Sakka 28 Posted April 24, 2013 I agree with the guy abov about just having to wait and see. There have been countless games/movies/tv shows that seemed perfect for me but then the actual final product is not what you had imagined and it lets you down. At the end of the day we can't speculate on how the game is going to do until it is out and we are playing the real thing. We all remember Diablo 3 right. Game seemed so promising...but then it barely delivered the goods and the launch was a clusterf@ck! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted April 25, 2013 People never read the post do they? (also try to be original the whole "seems legit" comment has been used so much. Also the fact that right now it is out and DayZ: SA is not so yes actually ACM is currently greater than SA simply because you can play it (barely but you get my point, hopefully, so yes it actually is legit but not what i meant to say).I used ACM as a reason as to why i don't trust games to be awesome until they are released and seen for real. Its not the only game to have let me down too.I never said that you said it would be bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grey Warden 90 Posted April 25, 2013 (edited) Sorry then as i must have misundertsood what > means (greater then). As you wrote:Aliens: Clonial Marines > DayZ: SAImplying i thought ACM was going to be better than DayZ: SA which if you have played that game you know that would mean that any game considered worse must be an abomination against nature. Edited April 25, 2013 by Grey Warden Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SilverBulleT (DayZ) 3 Posted April 25, 2013 (edited) My hope is that SA will be more survival focused. Tougher zombies, more ways to get sick and injured, and more co operation needed to repair/build/heal.I'm excited about the crafting aspect and the potential trading economy that will arise.I hope to god that vehicles are not as fragile! Sick of spending hours getting an Atv up too all green status then bump a tree at 5kph and EVERYTHING gets damaged.Only been playing for 3-4 weeks, but this is basically my hope as well.When I first started playing I envisioned servers where everyone was working together to repair vehicles (which were hard to find), make bases, survive, etc. Then when I approached the first group I saw after about 45 minutes of playing (unarmed I might add) -- I took an axe to the chest.Now that I've played for about a month I understand why that happened. It's hard to trust people - mainly because the PvE environment offers little to no challenge once you figure out the horrible zombie AI, so people turn to PvP for something to do.(not that I mind PvP now that I've got the game figured out -- it's just survival is pretty basic once you've played for a day or two)I don't mind some of the server side mods (custom loadouts, etc), but it's tough to find a reasonable balance on a populated server. I've found a server that has some basic starting gear (revolver with 2 clips, flashlight, etc) that is fairly populated (20-30 people at peak), so I don't mind it.However, in my short experience, I have the feeling that the majority (more than 50%) of the people that play on custom loadout maps with 1000+ vechicles and "always day", wouldn't survive more than 30 minutes at night with basic / no starting gear.If the SA is geared towards a "true" survival experience, then I think "always day" should be out of the question for any server side mods, and you should only be able to join servers in your own timezone/continent to prevent people from joining servers 12 time zones away just to play in daylight. I realize there's ways to get around this, but I think people miss out on the survival experience of playing at night. Edited April 25, 2013 by SilverBulleT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
exomonkeyman 103 Posted April 25, 2013 LOL.1 No vote :P Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sausagekingofchicago 4711 Posted April 25, 2013 I think a "maybe" option for the poll would have been appropriate.Depends. There are plenty of wrong turns they could take. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Talibambi 119 Posted April 25, 2013 (edited) I want the game to be brutal. I want bandits to rob people out of necessity rather than because they are douchebags. I want Dayz2017 levels of item spawnage. Edited April 25, 2013 by Talibambi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Death_Dealer 3155 Posted April 25, 2013 This is what DayZ living should be like. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted April 26, 2013 Sorry then as i must have misundertsood what > means (greater then). As you wrote:Aliens: Clonial Marines > DayZ: SAImplying i thought ACM was going to be better than DayZ: SA which if you have played that game you know that would mean that any game considered worse must be an abomination against nature.> = EqualsI think a "maybe" option for the poll would have been appropriate.Depends. There are plenty of wrong turns they could take.Done. