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jona (DayZ)

Realistic hunting in Dayz inspired by thehunter 2013

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Hi just recently started playing this game called The Hunter and it is by far the best hunting experience I've had out of any game just think it would be awesome if Dayz did this style hunting and not the crap from Red dead redemption and Farcry3. Here's a Link to the official trailer of this game to give you an idea of the style of hunting I am suggesting.

Some Entertaining game play

Edited by jona
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I cant help but 100% agree with in depth hunting in dayz. Lootable game calls would be a great add to.

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Yup. I don't think we'd ever see it taken this far but I'd love to see some proper hunting involved in DayZ. I'm pretty sure in the future it'll be much more important and realistic than it is now, the more they put into it the better as far as I'm concerned.


I could open a butchers.

Edit - That game looks really good, I may have a looksie. Anyone tried it yet?

Edited by Fraggle
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Yup. I don't think we'd ever see it taken this far but I'd love to see some proper hunting involved in DayZ. I'm pretty sure in the future it'll be much more important and realistic than it is now, the more they put into it the better as far as I'm concerned.


I could open a butchers.

What would be the currency?

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What would be the currency?

There is only one way to buy meat from fraggle

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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What would be the currency?

Ammo and "favours".

I just looked and it looks like the Hunter is free! Gonna download now.

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Ammo and "favours".

I just looked and it looks like the Hunter is free! Gonna download now.


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Good thing.

I would like to see a non military rangefinder

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Yup. I don't think we'd ever see it taken this far but I'd love to see some proper hunting involved in DayZ. I'm pretty sure in the future it'll be much more important and realistic than it is now, the more they put into it the better as far as I'm concerned.


I could open a butchers.

Edit - That game looks really good, I may have a looksie. Anyone tried it yet?

Yeah, Rocket has briefly talked about improving hunting in SA. Like you said I highly doubt it'll ever be taken as far as this hunting game but it will surely be improved on.

I'd like to actually have some challenge when it came to hunting animals. The animals are border line retarded as it is right now.

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Yeah, Rocket has briefly talked about improving hunting in SA. Like you said I highly doubt it'll ever be taken as far as this hunting game but it will surely be improved on.

I'd like to actually have some challenge when it came to hunting animals. The animals are border line retarded as it is right now.

I think the animals suck now because they were only ever really supposed to be background extras in a warzone, in Arma you never really pay them much attention. I think one of the recent devblogs said something about making the new animations for deer so it looks promising. As I understand it Rocket wants the survival aspect of DayZ to be the main driving force, if the hunting turns out to be good fun, fairly realistic, require skill and help you survive then it'd add loads of interest to the game and give you a hell of a lot more to do.

Edited by Fraggle
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This sounds random but this style of hunting would fit Dayz like a jigsaw you can track poo on thehunter2013 and there's gona be poo in Dayz so you can track animals and humans =D

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This sounds random but this style of hunting would fit Dayz like a jigsaw you can track poo on thehunter2013 and there's gona be poo in Dayz so you can track animals and humans =D

Doubt that. I'll shet in empty cans and store them in super markets. ;D

Edited by Ken Bean
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Edit - That game looks really good, I may have a looksie. Anyone tried it yet?

Saw an article about it on PC gamer a while back. It's F2P.

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I just hope that meat will spoil over time, so players don't stockpile meat.

It should progress to different 'states', depending on how you store it, each with its own chance of making you ill.

Edited by Very Ape
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Hi just recently started playing this game called The Hunter and it is by far the best hunting experience I've had out of any game just think it would be awesome if Dayz did this style hunting and not the crap from Red dead redemption and Farcry3. Here's a Link to the official trailer of this game to give you an idea of the style of hunting I am suggesting.

Some Entertaining game play

Hey, i play this game sins July 4 and i stopped playing it, but when i watched Robbaz his video i started playing again and bought membership etc etc. But the landscape looks a little bit like in DayZ(ArmA 2) but just no.. it wont be as beautiful as it comes to ArmA 2. just keep arma as the way it is :D BTW what is your name in TheHunter? my name is wildhunterman *awkward name i know*

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I just hope that meat will spoil over time, so players don't stockpile meat.

It should progress to different 'states', depending on how you store it, each with its own chance of making you ill.

Agreed, maybe using salt to preserve it would be cool to:

Boil seawater - get salt - salt meat - SHAZZAM! Your meat lasts longer.

Edited by Fraggle

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Hey, i play this game sins July 4 and i stopped playing it, but when i watched Robbaz his video i started playing again and bought membership etc etc. But the landscape looks a little bit like in DayZ(ArmA 2) but just no.. it wont be as beautiful as it comes to ArmA 2. just keep arma as the way it is :D BTW what is your name in TheHunter? my name is wildhunterman *awkward name i know*

My name in that game is jonamelon ive neva brought membership tho, got angry and kept finding new trails instead of finding clues for the original 1 so shot all my bullets in the air lol so i cant kill anything anymore unless i buy gems or memz =( might get memz tho when online comes out

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All we really need is animals that actively try not to get killed. The average forest runner should hardly ever see an animal because they would hear and see him way before he does and run away.

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An old suggestion but a good one. Wild animals should act like wild animals and domestic animals should be much harder to find.

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Ammo and "favours".

I just looked and it looks like the Hunter is free! Gonna download now.



The last version was "Free" to download...then buy the maps, gear etc you had to pay for... the entire thing is micotransactions!

Maybe it's changed...but i doubt it

Edited by Trizzo
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