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SA: 'No advanced weapons'

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I really don't think it would be smart to take away DMRs and M40A3s (M107+AS50 should go). I just don't see why these type of guns can't be made rare..

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  On 3/24/2013 at 1:04 PM, BwobBwub said:

As Chernarus does have military bases on it, it would kind of make sense to have high-powered weapons in the game. The AS50 is quite high-powered though, so sticking to the DMR or M40A3 is suitable.

It does have military bases, yes. But it's Chernarus, not the US or GB or Germany or whatever. I don't think it's immersive to add weapons 'just because they exist'. It's a eastern european country, comparable to the czech republic. They don't have all the guns you'd find in an area of the same size in the US.

It's best to have (at least for military weapons) only models that are used by czech/russian forces.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 2:49 PM, TSAndrey said:

Finally. How is it realistic to be "surviving" a zombie apocalypse with a ghillie, NVG, DMR, rangefinder, coyote, C4 and etc. DayZ is supposed to be realistic surviving

Said this like a million times. If the society falls apart, first thing Im getting is a fucking train of military gear/weapons. If you want to go around with a .22 revolver that is your own problem. I don't see why it is not realistic to have those items in an apocalyptical world.

And, anticipating your answer, I do now where to get all this stuff. There's more around than you would imagine :)

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  On 3/24/2013 at 6:40 PM, Nihilisst said:

It does have military bases, yes. But it's Chernarus, not the US or GB or Germany or whatever. I don't think it's immersive to add weapons 'just because they exist'. It's a eastern european country, comparable to the czech republic. They don't have all the guns you'd find in an area of the same size in the US.

It's best to have (at least for military weapons) only models that are used by czech/russian forces.






Such as these?

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  On 3/24/2013 at 6:40 PM, Nihilisst said:

It does have military bases, yes. But it's Chernarus, not the US or GB or Germany or whatever. I don't think it's immersive to add weapons 'just because they exist'. It's a eastern european country, comparable to the czech republic. They don't have all the guns you'd find in an area of the same size in the US.

It's best to have (at least for military weapons) only models that are used by czech/russian forces.

Have you seen all the HMVIIs around the map. Looks like there was some conflict going on, may be this is why there's so many military bases? May be has smth to do with the zombie outbreak? I don't know, all I know is that all the military equipment left behind would be astonishing.

And btw, those are the Czech Republic special forces




I may be wrong, but this doesn't look to me like they have only sticks and crowbars u' know? You people talk like Czech Republic was the 3rd world.

//EDIT: actually, look what I found (also Czech Republic Military equipment)


Sounds familiar huh?

Edited by p4triot

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  On 3/24/2013 at 6:53 PM, p4triot said:

Have you seen all the HMVIIs around the map. Looks like there was some conflict going on, may be this is why there's so many military bases? May be has smth to do with the zombie outbreak? I don't know, all I know is that all the military equipment left behind would be astonishing.

And btw, those are the Czech Republic special forces




I may be wrong, but this doesn't look to me like they have only sticks and crowbars u' know? You people talk like Czech Republic was the 3rd world.

//EDIT: actually, look what I found (also Czech Republic Military equipment)


Sounds familiar huh?

Yeah I kind of get that view from peoples posts. :lol: Cavemen fights.

Edited by Victus Mortuus

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If you think the high end sniper weapons like the AS50/M107 should be found in the SA, you are thinking about this all wrong. Remember, its not a coventional war being fought here, the enemy doesnt have vehicles or even weapons so why would anti material weapons need to be at FOB's? The military bases would have been set up to deal with casualties and refugees and while there would of course be weapons, there would be nothing which wasn't anti-infantry. Sniper rifles would be there, but special forces gear wouldn't. I get why people like to use the AS50/M107 for fun (mostly to show off I suspect) but these thing don't fit, particularly when in the hands of an untrained survivor.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 12:17 PM, Xianyu said:

Seriously. No more OP point-and-click wonder-wands?

I didn't know this was a point and click game! Frick, all this time i've been working hard to aim and hit my target. Guess I just need to one of those guns and point it at someone and bam! I win! I've been doing it the hard way all this time.... /facepalm


  On 3/24/2013 at 12:17 PM, Xianyu said:
I am cautiously optimistic. I feel that the AS50 and M107 have no place in a game like this, and 'no advanced weapons' is a quote I am quite excited about... But will rocket really deprive the endless rabid hill snipers of their point-and-click killing capabilities?

