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DayZ Standalone, Freelook, Third Person

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It should stay as it is, lots of folk can't play in fps due to motion sickness.

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It should stay as it is, lots of folk can't play in fps due to motion sickness.

Let's hope that standalone is much smoother in first person.

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Getting rid of 3rd person is fine. Getting rid of free look is on my top 15 list of stupid suggestions.

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let's just force this into a first person only game and call it day eh?

Please, no. I think I speak for the majority when I say we prefer the game's baseline systems as it is. The thing I like about 3rd person is the peripheral vision it provides for use of cover and spacial awareness that a computer monitor (even wide-screen ones) can never effectively provide in a seamless atmosphere. And frankly? I think it'd be dumb to add people walking invisibly in any place where you couldn't effectively tell if your character had line of sight -- such mechanics as part of constant movement would be incredibly laggy and ineffective in a 3D mobile environment, constantly logic-checking between an entity and ALL mobile objects and players every time you or they moved would be hell on the system. As it is now? It only has to do it when you're firing in a single line of sight~

That thing for zomboid would be retarded lag intensive in 3D space, and even if it wasn't, would be awkward when you came upon things like oddly-shaped terrain impediments such as a bent fence, or partially broken wall, or odd-angles into or out of windows, or holes in fences~

From a perspective of a programmer, that is a nightmare.

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anyone ever play Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2? it was third person over the shoulder, let you swap which shoulder you were looking over, and had a decent close up angle and adaptive camera when you were in cover.

obviously isnt perfect, because the character takes up too much space and the view angle probably isnt much better than first person. but it does show that third person can be made a little more limited without totally sucking.

skip to about 2:20 in this vid

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I have the perfect solution: let the infected see over walls and around corners as well on third person servers. There's really no argument against it. :)

Anyways; what is everyone's opinion on perspective when driving vehicles? I can understand why some would like third person when running around but being locked to first person when driving makes sense, right?

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It's OK folks. The next DayZ SA map will have no hills, no walls and no cover, taking away your need to cry about "exploits".

There's really no argument against it. :)

On the subject of vehicles. It doesn't bother me either way.

3dp won't do much to help when you're driving. In fact, your vehicle gets in the way of what's in front of you.

FPV is more comfortable. PiP rear-view mirrors will improve the whole experience.

Not everyone has the same preferences.

The one thing we have in common is everyone seems to have the same attitude towards others' preferences.

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My suggestion was always to have a dynamic camera. Such as if you approach a corner to the right of your screen, your camera shifts slightly more to the left so your character (and the corner) are further to the right until you step or lean around the corner. Visa versa for corners on the right and when proning near an obstacle, camera shifts down.

In conjunction with this, they could always make objects around or over corners/obstacles fuzzy when you're close to them. Subtle camera sways, fuzzy around-the-corner visuals would certainly help.

I certainly wouldn't play DayZ if it was first person only. It always makes me feel ill and I like seeing my character and more of my surroundings to a realistic view point. I honestly couldn't imagine playing an open world, sandbox game in first person... Euch

Edited by I.Ash

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exploiting something that everyone has access to and can use at any point. I would not play DayZ in first person, I can't run in first person even with head bob and FoV up it still makes me ill.

Then seriously you need to learn how to configure Arma 2's settings. Head bob can be completely turned off. You can increase your FOV to whatever you want.

I wouldent play dayz in third person cause it's totally unrealistic, the biggest immersion breaker in the game and its a cheat/exploit.

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I wouldent play dayz in third person
You would NEVER have to.

It's your FPV crew trying to enforce your choice onto those who play in 3dp. Not the other way round.

The answer to your problem is in your choice of server. (and don't start with the "FPV servers are empty" bullshit. If you and your likeminded FPV-only advocates played there, they wouldn't be empty)

You clearly don't understand the motion sickness issue either.

Countless times folk have stated their inability to play for extended periods of time in FPV. Do you REALLY think none of them know they can reconfigure their settings?

That whole banter stinks of ignorance, dude. Seriously.

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I use freelook all the time. Freelook is actually one of the best (and most useful) features of the game.

E: Oh right, he was talking about removing freelook from 3rd person.. I still don't like it.

Edited by Sutinen
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You would NEVER have to.

It's your FPV crew trying to enforce your choice onto those who play in 3dp. Not the other way round.

The answer to your problem is in your choice of server. (and don't start with the "FPV servers are empty" bullshit. If you and your likeminded FPV-only advocates played there, they wouldn't be empty)

You clearly don't understand the motion sickness issue either.

Countless times folk have stated their inability to play for extended periods of time in FPV. Do you REALLY think none of them know they can reconfigure their settings?

That whole banter stinks of ignorance, dude. Seriously.

Right so the whole banter stinks of ignorance and your view doesnt. Give me a break! And stop talking bs I never said fpv servers are empty.

Seriously dude take a chill pill and get over yourself!

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It's hardly unreasonable for me to defend folk when you attack them.

