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Nastiest Thing You've Done

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So I was playing DayZ on a Private Hive with two other guys who I encountered in-game. We were heading north out of Elektro, and in the distance, we see a lone player. I'm armed with an M4, and my two friends are carrying AK's. The guy comes up to us, and after just encountering two assholes not 5 minutes ago, I wasn't exactly in the most trusting of moods. I aim at the guy and tell him to stay back. I notice the lake beside us, and tell him to swim into the centre of the lake so we have a chance to get away. He was unarmed, but I tend not to trust anyone. I've teamed up with supposed 'friendlies', and they've killed me the second they got a gun. He started swimming into the middle, then I told him to turn round. Shortly after, I executed him with two shots to the head.

He called me a "fucking dickhead", and that was the last I heard from him. I felt guilty for a while, but it was so funny.

What's the nastiest thing you've done?

Edited by OldWorld

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so i was on a live server and had an dmr and ak74 and just found an satchel charge. So i was looking around and trying to find stuff to blow up when i saw a hely flying over vybor. so i decided to snipe the guy. he landed and got out and went to the nwaf. I crawled up to the hely and placed the explosives infront of it and moved to a three line just 200 meters and waited for about 10 mins.

The guy came back and started the chopper. when he started to lift i shot the satchel charge and blew him up hehehe.

Instant hely crash site with good loot. B)

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Once I was on a bandit spree with a friend cause we always help people and we always had hero skins and stuff, so we were kinda tired of that and went ahead and started killing everybody on sight, so there was this fresh spawn on cherno with broken legs and he asked me if I could patch him up with some morphine he had on his backpack and I said "Don't worry, I'll take you out of that pain" and shot him in the forehead, and then took his beans, I haven't been a bandit since, never ate his beans, left them in a tent by a lake, I felt really nasty after that

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This one time in Lingor, I actually managed to get a M107. I was happy, naturally, so I decided to try this out. I went to the Lighthouse close to the large Airfield. Scoped things out. Eventually I heard some guys talking in direct chat nearby. They were swimming in the water, talking about how great this mod was. They talked about how awesome the Enfield was, how it is the greatest gun in the game (Which i of course is). Said how they were looking forward to getting some real guns, said the only gun they ever had was an Enfield. With my Ghillie suit, I was lying on the ground as they passed me. I got up, shot them both in the back. No thoughts went into this, I just did it. One of them actually turned around, asking me why I killed his friend. Worst thing was...

They had no beans.

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Sexual or non-sexual?

Well, I had met a "decent" guy. We had teamed up, and were on okay terms. The problem was, I was meeting up with my bandit friends in Kamenka and it was a good walk from Skalka. My plan was to shoot him in the back to spare him the pain of getting tortured by me buddies. So, I shot him twice with my AKM. He broke his leg and was bleeding, but not dead. After spamming at me with his Winchester, I agreed not to kill him. He was pissed, so I let him cool down. So, I let him take my hatchback and do what ever he pleases. As soon as he turned on the engine, I turned my scroll wheel and the option for satchel charge detonation. I thought for a moment, is this moral? Then, I slipped my finger and the strategically placed explosives lit the poor sap up in a dazzling array of fire and shrapnel. Yet, as I search the burning wretch to look for a spare can of beans, I find him. He was still alive. Messed up, but alive. There he lay, knocked out and bleeding like a water hose. So, I dragged him for a few minutes to my backup camp. The moment I offer him a bandage, he returns the favor with a Makarov he lifted from my pickup. With unatrually fast reflexes, I nail him between the eyes with my G17. An hour and a half later, one of my bandit buddies volunteered to drive us to the NWA and ended up crashing into the lighthouse. I should have spared the guy his trouble and put him out of his misery half an hour before he turned to kill whilst bleeding at 3000 blood.

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I may or not of dry humped a dead cow while sniffing a panda.

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I came upon two guys pinned down in a corner of a supermarket by a guy with an AK.

I was able to sneak in the back and shoot them both in the head with a revolver

I suppose the right thing to do in that situation was to take out the bandit, but ... meh

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I had a guy trek all the way from Stary to Pulkovo at night in order to give me a morphine shot, he was desperate to get rid of a bandit skin he'd earned earlier after being ambushed, so when he arrived he gave me morphine and blood to boot! HAPPY DAYS! he then asked me what else he could give me to raise his humanity...

'...are those NVG's?' I asked, so after he gave me those I thought WOW! THIS GUY WILL GIVE ME ANYTHING! ...as it happens, he wouldn't, so I told him I'd lead him back to Stary seeing as though I had the NVGs.

I guided him into the middle of a field and took his head off with my CZ550! turns out he had in fact given me almost everything he had!

I then left the server and found one in daylight!

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Got my red wings!!! Just kidding but I got in a broken heli took the gunners seat and blew away 3 of my team the other 2 were offline

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Was on the coast scavenging parts to fix our damaged helo when a fresh spawn started following me up the road to our vehicle.

I did not wish him nor the rest of the server to discover our location, so I broke his leg in the massive empty shore area between Kamy and Elektro and left him there.

He was crawling to Elektro 20 minutes later when we flew past. I waggled him a goodbye and left.

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Got my red wings!!! Just kidding but I got in a broken heli took the gunners seat and blew away 3 of my team the other 2 were offline

Laughing like hell, you are a fucking asshole!

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I once killed someone helping a noob in a fire station and the noob,mowed down a looter in a market, wrote lights out moths fuka on a unconcuess (spelled that wrong) body that I had shot and killed a hatchet Bambi with a revolver. In less then an hour and was quoted by all my kills by the admin and players to watch out :)

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I wiped out a team of 3 medics who had all spent ages getting up north to help some guy. I killed him as well, it felt good, so...so..gooooood

Edited by Gooner205

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Guy in side chat was pleading for morphine and a blood bag in Cherno... I complied. B)

So I set off from the hospital in Cherno over to the industrial section of the city, where I find this guy from side chat lying on the ground with low blood and a broken leg... I decided to egg the whole thing on.

I get out the morphine and the blood bag, see the guy has got an AS50 and Coyote pack.

My mind explodes but I still give him the morphine and bag, and then he uses direct and says 'Thanks, man. Need a ride anywhere?'

I told him I'd give him a ride, and he asked where.

I said 'The Afterlife' and nailed his AS50-wielding face with a double barreled shotgun.

My friend still has that AS50 to this day, the AS50 we never give away or shoot.

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Asked a guy in the hospital in Electro to not shoot me and kill the zeds chasing me, he very kindly obliged. Meanwhile I pushed my Makarov to the back of his head and killed him. Well, it was a nice AK and Alice pack he had. :P

He raged soooo hard on side chat after...

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