So servers with tons of vehicles running around, some with tanks, some with chinooks heli's, some with apache's, some with Humvee's with .50's on the back, has no reason for M107's or AS50's?


Edited by Tek

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  On 3/24/2013 at 7:09 PM, Jamz said:

If you think the high end sniper weapons like the AS50/M107 should be found in the SA, you are thinking about this all wrong. Remember, its not a coventional war being fought here, the enemy doesnt have vehicles or even weapons so why would anti material weapons need to be at FOB's? The military bases would have been set up to deal with casualties and refugees and while there would of course be weapons, there would be nothing which wasn't anti-infantry. Sniper rifles would be there, but special forces gear wouldn't. I get why people like to use the AS50/M107 for fun (mostly to show off I suspect) but these thing don't fit, particularly when in the hands of an untrained survivor.

And maybe the bases had to prepare for groups of people they turned away for help? Groups that had access to vehilces, which could ram through the base. Don't underestimate the lengths people will go to in order to survive.

Just because your opinion is no AS50's or M107's in no way makes you right. It is after all an opinion.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 7:13 PM, Tek said:

And maybe the bases had to prepare for groups of people they turned away for help? Groups that had access to vehilces, which could ram through the base. Don't underestimate the lengths people will go to in order to survive.

Just because your opinion is no AS50's or M107's in no way makes you right. It is after all an opinion.

Absolutely, as yours is only your opinion too. Armed groups of people - why would the military need AS50's to stop them, assault rifles would be plenty good enough for that job. Still no reason to include anti material rifles.

Try looking at the situation as more of a civil war than an actual war. There would be an emphasis on keeping order as well as defending civilians. There wouldn't be much call for assasinations.

Edited by Jamz

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ITT: beach snipers already bitching about losing their 'I win' button under guise of 'it's realistic to have them there'.

Realistic, maybe? Fun? No.

If As50's and whatnot are realistic to be there, then I want to be able to repair a tank and gun down people on the beaches with it. Because after all, the tanks all didn't magically disappear, did they? What about the APCs? Rocket launchers? Gunships?

The line needs to be drawn somewhere. And personally, I'd prefer the line be drawn THIS side of weapons that can kill you with one shot at any range with no effort.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 8:33 PM, Xianyu said:


ITT: beach snipers already bitching about losing their 'I win' button under guise of 'it's realistic to have them there'.

Realistic, maybe? Fun? No.

If As50's and whatnot are realistic to be there, then I want to be able to repair a tank and gun down people on the beaches with it. Because after all, the tanks all didn't magically disappear, did they? What about the APCs? Rocket launchers? Gunships?

The line needs to be drawn somewhere. And personally, I'd prefer the line be drawn THIS side of weapons that can kill you with one shot at any range with no effort.

So instead of asking for a better wound system or more realistic (and therebefore difficulty) sniping system, you just ask to remove those weapons and like nothing happened right?

Im all into nerfing the KoS/Camp/Snipe deathmatch this game has becomed, but by doing this on a proper way. We start by removing those weapons and then when people still kills you with a 1shotkill from a CZ550 we remove the CZ550. And then the m16acog, m24, enfield and even the fucking makarov as it sill can 1shotkill you with a headshot. And then people will start to kill you camping inside of supermarkets/hospitals/firestations with a lame hatchet and what do we do? remove the friendlyfire of the game and magically you can spent your entire magazine into someones body an not even scratch them. Fuck realism right?

No, this is not the proper way to do things.

Btw, Im ok with having tanks :) They exists, they should be there. As long as they also add some realistic fuel settings, as a Tank is incredible hard to maintain, but if a fuel tank has infinite fuel then this would be a joke.

Edited by p4triot

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Every weapon is deadly. I like having choices. Should .50 calibers stay? Absolutely. Are they over powered? No. It's a devestating round.

As far as being shot in the foot by an AS50 and dying, judging by the new medical system I think it will be a lot different since your blood, shock, and health are separate. Though it might not kill you, in a zombie apocalypse where proper medical help is rare or non-existant you will most likely go into shock/die/be eaten by zombies.