I can only base my opinon of your attitude on the things I read in here. And as it stands, it's not exactly flattering TBH.

I can't run in first person even with head bob and FoV up it still makes me ill.
Then seriously you need to learn how to configure Arma 2's settings. Head bob can be completely turned off. You can increase your FOV to whatever you want.

A response such as that is a perfect exaple of being totally oblivious to what someone is trying to tell you.

You think you know better, when you clearly don't. You just presume that everyone must be thick.

I'm not here to flame or fight, just trying to encourgage folks to take a less selfish view of the subject.

The "FPV servers are empty" is the anti-3dp crew's rallying cry.

If you've never used that excuse, congratulations, but if you've witnessed any of these discussions before you can't honestly blame me for anticipating it.


I have to admit, I might have jumped to conclusions about you personally, but if you jump on your high-horse regarding view configuration and the only point you can make is that in your opinion, everyone is cheating, you don't give me much else to go on.

Edited by Chabowski

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Can we stay on topic please, guys? We already have about 10,000 1st vs. 3rd person topics, and that isn't what this is about, this topic is about removing free-look from 3rd person view.

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Rocket says that 3rd person will be in the SA but also says that there will probably be the option to host a 1st person only server.

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In my opinion the third person view should stay in.

I'm not a pvp player, but in games I in generally hate it to be bound to 1st-person only. It's such a cut-down of the game experience for me, I hardly can describe it though. I love to switch the persons, can't say why. Maybe I agree that 3rd person combat should be more dfficult, but it already is. As I quite often run into Zeds while in 3rd person, I can clearly say that shots fired in that view already tent to spread very wide. So making an aimed shot in 3rd person already is nearly impossible, forget it completely if you move. It's just for self defence in a very close encounter.

So the entire issue with the 3rd person probably is that some folks excessively use it in a pvp situation for spotting around corners, which can be an unfair advantage to times. If it comes to fight, they are switching to 1st person.

I'm pretty clueless what to do about it but I'm certain, I will not enjoy the game if the 3rd person view will be removed or if you are not longer able to look around. Hence, the bigger part of the game is travelling. Do you really want to run all the way from Cherno to the NW Airfield fixed in 1st person or without oportunity to properly look around in 3rd person? I won't, it would be an incredible pain in the ass.

So maybe we could counter the advantage of 3rd person PvP peeker in another way, without ruining the game for other player, who don't use it for combat only, who need it to enjoy the game? I'm all for this. But the question is: how?

Maybe we could tweak it ab bit with the humanity value. I mean, excessive PvP player usually have a humanity value which tends to be on a lower end. --> Maybe we can handicap their 3rd person experience a bit - as being part of the greater challenge they seek for?

Don't get me wrong, it is not about punishing, but I read a lot of post where people explain that they decided to go for banditry because they are looking for a greater challenge. So why not fixing their 3rd person view // disabling the ability to free look?

Edited by Ken Bean

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This topic isn't about removing third-person, it's about removing free look while in third-person (therefore nerfing the ability to look around corners and over walls a bit).

Back on topic, please!

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This topic isn't about removing third-person, it's about removing free look while in third-person (therefore nerfing the ability to look around corners and over walls a bit).

Back on topic, please!

I only see that third person view being fair in third person shooters.

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This topic isn't about removing third-person, it's about removing free look while in third-person (therefore nerfing the ability to look around corners and over walls a bit).

Back on topic, please!

I meant 3rd person view or free look, I edited it in, last sentence. ;D

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Like I said before, 3dp was included as a "substitute-sense" to give players awareness of their own body and their positioning in relation to the environment.

Removing the free-look ability would be defeating the purpose for which it was included in the first place.

That being said, I would be happy enough if 3dp showed only your own character and the surroundings, without showing other players, zeds, animals, loot, vehicles etc.

That's just my take on the subject.

I KNOW that other folk don't agree with me on this, which is precisely why I don't keep suggesting it over and over and over and over and over.....

(Hint hint ;))

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I do greatly agree with the downside TPV produces, but the only problem I have with FPV is that you just don't have the spacial awareness that you would realistically have, the third person view allows you to have a more realistic FOV and better/more realistic spacial awareness.

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First person has a more intense atmosphere and freelook is okay ther.

I still play 3rd person because it's OP, more mainly because of freelook.

I really support your idea to remove the freelook.

Edited by Pawlzz

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I don't understand why people want to limit gameplay.

I <3 third person view, but I don't go around saying we should make the game third person only, even though I rarely use first person view unless I'm using a scope or iron sights.

I like looking at my character. I like the extra awareness third person view offers.

I'm fine with there being a server controlled option for 1st person only. I'm fine with OPTIONS. I'll just never play on those servers, like the MAJORITY of dayz players playing now.

But to limit the game inherently for everyone is silly, especially when you're talking about removing a feature that the majority of the people playing want in the game. If that wasn't the case then 1st person only servers wouldn't be the ghost town that they are.

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