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SA DAYZ Prison Yes or No

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When I read the title I thought it'll be a stupid idea that if you were a bandit you went to prison xD

Anyway I like this idea, beans for you.

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I don't know... a Gulag in the middle of nowhere would suit a post soviet state more than a western style prison.

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I don't know... a Gulag in the middle of nowhere would suit a post soviet state more than a western style prison.

yeah a good point

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I don't know... a Gulag in the middle of nowhere would suit a post soviet state more than a western style prison.

the same thing I said before... Brofist :3

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It would be cool but it should be one of those places you can go to and upon doing certain things it will classify it as a Non-Zombie spawn but you get random Zed Assualts where people have to defend it or the place goes back to Super Zed land (Electric Fences and stuff people?

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It would be cool but it should be one of those places you can go to and upon doing certain things it will classify it as a Non-Zombie spawn but you get random Zed Assualts where people have to defend it or the place goes back to Super Zed land (Electric Fences and stuff people?

Electric Fences, where is the power coming from ?

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I would love to see prisoners (A certain allocation of new spawns) start their game here, Perhaps an open cell door near the spawn start? It would be similar to how 28 days later started, player wakes, unsure as to why and where they are.........

It would offer the RPG'ers something to get off the ground with, Imagine.........

Wakes up in cell, just opened by mysterious means (Perhaps a loot spawn of a crowbar just near enough to pick up), finds loot to escape with while combating vicious zombie hoardes. Prisoner then chooses path of playing (Non scripted), live like the old ways or lead a good life via Bandit or Hero. Escaping prison located in an Isolated location (Utes or Island?) Get to mainland by any means and survive the Apocalypse!

Prison guards could also play a pivotal role, do they forgive and forget or are they driven by old honours? I can see players being split via good and bad or being able to add to the community, regulators and gangs would offer players more than just zombie slaying (As exsist on many servers)

Loot could be basic items unless found on bodies and remains, most hi grade stuff would be low spawned rates to simulate players taking the best stuff and leaving the Island.

Rocket always said he would offer us the tools as opposed to directing gameplay, the above Prison mechanic would offer players a means to live a virtual life and express personal taste and gameplay methods.

How simple would this be? build a prison complex in an isolated location and add a few spawn points. It would break the element of players going for high grade loot as soon as they spawn on Chernarus.

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25
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I would love to see prisoners (A certain allocation of new spawns) start their game here, Perhaps an open cell door near the spawn start? It would be similar to how 28 days later started, player wakes, unsure as to why and where they are.........

It would offer the RPG'ers something to get off the ground with, Imagine.........

Wakes up in cell, just opened by mysterious means (Perhaps a loot spawn of a crowbar just near enough to pick up), finds loot to escape with while combating vicious zombie hoardes. Prisoner then chooses path of playing (Non scripted), live like the old ways or lead a good life via Bandit or Hero. Escaping prison located in an Isolated location (Utes or Island?) Get to mainland by any means and survive the Apocalypse!

Prison guards could also play a pivotal role, do they forgive and forget or are they driven by old honours? I can see players being split via good and bad or being able to add to the community, regulators and gangs would offer players more than just zombie slaying (As exsist on many servers)

Loot could be basic items unless found on bodies and remains, most hi grade stuff would be low spawned rates to simulate players taking the best stuff and leaving the Island.

Rocket always said he would offer us the tools as opposed to directing gameplay, the above Prison mechanic would offer players a means to live a virtual life and express personal taste and gameplay methods.

How simple would this be? build a prison complex in an isolated location and add a few spawn points. It would break the element of players going for high grade loot as soon as they spawn on Chernarus.

You just wrote a great back story , very impressive

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I think a prison would need its own island just like alcatraz, also it would need a sweet name just like alcatraz.

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I would love to see a Gulag on Utes Island. It would be the perfect location for one. Chernarus is rather rural so there would be many prying eyes around. The waters around Chernarus a cold so escape the Gulag would be tough.

