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Permanent injuries

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There's a fine line between realism and simply creating a game that just isn't fun anymore.

Yeah, and this isn't it.

Also, the game is SUPPOSED to make you feel uncomfortable.

It'll also prevent you from being stupid about what you do. You'll avoid zombies, gunfights, and other stuff because of the risk.

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Unforgiving, anti-game, hard-as-fuck. These are the things DayZ should be made out of

It should be everything in the game (zombies, other players, the environment) that pisses you off. Not just one of the three.

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Unforgiving, anti-game, hard-as-fuck. These are the things DayZ should be made out of

It should be everything in the game (zombies, other players, the environment) that pisses you off. Not just one of the three.

^ this. please.

yo maybe we should start using qwop as the new running mechanic!

Edited by djzombie
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I agree to this only if there are different levels of severity to breakages. A minor fracture shouldn't give you a limp after it heals up after all.

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i have been thinking much the same way with scars, in the SA you will be able to take off you're cloths how cool would it be to have a scar from where you where hit/shot

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I may be wrong, but scars might get a bit resource intensive given that they have to render the scars for every player.

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The current DayZ system of "Morphine and forget" would RUIN your legs; just because you don't feel pain (morphine is a painkiller) doesn't mean your leg isn't broken to all hell. Every step you take, your leg could get worse and worse. Eventually the bone would cut through the muscle and regardless of how high you are on painkillers, you own't be able to walk.

So yeah, a new healing and damage system would be nice.

It'd be great to meet a player and ask, "So, what's with the leg?" and get some epic story.

And I agree with the poster above me; a significant non-aesthetic affliction would cause characters to make camp, suicide, and run to grab all their gear back, which is already done by bandits who won't risk other players giving them a blood transfusion or who are sick without medicine.

thing is even with morphine you would not be able to walk on a bad break, it would simply not support you weight

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thing is even with morphine you would not be able to walk on a bad break, it would simply not support you weight


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I may be wrong, but scars might get a bit resource intensive given that they have to render the scars for every player.

Maybe. If a decal system (for example, if you get shot in the leg, you get a bullet wound on your leg, not everywhere like the current game) it would be possible fairly easily, and since it would just be a texture on a face, I don't think it would have a performance impact.

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Can brain damage be a permant injury? Like smashing your head with a hammer? Herpa Derp!

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Again, these injuries which persist after you've 'healed up' should only be aesthetic, to prevent people from killing themselves to get a new spawn.

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I love this idea....but.

climb a ladder > jump > respawn > run to site of death.

Problem solved.

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Everything should be able to be fixed 100%, or else people will just suicide and get back to their gear. If you cant fix your broken leg, then you would just respawn. That is atleast how I see it. Make sure it can be fixed 100%, and its good,

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Everything should be able to be fixed 100%, or else people will just suicide and get back to their gear. If you cant fix your broken leg, then you would just respawn. That is atleast how I see it. Make sure it can be fixed 100%, and its good,

If they add a respawn cooldown so you don't get to your gear immediatly it would at least make the players value their virtual life more as if it was their own. But with the current kos pvp who cares let me play how i want gtfo respawn when wounded mentality it's useless as i stated above. And i don't really need any optical gimmicks if they have no effects.

Respawn cooldown is easy, block access to the server where a player died for a short time limit ( i'm talking about minutes in the quarter hour range here ) and have the player "create" a new avatar on another server then let him/her be able to rejoin the other server again. This way the loss of a life will have an impact even when the player is part of a team ( his buddies have to take care of his stuff and not just wait there until he comes back 2 mins later. )

Edited by Enforcer

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Purely aesthetic or completely fixable injuries defeat the purpose of the idea.

Yeah, people might suicide to avoid it. But they could/would do so with a broken leg currently, so that's not really changing much.

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