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Why DayZ sucks, is unrealistic and needs to get fixed!

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This is my opinion and if you don't like it which I'm sure you won't i couldn't care less

That's a LOT of effort in that post given that you don't care what people think of your opinion.

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Wow, banditkilla92 I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately most do not understand that we are already in type of a zombie apocalypse. All I see in these negative responses to your post are attempts to eat your brains. Sadly these zombies think they are people and still do all the normal stuff: eat, drink, work, and post on forums. They have been brain damaged by food additives, flouride and big pharma and have little or no imagination or ability to think for themselves. Just remember the old Chinese proverb : "BEWARE WHEN FIGHTING A DRAGON THAT YOU DO NOT BECOME ONE!" meaning don't let this game turn you into a zombie and/or a bandit.

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first quadruple post I've seen before :o

Back to OP

Sorry your zombie game wasn't realistic, but I'm sure if you keep looking you'll find someone with a fuck to give ^_^ :thumbsup:

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So the general consensus is that we don't agree with your opinion OP :)

and to this guy ...

Wow, banditkilla92 I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately most do not understand that we are already in type of a zombie apocalypse. All I see in these negative responses to your post are attempts to eat your brains. Sadly these zombies think they are people and still do all the normal stuff: eat, drink, work, and post on forums. They have been brain damaged by food additives, flouride and big pharma and have little or no imagination or ability to think for themselves. Just remember the old Chinese proverb : "BEWARE WHEN FIGHTING A DRAGON THAT YOU DO NOT BECOME ONE!" meaning don't let this game turn you into a zombie and/or a bandit.

idk if your trolling or have you really been spending to much time eating mushys and living in a floral decorated vw van? I'm a sociopath and all but seriously try to little less to stick it to the man :/

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and to this guy ...

idk if your trolling or have you really been spending to much time eating mushys and living in a floral decorated vw van? I'm a sociopath and all but seriously try to little less to stick it to the man :/

Or stick it a little more to the right man.

BIS aren't exactly the great (gaming) oppressor of the 21st century, maybe the bad guys could be somewhere else?

Protip: It's EA. And Ubisoft too.

Edited by Max Planck

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First of all I don't give a single damn about that pewdiepie guy, I unlike you don't watch immature screaming blondes for hours and hours. I just heard he played DayZ.

Of course the whole aspect of a zombie apocalypse is unrealistic since it will probably never happen, and how is murdering people just to get their stuff spot on real life? Where do you live? On mexico's streets?

I don't watch him either, I was stating a fact. He has nothing to do with DayZ.

And I blatantly said:

No, I wouldn't kill someone for what I needed, but then again, I don't live in an apocalypse, do I? There's nothing in this world that I desperately need that isn't plentiful.

So your remark comes across as nothing more than rather stupid. I get the feeling you have no intention of raising a valid point at all, and are just going to flame everyone who disagrees with your wall of ragetext, so I'm not going to waste my time meaningfully replying to a doomed thread.

I'm not angry at people, but they reply with no respect so why should they get any respect back?

Maybe because the moment they read your first post, they see:

This is my opinion and if you don't like it which I'm sure you won't i couldn't care less

If you want people to show you respect, show some first.

Edited by Rage VG

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If you're gonna make a rage topic at least do it with your existing account, ManInTheWall.

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OP doesn't get the game, OP is fag. I like fag OP, he makes me laugh.

But seriously man, nice feedback. We will send it to Rocket, maybe he can tweak the community, make them nicer and stuff. The title will say DayZ is bad because it's bad, we won't even give him facts or anything, just your opinions. He will change it for you, just watch.

Honestly I like the determination you gave it. You literally made a profile just for this thread. Just to tell us we are bad, and the game sucks. Nice effort champ.

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First of all I don't give a single damn about that pewdiepie guy, I unlike you don't watch immature screaming blondes for hours and hours. I just heard he played DayZ.

Of course the whole aspect of a zombie apocalypse is unrealistic since it will probably never happen, and how is murdering people just to get their stuff spot on real life? Where do you live? On mexico's streets?

"On mexico's streets?" I'm not Mexican but sir, that is a very ignorant and racist comment. Maybe your the insane one that takes a video game way to serious. Maybe you should go play outside sometime and stop hating the world you racist peasant!

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If you don't like it, don't come to us and complain. You even mentioned you'd suggest things that would make the game better, but I don't see anything. And why would you complain that the scenario is unrealisitic when it DOES NOT EXIST. And shure, a lot of people KOS. But not everybody. Its a good 50/50 despite what some say, and that's what I've seen on just about every server I've played on. Why should we even bother reading this thread?

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That's a LOT of effort in that post given that you don't care what people think of your opinion.

Me and my friend share the same opinion, so I decided to copy and paste his text

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"On mexico's streets?" I'm not Mexican but sir, that is a very ignorant and racist comment. Maybe your the insane one that takes a video game way to serious. Maybe you should go play outside sometime and stop hating the world you racist peasant!

How's that racist?

Mexico is known for having a high street murder/robbery ratio

Edited by banditkilla92

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Me and my friend share the same opinion, so I decided to copy and paste his text

No, you decided to create an alt account so you didn't have to answer for your nonsense, that's what you did.

ManInTheWall, that's pathetic.

Speak with your main or not at all.

EDIT: Connoisseurs might detect a hint of Eve-O in this post. Man, I miss Eve.

Edited by Max Planck
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No, you decided to create an alt account so you didn't have to answer for your nonsense, that's what you did.

ManInTheWall, that's pathetic.

Speak with your main or not at all.

EDIT: Connoisseurs might detect a hint of Eve-O in this post. Man, I miss Eve.

That has nothing to do with the length of the text but ok.

I still stand by my opinions and facts.

Would it change anything at all whether I'm on my main or not? Does it brake any rules?

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@ Maninthewall - Didn't you get a global ban recently? Would this have anything to do with your new found hatred of the game and community? Hmmmm. It's very strange behaviour.

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@ Maninthewall - Didn't you get a global ban recently? Would this have anything to do with your new found hatred of the game and community? Hmmmm. It's very strange behaviour.

I love this game and no I did not, my friend did.

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And on that occasion he used your account to ask about it then?

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Brake =/= break. Firstly, if you're going to be a schmuck, it generally pays off to know basic English.

Secondly, the fact that you have a second account might not be against the rules (I haven't really read them) but it certainly means you're hiding behind an alternative identity because you A) aren't confident enough to tell us your thoughts or B) don't have enough faith in your own thoughts to be able to believe them yourself.

Either way, if you have something to say, then say it. Hiding behind another username won't help, as you've found out. The majority of us here aren't idiots, and many of us saw right through your plot before it even took off.

Oh, and about the "copying my friend's text" - you have no friends. When you adapt your personality to be honest and just say what you have to say, this might change. As it is now, there are 20 odd folks in this discussion and I can tell you right now: Not a single one of them would like to be affiliated with a deceitful liar.

TL;DR: You're a liar and an idiot, as has been proven quite comprehensively.

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Would it change anything at all whether I'm on my main or not? Does it brake any rules?


What inspired you to create a whole new account? The ability to spew out such ridiculous "points" while remaining, to your knowledge, anonymous?

As Max Planck said...

ManInTheWall, that's pathetic.

Edited by Inception.
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I say we send this thread to where it belongs. Six feet under the ground, if you know what I mean *hint for complete morons: graveyard*

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I say we send this thread to where it belongs. Six feet under the ground, if you know what I mean *hint for complete morons: graveyard*

Wait, what?! I don't get it! The basement??

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