People need to stop complaining just because they get repeatedly killed by something doesn't mean it needs to be removed from the game.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 6:53 PM, p4triot said:

Have you seen all the HMVIIs around the map. Looks like there was some conflict going on, may be this is why there's so many military bases? May be has smth to do with the zombie outbreak? I don't know, all I know is that all the military equipment left behind would be astonishing.

And btw, those are the Czech Republic special forces




I may be wrong, but this doesn't look to me like they have only sticks and crowbars u' know? You people talk like Czech Republic was the 3rd world.

//EDIT: actually, look what I found (also Czech Republic Military equipment)


Sounds familiar huh?

My point is not that there shouldn't be Military Assault Rifles or Sniper Rifles, but instead of M4s, M16s, AS50s, L85s, ... there should be these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Russian_weaponry

All the American, British, etc ... Weapons exist in the Mod because it's based on ArmA, in which the backstory is the intervention of foreign forces in Chernarus.

The same counts for Humvees. They are American vehicles, without american presence, those wouldn't be in Chernarus.

The point is, that the backstory of DayZ has to be determined. And there are many factors.

A lot of questions have to be answered by the devteam to make an immersive game, not just 'put that in because it's cool'.

The main question would be if the history of the country is the same as in ArmA. Is it after/during the events of ArmA, the 'civil war'? Or is it an alternate reality, where nothing special happens besides the infection?

Is the country heavily militarized? Is it comparable to todays CZ or rather Cold-War Russia?

Are the military bases central important locations which hold a majority of soldiers in the country? Or only small outposts, remains of the cold war, training facilities...?

Is the infection happening only in this Area or in whole Chernarus or the whole world? Are there forces from outside of 'the map' to help fight? Or are they gone from the Area to defend larger, more important locations elsewhere?

Are there foreign forces? Or do other countries have to fight against the threat themselves?

We know that there are no military forces left (alive) in the Area. Why? Is it in lockdown or did the military fail everywhere? Did they retreat from the Area or did they 'all' die? Did they evacuate their bases or leave them? Did they take their stuff with them or leave whole armories behind? etc etc ...

Btw, Im ok with having tanks :) They exists, they should be there.

That's exactly what's not true. Not because 'it exists', means that it's realistic/authentic/immersive to have it in the game.

If the game is intended to be as immersive and realistic as possible, there needs to be some coherence to the countrys history, the situation and the infection. Not 'a bit of this and a bit of that'.

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No, but when a certain set of weapons are the be-all, end-all of weapons for any range, they need to be removed.

I remember a thread asking what is the best weapon for killing survivors for the different ranges, and someone put down 'AS50' for each range. And that's absolutely right.

It works from 1 metre away to 1800. It's perfectly accurate. It's semi-automatic. It kills in one shot. The zeroing makes it RIDICULOUSLY easy to kill someone at ANY range.

I mean, holy shit, what the fuck do we need to happen before you admit a gun is severely OP? Do we need a farsight and just start shooting people through walls from across the map? Would THAT be overpowered? Or would you just say 'oh no, it's using a very large round. It's not overpowered at all'?

The AS50 and M107 in their current state ruin the game. And anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves, lying, or a blithering idiot.

AS50 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

Name me one other weapon that can destroy helicopters, kill people at any range, has a massive scope, is semi-automatic and is insanely easy to use. You know, other than the M107.

Maybe if it needs a headshot to kill a healthy survivor, I could tolerate it.

But if you want to sit on a hill and be a l33t sn1p3r, then that should require SKILL. Not some wonder-wand. This is not a game that lends itself well to the inclusion of point-and-click mechanics. And that's all the current AS50 and M107 are.

Sniping with the AS50 and M107 require zero skill, and zero effort. And killing another survivor who has NO chance of seeing you, from a range at which he probably can't even hear the gunshot, that's just hands down ridiculously unfair. And before you go spouting off 'IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FAIR', no, it's NOT.

So why are we giving the snipers an 'I win' button? Why are we including in a game that's supposed to be HARD, a weapon that reduces long-range killing down to literal point-and-click mechanics?