I think It would be really cool to spawn in a cell. Rocket said he doesn't want to make the story you by saying "you are a police man" or "you are a hunter". but spawning in a cell would not create a story for the player. It would still be "your story". Gulag spawn should be exceedingly rare. Even rarer would be spawning in a LOCKED cell. It would be a puzzle to escape. Some people wouldn't want puzzles in their DayZ so maybe you could disable spawning in locked cells in the options.

The puzzle could be very complicated and it would be similar to a dungeon crawler for a bit. Would you people like that?

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I really like the idea of there being a chance of spawning in a cell, not a locked one requiring a puzzle to get out though, would get a bit annoying after the first couple of times.

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prison yeah why the hell not... ! any compound is fine by me.. i just want some big buildings to explore pleaaaase

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It would be cool if you could potentially lock the prison up and use it as a means of a base, and as stated above only way in from the outside would be explosives/wirecutters or something along those lines.

bring in the STALKER type feel making the game awsome-er

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I think a prison would need its own island just like alcatraz, also it would need a sweet name just like alcatraz.

Welll it doesnt have to, I think a Prison in the far reaches of the Map would be ok, with maybe a complex series of tunnels underneath

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I would say that making the cities bigger, and adding more enterable buildings should be a higher priority than adding things like prisons.

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I would say that making the cities bigger, and adding more enterable buildings should be a higher priority than adding things like prisons.

The Increase in City Sizes and all building enterable is already underway. This is the Suggestions part of the Forum and a Prison is a suggestion....you follow ?

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I really like the idea of there being a chance of spawning in a cell, not a locked one requiring a puzzle to get out though, would get a bit annoying after the first couple of times.

There could be an option to disable the chance to spawn in a locked cell so that if you don't want to solve puzzles , you don't have to.

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OK, then i suggest some Eastern Europe prison.... For example, the former prison in Tallinn, Estonia.

Built in the 19th century as sea fortress, to defend the Empire gates at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland. Later used as military barracks. And almost whole 20th century it was used as prison. IIRC, now is it a museum and there are guided tours.

Picture from the outside


view from above


And some pictures inside etc.

http://www.flickr.co...=tallinn prison

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OK, then i suggest some Eastern Europe prison.... For example, the former prison in Tallinn, Estonia.

Built in the 19th century as sea fortress, to defend the Empire gates at the mouth of the Gulf of Finland. Later used as military barracks. And almost whole 20th century it was used as prison. IIRC, now is it a museum and there are guided tours.

Picture from the outside


view from above


And some pictures inside etc.

http://www.flickr.co...=tallinn prison

yeah great find mate, love it

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Noticed in one of the Interviews at E3 with Rocket he mentioned bringing a Prison into the SA, I hope this Thread and everyones comments led him down that Path, fingers crossed

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Rocket at Gamescom has now confirmed work has started on the Prison. However Rocket gives the reason for this as the inspiration he got watching The Walking Dead Episodes relating to the Prison. Well so much for taking on Ideas from the Forums in  DAYZ Suggestions, from his comments he didnt even read this Thread. That said the fact is it's getting made is fantastic . The Prison will be on it's own Island and look like an old Chateu type Building, pretty much what Gregor proposed not a few Posts above this one. ;)


You can watch Rocket mention it here at the 4 ish Minute Mark


Edited by YZ250
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"Well so much for taking on Ideas from the Forums in  DAYZ Suggestions, from his comments he didn't even read this Thread."


"The Prison will be on it's own Island and look like an old Chateu type Building, pretty much what Gregor proposed not a few Posts above this one."


Oh rly.

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I really like the idea of there being a chance of spawning in a cell, not a locked one requiring a puzzle to get out though, would get a bit annoying after the first couple of times.

It would be funny waking up in coastal rooms and stuff giving a hint at your backstory.

If you spawned in prison it should commonly occur if your commonly a bandit.

That way they can be in the orange jumpsuit they deserve to be in.

Friendly players could more commonly spawn in the better places? Like near small farms ready to grab a common hatchet or a rarer civie hunting gun before they jump into town.

The prisoners get cell blocks of zombies running at them because they take a wrong corner but quicker access to medical supplies and non lethal guns.

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