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DayZ standalone inventory mock-up.

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I know the inventory system will probably be shown in a complete, non-blurry form in a dev blog soon (probably tomorrow, lol), but I had to make a mock-up of the inventory system for a suggestion, so I figured I might as well post it here. The pic in the suggestion will be slightly different, because it's based off of all the info Rocket's given us, but I decided to make a straight copy of the one shown at PAX to put here. Here you go:


Note the wonderfully crappy 2D representation of your character in the pic.

Here's all we could make out of the inventory at PAX:


Also, yeah, I know my colors are a little messed up. They looked much different in photoshop.

Here's the system shown at PAX :

Also, the full PAX presentation can be found here:


Edit- this is based off a very early inventory concept. DayZ's art team hasn't touched it yet!

Edited by colekern
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So far it's a lot more useful for DayZ than the Arma 2 inventory was. It is extremely basic though. I hope they do touch it up a bit and make it a little prettier. Oh, and stop using the horrible font they have on that "Close" button :P

inb4 someone has a heart-attack because of the cans used in the picture.

Edited by AussieStig
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So far it's a lot more useful for DayZ than the Arma 2 inventory was. It is extremely basic though. I hope they do touch it up a bit and make it a little prettier. Oh, and stop using the horrible font they have on that "Close" button :P

inb4 someone has a heart-attack because of the cans used in the picture.

Yeah, the art team hasn't had a whack at it yet.

Also, I thought the cans were a nice touch. :P

Edited by colekern

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I would actually like to see the inventory coloured/themed like it was in ArmA 2.

The brown colour and the smooth lines, I like 'em. :)

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I looks awful in my opinion. They should just improve on the old one and scrap this piece of shit.

Congrats on missing the giant, bright yellow text.

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I think it actually looks ok, i could live with it.

If its possible i think they should put it in the mod to let us get a feel of how it all works cuz it took a while to figure it out in the mod lol

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I think it actually looks ok, i could live with it.

If its possible i think they should put it in the mod to let us get a feel of how it all works cuz it took a while to figure it out in the mod lol

This isn't the finished version, it won't look like this when the alpha is released and they can't change the gear menu in the ARMA 2 mod.

The whole point of the new gear menu is that it's easy to use. You literally just click on your jeans, for example, and it opens up the 6 slots (or however many they have) of item storage space in the pockets and then you drag and drop items where you want them.

Edited by mZLY

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This isn't the finished version, it won't look like this when the alpha is released.

They can't change the gear menu in the ARMA 2 mod.

Oh so this is what theyre using just to test i suppose,

And i didnt think they could thats why i said if its possible -.-

Im looking forward to the standalone never the less.

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One sees immediately how little some people here understand about programming and development :-)

if you don't understand rockets comment about "that's what an inventory would look like, if we left it to the programmers" you should not comment on the new Inventory-system.

The whole thing is a development-model, where the colors represent areas, so the programmer knows where the area starts and ends while building it (to see wether overflow-management works, etc). The whole green item bar will not even be present in the final UI, as it is only a placeholder until the direct access over the 3d-model is working.

But I love how people always complain about everything destroying their immersion, without even bothering to explain why that is, or what should be different. Like spoiled little kids... "me don't like, you change"....

edit: some people just don't get the difference between a UI-concept made in photoshop, a UI prototype screenshot and a final-implementation of a UI. those are 3 different things with 3 different purposes. 2 of them look great, 2 of them work. but only one of them does both. This one, works.

Edited by liquidmind
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Oh so this is what theyre using just to test i suppose,

And i didnt think they could thats why i said if its possible -.-

Im looking forward to the standalone never the less.

This is just the version that the programmers made. The inventory and menus and everything are all being redone prior to release, they're still getting the coding working properly at this point.

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Congrats on missing the giant, bright yellow text.

No, I did see it. I just think that the placeholder is so god damn awful they should format it from their memory.

Then again if they system will be redone etc and this will have nothing to do with the final version wtf is the point of discussion?

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No, I did see it. I just think that the placeholder is so god damn awful they should format it from their memory.

