly - as an avid player - would never "donate" to a server admin for perks that any experienced player can acquire for free from the game world. Some however must be willing to do this, as you see tons of servers that ask for donations. As for the starting gear and million vehicles, that is not for me - either as an admin or a player.

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Servers need players. Otherwise, why run a server that few to no people play on?

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I can see where you're coming from. The tone of a private server depends on the owner/admin. Some do nothing at all to modify their servers. Others cater to the crowd of which you speak. Still others have gone the other way ... trying to make the experience more difficult. I've had a private server for four months. Before renting a server DayZ was a much different experience for me in that I really had no clue what happened behind the scenes so to speak, both in the game and server code and via different admin control panels. I can see someone with less control taking advantage of that newfound knowledge at the expense of their players. Of course, that is not too cool.

Truth is, it is amazingly simple and cheap to rent a server - but quite difficult to both be a fair admin and to run a server properly. Some take it to the extreme; some use their servers as money making vehicles; some like to play little dictator or use their admin panel to mess with players. I think that right now the most important thing to remember is that public DayZ servers must remain true to the original vision and must operate within a set of enforced rules and standards. I would only begin to worry when that changes.

To each their own I suppose. I certainly - as an avid player - would never "donate" to a server admin for perks that any experienced player can acquire for free from the game world. Some however must be willing to do this, as you see tons of servers that ask for donations. As for the starting gear and million vehicles, that is not for me - either as an admin or a player.

Admins abuse their powers far too frequently on private hives. They will inform their pals of approaching enemies, hidden tents and vehicles.

Hopefully the SA will enforce a single rule set across all servers.

Edited by DontTrustPubs

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DayZ the Survival game! Thats what most players convince themselves it is.

But right now, most of these private servers just completly goes against what DayZ was intended to be about.

I have played quite alot of strategy games, Company of heroes, Men of War. The majority of players in these games prefered the most retarded maps with the most retarted settings. Which also resulted in the least amount of real stratagy.

This kinda shows that the average players just don't have a clue what makes a game good. They just wanna find the easiest way to win and have all the flashy units and gear. Actual challange and stuff that forces them to think and adapt is something very few players play games for.

Same goes for DayZ, people just want what is easy. Spawn with silenced pistols, rifles, spawn with map, no night, increased heli crashes by 1000% etc..

Its as if more is always better. But its not, because this is a survival game...

On some of these private servers I almost never see any random players teaming up, there is really minimal need to scavange gear, zombies has a minimal impact on gameplay. Even the PvP sucks because it basically comes down which player is the biggest no-life camper.

I can understand if people want to try out stuff on servers like this. But i really hope the standalone tries to encourage more survival.

The customer isn't always right and many times don't understand what factors are need to make a great gameplay experiance.

(PS. Not all private servers are bad)

I came into this thinking you were going to be bitching and moaning about something... But after reading, you've taken my thoughts on this game, and put them into a post. I agree with you 100%

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Misleading thread title... It should say that custom servers are bad or some custom servers are bad

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Also agree with the OP! If they want that experience, why not go make a DM vanilla arma server? Because thats what it's basically is, not DayZ!

It's also one thing that I absolutely adored in DayZ Redux. I thought that vanilla DayZ was tough when I first started. I played it for months, learnt the game and got bored because I was able to gear up within 5-20mins in just Cherno or Electro and run north to....basically nothing and no one. Redux however reminded me what it was like when I first started playing DayZ. You spawn with fuck all! No back pack, pretty much just a bandage, painkillers and maybe a heat pack, nothing else! All the loot was edited and adjusted to give an authentic feel, and guns like the enfield were a lot rarer and could only be found in barns. The weapons listed was adjusted so a lot of the high powered stuff was taken out, crash sites reduced, military loot reduced. Basically, it was a hell of a lot more hardcore and unforgiving! Hell even finding a vest pouch backpack (the little 6 slot thing) was a god send!! Also, PvP engagements were actual fire fights. There were a number of clans on there who'd run around with groups and come across one another, and it would be an actual fire fight in about 200 metres with tactics using AR's, rather than who sees who first and is most accurate at 700 metres with their DMR.

It's just a shame that the mod died out and the new people who go on there now, usually leave when they realise just how tough it can be. But judging by the dev blogs so far, it's looking like it's going to be tough! Lets just hope Rocket continues to move in this direction, and those who want to just DM go to Arma 3.

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It's because all the greifing/bandit videos on youtube highlighting the minute of firefights and not mentioning the three hours of buildup to it, has attracted a massive fanbase of fucking retards cod kiddies seeking instant gratification.

To put it perfectly bluntly, they don't have the attention span to play 'true' DayZ, they vastly outnumber the amount of people who actually liked the original DayZ concept, and so they get the lions share of the attention.