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  On 3/24/2013 at 1:04 PM, BwobBwub said:

As Chernarus does have military bases on it, it would kind of make sense to have high-powered weapons in the game. The AS50 is quite high-powered though, so sticking to the DMR or M40A3 is suitable.

Most common military weapons should be in the game, such as M16's/AK74's/L85's as "military" weapon loot, and "Civilian" weapon loot should be handguns, assorted rifles/shotguns, etc. In almost all modern military, and in all of the biggest military, the assault rifle is the most common weapon. So loot you find in military bases should reflect that. Perhaps long range weapons would be 2nd rarest, followed by machine guns being the most rare.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 7:09 PM, Jamz said:

If you think the high end sniper weapons like the AS50/M107 should be found in the SA, you are thinking about this all wrong. Remember, its not a coventional war being fought here, the enemy doesnt have vehicles or even weapons so why would anti material weapons need to be at FOB's? The military bases would have been set up to deal with casualties and refugees and while there would of course be weapons, there would be nothing which wasn't anti-infantry. Sniper rifles would be there, but special forces gear wouldn't. I get why people like to use the AS50/M107 for fun (mostly to show off I suspect) but these thing don't fit, particularly when in the hands of an untrained survivor.

This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan. There are no FOBs. This isn't a warzone, but a country with its own military and own military bases... not some military-occupied third world country.

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I still don't understand why people are so protective of their .50 cals... I can't even find a single picture of an AS50 being used in combat, anywhere. M107s, yes, but not AS50s. Given the setting, they're stupid, yup, stuuuuuuuuupidooooooo.

I don't think they belong in this game because [a] no one is going to lug around a 30-lb rifle in a post-apocalyptic world to get those 1000m shots on random dudes and they're not common weapons in the first place, and they're definitely not common in Eastern European backwaters. Why give people the tools to turn a "realistic" zombie survival game (sim) into a military-themed WarZ-style deathmatch?

Replace them with a more realistic 1000m rifle, there are plenty to choose from, Mausers, Accuracy International, SAKO, custom builds...

Why not make the top sniper a TRG-42? Less than half the weight of an M107, relatively popular in Europe and North America as well as among several militaries, and still powerful enough to take out any creature that walks the face of the earth.


I remember a thread asking what is the best weapon for killing survivors for the different ranges, and someone put down 'AS50' for each range. And that's absolutely right.


Edited by Gews

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  On 3/24/2013 at 8:52 PM, Xianyu said:

No, but when a certain set of weapons are the be-all, end-all of weapons for any range, they need to be removed.

I remember a thread asking what is the best weapon for killing survivors for the different ranges, and someone put down 'AS50' for each range. And that's absolutely right.

It works from 1 metre away to 1800. It's perfectly accurate. It's semi-automatic. It kills in one shot. The zeroing makes it RIDICULOUSLY easy to kill someone at ANY range.

I mean, holy shit, what the fuck do we need to happen before you admit a gun is severely OP? Do we need a farsight and just start shooting people through walls from across the map? Would THAT be overpowered? Or would you just say 'oh no, it's using a very large round. It's not overpowered at all'?

The AS50 and M107 in their current state ruin the game. And anyone who thinks otherwise is deluding themselves, lying, or a blithering idiot.

AS50 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else.

Name me one other weapon that can destroy helicopters, kill people at any range, has a massive scope, is semi-automatic and is insanely easy to use. You know, other than the M107.

Maybe if it needs a headshot to kill a healthy survivor, I could tolerate it.

But if you want to sit on a hill and be a l33t sn1p3r, then that should require SKILL. Not some wonder-wand. This is not a game that lends itself well to the inclusion of point-and-click mechanics. And that's all the current AS50 and M107 are.

Sniping with the AS50 and M107 require zero skill, and zero effort. And killing another survivor who has NO chance of seeing you, from a range at which he probably can't even hear the gunshot, that's just hands down ridiculously unfair. And before you go spouting off 'IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FAIR', no, it's NOT.

So why are we giving the snipers an 'I win' button? Why are we including in a game that's supposed to be HARD, a weapon that reduces long-range killing down to literal point-and-click mechanics?

Did you miss the 1st sentence of my answer? Don't worry, I will copy-paste.

  On 3/24/2013 at 8:42 PM, p4triot said:

So instead of asking for a better wound system or more realistic (and therebefore difficulty) sniping system, you just ask to remove those weapons and like nothing happened right?

ofc it should be hard, by adding realism to the sniper mechanics. And this is how you remove the point-and-click issue, not by removing the weapon. That would be the noob solution. And if someone can fucking kill you at 1.6km range with realistic sniping mechanics, then he fucking deserve it... I don't think there's more than 100 people in the world who can do that.

P.D: btw, I got killed in every way possible in this game, and only got sniped at long range ONCE. You must be running down the main street of a city without even bothering to cover yourself if you get killed often by snipers.

Edited by p4triot
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Personally I want the As50's to stay out. DMR is good enough for sniping someone out of a helicopter or any other kind of vehicle.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 8:52 PM, Xianyu said:

But if you want to sit on a hill and be a l33t sn1p3r, then that should require SKILL. Not some wonder-wand. This is not a game that lends itself well to the inclusion of point-and-click mechanics. And that's all the current AS50 and M107 are.

Sniping with the AS50 and M107 require zero skill, and zero effort. And killing another survivor who has NO chance of seeing you, from a range at which he probably can't even hear the gunshot, that's just hands down ridiculously unfair. And before you go spouting off 'IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE FAIR', no, it's NOT.

So why are we giving the snipers an 'I win' button? Why are we including in a game that's supposed to be HARD, a weapon that reduces long-range killing down to literal point-and-click mechanics?

Sorry, I think you're just whining because you've been killed over and over again. I've been shot at by AS50/M107s, and lived... (because they missed) Meaning it's not as easy to point and click as you seem to think. A lot of it does require some skill, most likely gained by them practicing with it a lot or not. I'm great with a G17, because I love the sights on that thing... but give me some other types of pistols and I am bad with them because I haven't used them as much. Same with the AS50/M107s. I can't just pick up an M107 and shoot someone 800 meters away, it does take some skill and practice. If I get hit by one of those rounds, surely death would be immediate... and in the lucky chance I do survive, I wouldn't live long anyway.

I'm sure you're one of those people who support the debug monitor so you know exactly how much blood you have too? People will always defend what they like, and oppose what they don't like... Most weapons in the game will kill a player without much trouble. So what if I had to empty two more rounds into you with my M4? You're already unconscious on the ground and I could walk up to you and shoot you in the face.

Edited by Dreygar
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  On 3/24/2013 at 9:08 PM, Dreygar said:

This isn't Iraq or Afghanistan. There are no FOBs. This isn't a warzone, but a country with its own military and own military bases... not some military-occupied third world country.

And looking at the size of the bases present on the maps we play on, none are larger than an observation base. Regardless as to whether the bases were there already or not, There is nothing to suggest such specialized weaponry as the AS50 would be kept there, or shipped there for any reason. I don't have a problem with those weapons per se, but their inclusion is at odds with the situation that DayZ is providing.

IMO, of course.

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I think it's much cooler to run around in normal civilian clothes with a decent backpack and a CZ 550. It just fits the theme better IMO.

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  On 3/24/2013 at 9:18 PM, Jamz said:

And looking at the size of the bases present on the maps we play on, none are larger than an observation base. Regardless as to whether the bases were there already or not, There is nothing to suggest such specialized weaponry as the AS50 would be kept there, or shipped there for any reason. I don't have a problem with those weapons per se, but their inclusion is at odds with the situation that DayZ is providing.

IMO, of course.

The fact that there are military present, is reason enough. The military is a simple structure. There are teams, squads, platoons, each with their own jobs and designations and each with their own specialty weapons. It's not something they go, hey we need this... it's something that if they are required to have.

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I think we are going to see hand guns, rifles ,shot guns, and a few automatic rifles.

I don't expect to see the high end military weapons for awhile and some won't be in at all- i'm going to assume.

This method will allow them to introduce them in small updates over time so they have more control.

The mod will be the more go military gear full out game while the DayZ SA will be more about survival gear then getting the top gun.

How will a gun help if you have an infection that will kill you over time or make you weak.

You just need a weapon for defense and resources.

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