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Your Best, "Worst" Vehicle moment in DayZ

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I had a red sedan, and I was driving in a big city in Taviana. I hit a zed and swerved to miss another car and hit a telephone pole. I let loose a few colorful words and tried to get out to only have the car explode killing me and the other car.

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me and some guy I teamed up with found a Little Bird by the south barracks at NWAF. We hopped in and whether server glitch or lack of piloting skills we immediately flipped it end over end and landed upside down in a tree. Somehow we survived without a scratch! Booya!

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Found an AN2 after a restart once with my mates. Started barrel rolling at an insane speed and screaming about how I'd lost control to screw with them.

Aeolus was killed

Bimp was killed

Killer T Roy was killed

The moral of the story is never pretend to lose control of a plane, because you might actually lose control and kill everyone.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 7:43 PM, Phooey said:

So last night I'm in Berezino and had just looted the supermarket and hospital and decided to check out the cafe. I go upstairs and find my first Mountain Dew...YAY!... Damn the curse I'm holding on to this I think. Take off and figure its time to get out of the city and trek inland. Start working my way northeast, come around a building and a dirtbike is sitting there.

Figure what the hell, Ive never seen one ingame so i check it out. Its all green and gassed up. Oh boy, lets take it for a spin. Jump on and start it up, making all kinds of noise so here comes the Zeds. I start going forward but not very fast. I can barely turn it and start to get worried about the zeds. I dont know what I'm doing and I bounce it off a car and go up on top of a pile of rubble, it wont go forward any longer.

A smart survivor might say screw it and hop off lesson learned. Not me. I start backing it up off the pile. The zeds arrive and start trying to eat me, so I ditch the bike and take off. Work my way around to lose them and make my way back around to the bike to find Ive wrecked it. I think its time for a trip to the armory to do some practice driving.... :)

So whats your best "worst" vehicle moment?

I thought I had mastered the fine art of piloting helicopters. I had landed a group of friends and I on one of the apartment building rooves in Vorkuta (Namalsk), and was feeling quite smug in my demonstration of flight skills. Unfortunately, the KA-60 is a sometimes buggy old lass which in this instance decided to buck up and down as I turned off her engines ... just as my group were getting out onto the roof. Ever trying to be the hero, I fired her back up, hit 'Q' and thought, 'No, sweat I will lift back off and orbit while they climb down to street level and loot.

Unfortunately again, I had landed with auto hover off. So instead of lifting skyward when I nosed her down and forward, I plummeted all the way over to the office buidling and slammed into the street like a comet. Somehow I crawled away with a broken leg, and although I took some jabs, I still think I impressed someone other than myself ... by surviving.

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One of my fave vehicle fails. I parked my heli in my usual sneaky hard to get to spot and when I logged back in found this had somehow happened :o


Then to make matters much worse I stupidly got into the gunner seat (as you can see in the pic) and my only option was to switch gun seats or eject. I ejected and broke my legs. I had no morphine so decided to log out until my mates were on. Well while I was logged out the heli exploded and took the castle with it (probably someone decided to use it as target practice) and when I logged in I fell to my death and my body was unreachable. Oh well :D

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Flying a VTOL Osprey around Panthera...

...then crashing it into a near flying Chinook.

I think this scenario would be more of my doing... :)

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My worst chopper moment wasn't on DayZ. It was back when I only had Arma 2 free. We were on a Zombie Sandbox server and we had spawned near Balota. So when we got into Balota we saw a Medic Heli in front of a hanger. We got into it and noticed that it didn't have any fuel.

We both split off into different directions of the map looking for a fuel truck to bring to the heli. It took us about an hour to find one. I don't remember the name of the place I found it in but it started with a Z. I'll edit this post when I figure it out. I drove it back to Balota in about 6-7min. When I pulled up near the heli, I got out, and fueled it up.

I started the heli up. And told me friend I'd fly to him wherever he was. He told me he was in Cherno and I should just wait for him as I had no clue how to fly a heli. It was night time to make it even worse :3

I started to lift off and I was about 50ft off the ground when my heli started flying forward. I didn't know what to do so I just kept hitting random buttons and I crashed it into a tree. The explosion was heard from where he was because he then says over skype "I'm just going to go on a limb here and say that the explosion I heard was the heli..."

I told him it was x3 He then tells me I'm banned from flying helis again until I learn how to use them. Because we wasted about an hour to just blow it up x3 When I spawn, I make my way toward him and when I get there we hear a heli in the distance. It over us and the gunner killed us both :/

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Taking off in a huey after refueling at Skalka, with four "fully kitted up mates", then thinking I was in auto hover whilst I set my next marker in the map. Only to hear their screams as we slowly drifted into the hillside to the east, by the time I realised and after the slow "receiving" exit of the map, it was to late to pull out of it. They all died whilst Battle eye kicked me for an explosives script restriction.

