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If you could make a Makeshift Gun/Melee Weapon in DayZ with no limitations..

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.. what would it be?

Imagine if you had all the resources needed to make a unique, makeshift weapon at your hands in DayZ. Imagine if you could take a bat, a hammer, some nails, and fucking make a bat.. with nails in it.

Imagine if you could wrap barb-wire around a 2x4 and put some spikes in their too.

Imagine if you could saw off the barrel of your gun, tie on a hunting knife, all of that sort of stuff.

What the hell would you make?

I'd take a sledgehammer, a nice, simple one. I'd wrap some barb-wire around the 'sledging' part of it, maybe tie some sharp razor to the end of the handle.

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I'd go all fallout and make a rebar club and a bumper sword!

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Hammering some nails through a bat and other such weapons will most likely be the way the "crafting" system in Day Z will work. I don't think it'll be anything like Dead Island though which isn't fitting for Day Z.

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Some guy on another forum made this club from a couple pipe fittings and a sledgehammer handle:



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Some guy on another forum made this club from a couple pipe fittings and a sledgehammer handle:



It needs barb wire.

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Gasoline Soaked Fire Covered Tractor Chainsaw Axe. When this baby hits 88 mph your gonna see some serious shite.

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I don't know what I'd want to make for a weapon, would probably be cool if you could make a bomb of sorts. Everyone likes explosions.

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Definitely a Javelin type weapon or spear. Good to keep the zombies at bay.

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I don't know what I'd want to make for a weapon, would probably be cool if you could make a bomb of sorts. Everyone likes explosions.

I hope to see the ability to make all different kinds of IEDs from raw materials.

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Okay, I'd get a grenade launcher or non-lethal tear gas gun in 40mm. I'll remove some of the HE/Tear gas shells projectile and insert correctly sized roadflares. I would then fix a gas lighter on a metal bar going to the tip you ignite. Then, I would lightly douse the flare with petrol. Viola, I now have the ultimate PvP death machine.

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A spring loaded bolt launcher, quiet and able to fire anything of a certain size ie, bolts, screwdrivers, knives etc.

Not accurate, but meant for close range.

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Gasoline Soaked Fire Covered Tractor Chainsaw Axe. When this baby hits 88 mph your gonna see some serious shite.

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I am supprised this hasnt been mentioned yet. I propose an air(or gas) powered Bean Can-non. Launching cans of your favorite Food at a poor bambi from 300m and able to knock down a bull elephant. the method to make this is easy.

1. Get a pipe

2. Put can o beans in said pipe

3. ???

4. Profit

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Thats easy

Shotgun shell


Mouse trap



I would be leaving these babies all over the place.

Edited by dayz247

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Nail gun...with exploding staples and a eraser launcher that sets people aflame

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