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DayZ Standalone, Freelook, Third Person

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Yep, some freedom and variety of game play offers way more fun.

I also don't get why some consider the first person view as being so much more immersive. Immersion goes way beyond the first or third person view discussion. A game is immersive as long as the whole gameplay, world feedback, NPCs, graphics, sounds, physics, game logic, atmosphere etc truely deliver a very believable universe. The game universe can be entirely different from ours but it must be compelling and convincing. I played many 1st person titles which where not immersive at all.

First person in DayZ to me allways feels like wearing blinkers. Not fun at all, but good in combat while you are closely focusing on your target anyway. But running from Cherno to the airfilds just would be a pita.

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How does this post even get beans? Free look is what makes arma 2 realistic, its very useful and a lot more pleasant then twitching and turning all the time just to see whats happening. Every time I play another game I find myself pressing alt and going like: wut? why isnt it?..... aaah too much DayZ :)

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I don't understand why people want to limit gameplay.

I <3 third person view, but I don't go around saying we should make the game third person only, even though I rarely use first person view unless I'm using a scope or iron sights.

I like looking at my character. I like the extra awareness third person view offers.

I'm fine with there being a server controlled option for 1st person only. I'm fine with OPTIONS. I'll just never play on those servers, like the MAJORITY of dayz players playing now.

But to limit the game inherently for everyone is silly, especially when you're talking about removing a feature that the majority of the people playing want in the game. If that wasn't the case then 1st person only servers wouldn't be the ghost town that they are.

At the contrary, we want to make it more interesting, it's not a limitation of the game, more like a limitation of senses, it's like saying all RTS games should remove the fog of war because it's "limiting" the game.

Also making games has never been about catering to the majority, most of the time the majority doesn't really realise how important some features are to a game.

Let game designers design games.

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First off I am a game dev student. 2nd I agree, let the game designers design games. You know what feature the game designers who made this game chose to include? third person camera view. so yeah, when you are trying to remove a feature that the game devs intentionally included you are limiting the gameplay. personally if third person view isnt included I wont even consider buying the standalone.

Btw removing third person view is not a "feature." Its the antithesis of a feature. Your comparison to rts fog of war is appkes and oranges friend.

again I dont understand why you just cant be happy with the OPTION of enabling 1st person only servers, rather than ruining the game for the obvious hordes of people that would not be happy with that change, as is evident by the current popularity of 1st person servers, or lack there of.

Its kind of a "to each his own" type of thing, but you want to take that and instead say "no only my way"

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At the contrary, we want to make it more interesting, it's not a limitation of the game, more like a limitation of senses, it's like saying all RTS games should remove the fog of war because it's "limiting" the game.

Also making games has never been about catering to the majority, most of the time the majority doesn't really realise how important some features are to a game.

Let game designers design games.

It's not really making it more interesting. And of course, you're right; there is a point in which even a democratic opinion is obsolete solely on the fact that someone HAS to do something that not everyone agrees with.

It's not an essential feature that is an absolute requirement to play the game, but the general consensus of players seems to be that it's fun. Also, in many RTS-games, it is an option to have fog of war. Forcing first-person on a character is not a simple; 'yes' or 'no' debate, the devs would have to think it over quite a lot.

As long as it's optional, I'm all for it. Just my two cents.

But who am I to decide what we should do, I agree with you;

Let game designers design games.

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