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grey Warden 90 Posted April 26, 2013 wtf you talking about? > does not mean equal go back to school. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 23 Posted April 26, 2013 The way the game looks is a little concerning, I think it looks a little too cartoony. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bubbajones 238 Posted April 26, 2013 you forgot option #4: "Pickles...yes, Pickles!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted April 27, 2013 wtf you talking about? > does not mean equal go back to school.Aliens: Colonal Marines >(is completely equal and comparable to) DayZ: SA. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DirtySpartan 5 Posted April 27, 2013 I just hope I'll be able to upgrade my pc as to make it playable before it's released. I still got 350 hours on DayZ with an average fps of 25 no matter what settings I set it to. I'd really like to enjoy the view and actually stand a chance in shootouts in towns. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AfterShave 140 Posted April 27, 2013 Aliens: Colonal Marines >(is completely equal and comparable to) DayZ: SA.An obvious mathematical prodigy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 48 Posted April 27, 2013 There isn't a whole bunch of information out on SA. Sure there is stuff but not as much as I would like. But from what I get from it, is that the game plans to cater to the more survivalist minded players. Findiing ways to stay fed, watered, and in good health. As it stands now, many players of DayZ are in it for the PvP aspect. Only surviving by killing those who had already done the work to actuly surevive. Looting thier bodies for beans and soda before capping some one else.Already you see post of players complaining that they wont be able to use thier favorate weapon. Which shows that PvP is on the mind. Don't get me wrong. One thing I love most about the game, is that I have to constantly look over my shoulder in fear of getting shot for my beans. I leave carebear servers quickly becuase with out the feeling of being shot at any moment takes away something compelliing about the game. I think many of the players who don't like the direction of the game are feeling they wont be able to run around with a bad ass weapon CoD style. I am excited that the game has implemented weapons that can be modified to better cator to the players playing style. My playing style focuses more around the Current M16 ACOG. That mid range combat zone.One thing I hope to see is that an Endurence "meter" is added. Only said meter becuase I can't think of a correct term. But something that takes the amount of weight you are carring in gear into considerations as you move around. Movement speed and the distance at which you can move is also effected. It would force you to decide real fast if the largest backpack in the game is worth actuly carying. 45 pounds for body armor, 10ish pounds for a weapon. 10ish pounds for about 300 rounds (10 mags). And then a ruck that can weigh up to 120 pounds. I'll tell you now. Fuck you, I aint doing it. Sure, picking the shit up and looking pretty is easy. Try running with that for a few miles. Better yet, get down on the ground after moviing that far and then trying to get back up with that kind of weight.Any ways, I am excited to see what is implemented into the game. And I am looking forward to the more survivale orientated game play. My game play style would be more of a woodland survivore. One who has a territory that I know real well. Shooting from a well hidden place from range and moving with as light as load as possible. Every try putting cans of beans into a back pack and seeing how heavy it gets? I suggest your try it. Just be careful you might rip the shoulder straps from the bag on picking it up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hal-9000 8 Posted April 28, 2013 Brutal zeds. Hardcore survival. No custom loadouts. No daylight only servers. No side chat. Total immersion. Rare resources, food should be more important than a bazooka. If you still want a bazooka, experience frustration running around with it. This is not a cross country simulation. Found somewhere safe? Stick with it! We should be AFRAID to wander around, only as a desperate last attempt to gather food/medication. Team play oriented.To hell with CoD players, I have no sympathy to them and hope Rocket stay true to DayZ's original philosophy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sutinen 635 Posted April 28, 2013 Clothing, weapons and items are "entities" (Attachments, inventory slots, crafting etc.), brand new weapons, brand new animations, brand new zombies, improved map, bug fixes, less clunkiness.What's not to like? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DayzForumer 284 Posted April 30, 2013 Brand new everything, to be honest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites