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So does anyone else ever have that instant feeling of regret when they kill someone?

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I really don't understand you guys who keep saying that you feel bad after shooting someone. It's a mod. People respawn, and an hour later they're back to where they were before you killed them. Aaaand, i can guarantee that they've killed someone too.

Edit: Unless they're freshspawns

You see, that's one of the reasons why this game/mod is so great. You feel right or wrong when doing actions.

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I find most of my bitterest regrets all stem from being killed..

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I feel more gutted if i have given ppl the benifit and then been killed. I dont bother anymore if they are crossing my path

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I don't regret killing any bandits or players firing on me but if I just kill a guy for his gear yeah sometimes.

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I mean, if i'm shot at, im going to kill you. I just don't like shooting someone because I see them and they don't see me. I guess my morals are just different from others.

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I feel bad when I kill someone before they've done anything aggressive towards me, which is rare but does happen occassionally out of necessity. Last night I was losing a ton of blood due to thirst and out of desperation I blasted some poor bambi for two Pepsis. He had lots of other stuff, but all I needed was a drink. This game is unique/bizarre that way. The things you'll do in the zombie apocalypse to survive.

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I always feel different about someone I kill. I am no longer a bandit. I use to be and was one for about 1-2 months. I had somewhere around 100-200 kills. VERY FEW were fresh spawn kills. The only fresh spawn kills I remember doing were when I didn't want a bambi to get to something I was. Such as a body with gear or a car. But as I said, most of my kills were armed players.

I was a very merciless bandit. But everytime I killed someone, I did it silently. By that I mean I didn't yell in side chat that I killed the guy or get all excited when I did kill someone. I knew that chances were, I just pissed that guy/girl, off by killing them. I never told anyone that I had killed the person (Outside of my friends I was talking to in TS or Skype) and I usually took what I wanted from the body and left it there. I didn't want to appear as if I was showing off when I killed someone. That is why I kept my mouth shut.

One thing I almost never did was get personal with my target. I wouldn't run up to someone, talk to them and be all friendly, then shoot them. When I killed someone, I didn't want to have said a single thing to them. Any time I did get personal with someone, engage in a conversation, then backstab them, I felt terrible.

After a while though the Bandit life style wore off. It gets stressful always hunting people down, and getting shot at. I'm now a hero and I have only killed three people since becoming a hero. One I would have a hard time considering whether the kill was murder or justifiable. My other two kills were people who had shot at me or a friend. In those cases I don't feel bad. Still I usually keep silent when I kill someone. I guess it's my way of being respectable, as weird as that is in a video game.

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I don't kill people unless I have to.

So I don't feel anything in self-defense

However, I went through a phase a long time ago where I just had this short-lived bloodlust.

Slaughtered two innocent people who never even knew I was there. God I regret that

Edited by Powell

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Can't say I feel any regret really especially if they cry afterwards then I feel I accomplished something :L it's only the guys that on death say something nice afterwards that I kinda refer killing

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In Game it is like in the real world.. Those who see it as a real experience, feel regret for their actions. those who see it as a game, with the need for themselves to prove their strength, to be taken for full by everyone else, they will feel joy for their achievement.

What I learned the last few days was, that some people are willing to test themselves. They use DayZ to get into situations they wouldn't want to go in real life, to experience their own reactions and the reactions of others. Others just want to escape reality, and play a stupid, meaningless game, where they can forget all their frustrations and just be an ass for a while.

In my opinion, if you think that dayZ is just a game, you missed the point, that life itself is just a game too, and like every game there is, the rules you play it with, determine the outcome. Be it the game of life or dayz.

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it's only the guys that on death say something nice afterwards that I kinda refer killing

Watch those people... I remember being betrayed by someone, met up with him and his CZ550 buddy, he was unarmed, I gave him an M1014 and he immediately put several slugs into me to get my M24...

Over side chat:

Me: "Wtf?"

Bubba 1: "That's DayZ for you."

Bubba 2: "Sorry about my friend, shit happens, want me to kill him for you?"

Me: "No, it's fine."

Bubba 2: "You sure?"

Me: "Yeah, it's totally fine! :) "

Bubba 2: "Wow... I respect you for that. See you round."

I immediately spent the next couple hours trying to hunt those fuckers down. :ph34r:

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You see, that's one of the reasons why this game/mod is so great. You feel right or wrong when doing actions.

or nothing at all

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Perfect example happened to me last night on DayZ Origings. I normally play with at least 1 or 2 other people (with a max of 6) but I was on myself last night. I was looting around one of the bigger cities sticking to the walls and shadows... it was very dark.

Out of no where a guy in a ghillie suit charges round the corner... I had taken an AK with me and loads of ammo because I was going zombie killing, 3 panic rounds point blank, he went down like a sack o' totties.

I apologiesed over side chat but he didn't reply. He might actually have been coming to kill me...

Never seen an AK drop someone so quick hahaha - instantly felt bad about it because it wasn't planed... it was a flight of fight moment for sure

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Never - and I don't play a bandit on every server I play on.

My last "murder" (not a retaliation kill, defending camp/base, etc) was a HS with an enfield. Buddy was looting a supermarket in Taviana, I had him covered from a nearby roof. Waited until I had a clear headshot.

It was incredibly satisfying -- watching his corpse fall with blood leaking from his skull.

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Rarely, only in 'accidental' situations. I remember one time playing Origins, there were 3 of us in an SUV, and accidently shoved someone of this mountain road. All you called hear as we drove off was "F******************ck You" getting quieter and quieter.

100 meters later.. A complete ball of fire. Honestly we thought we'd ram him for a laugh, we didn't mean for him to plunge to his death.

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I kill in cold blood. And I have zero-tolerance for hatchets. If you have any other weapon, you're cool.

Edited by Sutinen

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Absolutely not i base gameplay on what i would do myself in this situation, why go round spending hours looting when i could kill someone and take theirs? There is also the paranoia, you have to assume everyone is hostile, Its dog eat dog you do not get anywhere with regret.

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