Then again if they system will be redone etc and this will have nothing to do with the final version wtf is the point of discussion?

Look vs. Functionality

We can: discuss how opening/closing containers will work, how moving items will work.

We cannot: discuss about the design or the colors, as they are temporary

You can make your case for the bulky edgy arma 2 inventory system if you like, you just have to present reasons why you believe that the old inventory is better than the new one. But you cannot compare them visually.

Do you like 3d-Items that you can move with drag and drop? if yes. the new inventory system is better than the old one.

If you prefer static lists with move-left and move-right arrows, the old one will be for you. I personally think intuitive 3d-drag-n-drop is the way to go, but of course you may argue why the old ways were better if you like.

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No, I did see it. I just think that the placeholder is so god damn awful they should format it from their memory.

Then again if they system will be redone etc and this will have nothing to do with the final version wtf is the point of discussion?

Just to show the basic idea, I guess. Visually it won't look like this but the funcionality will be more or less the same.

Edited by mZLY

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No, I did see it. I just think that the placeholder is so god damn awful they should format it from their memory.

Then again if they system will be redone etc and this will have nothing to do with the final version wtf is the point of discussion?

The point of a placeholder is so they don't have to spend time on it when core mechanics still need work.

Edited by TheDesigner

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Congrats on missing the giant, bright yellow text.

Making something half done and using it as leverage for later discussions still dont make it done.

What done is done.... And the opposite.

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Making something half done and using it as leverage for later discussions still dont make it done.

What done is done.... And the opposite.

Either I'm missing something or you're complaining about unfinished features in a dev build. I truly hope it's the former...

The art team haven't been let loose on the game yet. The inventory, menus etc. etc. are all just quick mock-ups created by the programmers in the current build. They're still coding, all that stuff will be done later.

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Back on topic here...

Thanks OP for making a blurry, hard to understand preview picture, into a clear and concise image!

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I think we won't be disappointed when it's finished. I do hope they slim it down some so it doesn't take up most of your screen or maybe make it so you can collapse the individual windows. I don't necessarily need to look how cool my guy is while in my inventory.

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I think we won't be disappointed when it's finished. I do hope they slim it down some so it doesn't take up most of your screen or maybe make it so you can collapse the individual windows. I don't necessarily need to look how cool my guy is while in my inventory.

Actually, your character has to be there, because you drag clothes onto him to equip them.

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Yes, I think Dean mentioned that in one of the updates, he just couldn't show it yet. If I 'read' the mock-up correctly, it looks like you have to drag them on to the little squares on the right side at the moment. I can't wait to see some more of the final thing. Since the clothes get separate storage, does that mean there's going to be pop-ups when double clicking or do they have another trick up their sleeve? It'll be interesting to see what they come up with.

Duh, after looking on the left side I think I see how it works. Select a clothing item and the inventory in them rolls out. I get the feeling that those things on the left and right side have functionalities that are going to be merged so that fewer windows are necessary.

Edited by BadLuckBurt
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What I think would be interesting is if/when the 3rd person is removed, then maybe you can use that character model to zoom in and inspect for small cuts/scrapes that could get infected.

Like a much more advanced/realistic game of Operation. Although when I say it like that it sounds like a bad idea, but I can't think of a better way to put it ATM.

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wow, the inventory actually sounds / looks like it will be great! i don't really mind what it looks like although i really do think that this inventory is much better than the arma 2 one. keep up the good work!!

hope to see a few more images on progress soon!!

Also i was just wondering if you where adding in a crafting side of the inventory?

Cheers, Ryan!

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wow, the inventory actually sounds / looks like it will be great! i don't really mind what it looks like although i really do think that this inventory is much better than the arma 2 one. keep up the good work!!

hope to see a few more images on progress soon!!

Also i was just wondering if you where adding in a crafting side of the inventory?

Cheers, Ryan!

I'm not actually a developer, just a guy who got bored and happened to have phototshop. I will be updating as we receive new info, but as for the crafting, well, from what rocket has said, no, I don't think there will be a crafting screen. To me, it sounds more like the crafting will happen in-inventory.

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