Thankfully, it doesn't seem as though Rocket will pander to masses and give them the mainstream, watered down, bullshit version of DayZ that is now so prevalent in the mod.

So fingers crossed for the standalone, when the source of all these shite servers will get a terribly wonderful culture shock.

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Wait, I thought games were about having fun?

This, if people want to play like this why can't they? Especially on their own servers.

Some people don;t have time to spend 4 hours looking for some beans, they just want to have a fun evenings game in a cool game, if you make the standlaone game ultra hardcore a lot of people won't play it and the game will eventually die a death.

Why can't you have on one side servers where starting loot is really low, zombies are tougher, military kit is harder to find, vehicles are very rare etc. to suit the hardcore survival players and then have the complete opposite for those that want it? The standard game should be somewhere in the middle.

Why the f*ck should we all play the way a few people want it played? A lot of people here remind me of the old battlefield forums, Mordor as some people called it who were all resistant to change and basically it was their way or no way. I will never understand this attitude of people disliking different types of gamers when modding and PC severs gives you the opportunity to cater for most tastes, yet people still moan.

Edited by tajjuk

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This, if people want to play like this why can't they? Especially on their own servers.

Some people don;t have time to spend 4 hours looking for some beans, they just want to have a fun evenings game in a cool game, if you make the standlaone game ultra hardcore a lot of people won't play it and the game will eventually die a death.

Why can't you have on one side servers where starting loot is really low, zombies are tougher, military kit is harder to find, vehicles are very rare etc. to suit the hardcore survival players and then have the complete opposite for those that want it? The standard game should be somewhere in the middle.

Why the f*ck should we all play the way a few people want it played? A lot of people here remind me of the old battlefield forums, Mordor as some people called it who were all resistant to change and basically it was their way or no way. I will never understand this attitude of people disliking different types of gamers when modding and PC severs gives you the opportunity to cater for most tastes, yet people still moan.

I get what your saying, and have been on both sides of the fence for both DayZ and many others games/ mods. But the problem we have here is that there are virtually NO servers catering to the old fashioned DayZ experience. And if they are, theres hardly anyone in them. Players are important to the experience as well and they're what makes the mod unique. Theres nothing more enjoyable than trying to survive in a hardcore environment, with a number of people either trying to do the same and team up, or risking their own lives to try and kill you to extend their survivability. Not to spawn with everything, die, spawn, die, spawn, die and repeat, warping what the game used to be about, to the opposite.

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I couldn't agree more with you, Evilsausage. I've played since last July or June and I've never killed another player. I'm interested in survival skills. I used to spend ages hunting, really loved it until this last update. Now there are zombies everywhere but ah well that's what happens when you don't own an actually game, just some ever updating mod. *quietly cries into hands*

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Thanks for the beans, seems like im not the only one that thinks this is a problem.

I have been trying out the Origins mod recently and actually managed to find a server that had very limited military loot and it had a day/night cycle. There are some more vehicles on the server, but not to a extent that everyone has one.

Actually been having some fun now even though the server doesn't have as many people on it as the crazy military loot servers.

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I'm totally on board with you EvilSausage. There are a few decent private servers out there that try and stick to the roots of the game, but otherwise its just overpowered servers. The one thing that bugs the heck out of me, is 24/7 daylight servers. Why? Why would you get rid of an element that you are not going to be able to take away in the SA? One of the main elements of the game.. Night time!!

It's almost like people haven't got the skills to be able to play pure survival DayZ, so they feel the need to overload the servers with high powered weapons and vehicles. And the arguement of not being able to see **** at night? Oh really? I never realised you couldn't see in the dark. Man up and use a torch.

Rant over.

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Hm maybe i would have agreed some months ago, but to be honest i find it refreshing to play e.g. on a chernarus server where you spawn with a sniper. Totally different playstyle when no one comes running into the towns to loot but everyone is overwatching and has to move carefully.

I had the full dayz experience for almost a year and i can have it again everytime if i choose one of the hundreds of servers with vanilla dayz. or dayz+ or dayzero or dayz 2017. But if i want to have a quick game in the dayz universe i join one of these fun-servers and mess around. Its actually very refreshing.

So maybe you should be more tolerant or even thankful that all the people you obviously dont want on "your" servers stay away and play dayz the easy way? :) It doesnt hurt you in any way.

Edited by okami
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So maybe you should be more tolerant or even thankful that all the people you obviously dont want on "your" servers stay away and play dayz the easy way? :) It doesnt hurt you in any way.

Thats the thing though, it's pretty difficult to find a server that is well.... Difficult. It's almost influenced other servers to do the same. And I'll admit, every now and then I'll jump on a pure PvP server with spawn gear and go off on one, but the closet I've come in recent months to a difficult, more about actual survival type server is the origins servers. But unfortunatly, I still find there is quite a lot of bugs to be had there.

Heck, even the PvP servers are ruined by donators who are given AS50 TWS.

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