This duck up compounded by me trying to stick everything in Thomas the tractor before the server restarted yet giving my mates body a premature burial before I got his bag and M107.... Doh!

Edited by DazTroyer

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Worst moment for me that involved a vehicle had to be a few months back on the map Panthera.

2 of my buddies and I were playing a pretty populated night server fixing up a Military UAZ north of Sabina for a good while. Once we got it fixed and good to go I take us away headed north west headed for a mountain. I had the headlights on and was driving quite nicely, (Im usually always the driver)

Well thats when I decided a short-cut was the proper way to go, and went to cut across a field that had a little bit of a hump from the road to drive over. I thought itd be open field on the other side so im gunning it. As we get airborne over the hill we land a good 10 feet into a pond. I was able to get out in time before it hurt me at all but both of my friends werent as lucky. Passed out and bleeding at the bottom of the pond.

Somehow I was able to drag them out and patch them up, but in the end we were stranded next to a pond. Damn ponds.

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On my way through NWAF on an SD ammo run, gunning across the airfield on a dirt bike. A little too fast for the infected spawning in ... one of which does so right in front of me.

Brief flight over the bars about ten metres or so followed by broken bones, lots of blood and yelling. Vision goes blurry and cuts to dead screen before the infected even got to me.

Nice chap offers me a lift up from the south coast on his ATV. On the first pick up from Cherno I get swiped off the back seat by an infected, more broken bones, blood and death.

On the second pick up from Komarovo, we blast north only to be greeted by the dreaded "session lost" half way up. One server restart later its goodbye to the kit on my dead, fully tooled up bush wookie.

At least the bike was sat there in the middle of the tarmac when we finally arrived.

Later on, scavenging for gear in Berezino, I roll into the south end with the engine off and coast to a halt near the hospital. The area is already populated with infected, so perhaps I've got company.

I roll the bike into one of those small scruffy sheds for safe keeping and it fits, or so I think, looking back inside to see ... nothing. Outside, nothing.

Where the hell did it go? On the shed roof no less, on its side, unmountable but the inventory available.

I chance logging out and back in, lo and behold the bike had righted itself, so I mounted it whilst still on the shed roof and dropped off to the ground in one piece. Phew.

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I don't really know if this qualifies as "vehicle" experience, but anyway:

Just found the first crashed heli in over 3 month. 2 of them, about 150m apart of each other. my heart was pumping, I crawled towards it. "session lost" - server restart....

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  On 3/29/2013 at 5:05 PM, liquidmind said:

I don't really know if this qualifies as "vehicle" experience, but anyway:

Just found the first crashed heli in over 3 month. 2 of them, about 150m apart of each other. my heart was pumping, I crawled towards it. "session lost" - server restart....

Ouch! I feel your pain... :(

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My story requires some explanation.

My friends, Milk, Blink and Patrick were cruising the coast in our GAZ. Blink repaired it himself, he called it his baby. He's got a less powerful computer, and watching him drive straight through obstructions that only me and Milk could see was screwing with us. Patrick was killed in Electro, and respawned in Kamenka. I take the wheel, and drive up to Kamenka. Patrick is being chased by like 50 zombies, and I tell him to head north out of town, we would pick him up. As I say that, I ram the car into a building, engine red, car on fire, and shout for everyone to get out. Blink gets out last, and his baby's explosion knocks him out. Me Milk and Patrick are stuck now in the midst of those 50 zombies, and Milk and Pat make a run for it. I throw the grenade, overshoot it horribly, and kill them both.

They didn't talk to me for a very long while.

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This is more of a win but a fail for the other guy. I was driving my uaz and some Huey attacks me. The jerk is flying really low and at one point i see what looks like a ramp. *it was a barricade with a slope actually* the Huey guy lines up on the ramp. I pull a dukes of hazard and run off the ramp ramming into the Huey. :D I lost my uaz but they lost a Huey. The pilot and gunner went unconscious from the impact...They never woke up.

I don't know what idiot was flying. Who fly's a Huey nearly touching ground and then hovers in the middle of the road. I know this sounds way too convenient but trust me its true.... There is some crazy sh*t in dayz.

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A friend was driving a sedan towards elektro from cherno, he quickly gazed at the ocean and said over skype: "look at how beautiful that damn ocean is" turned back his head and saw the road block we crashed into, long story short... we survived flipping a sedan 15 meters up in the air and it blowing up.

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Worst (and funniest) moment

I was hanging out at NE Airfield with a mate after I had repaired the Little Bird and already circled over the Airfield. Oh, important to mention: There were about 6 An-2 Planes obivously spawned by a hacker at the Airfield, so my mate was busy with getting fuel into the An-2.

Suddenly, he started laughing and screaming: "There is a guy lying under the plane!" The same moment, my Little Bird started to beep and I lost height. I ejected and he started the plane and screamed something about being the red baron. The guy kept shooting at the plane and it started burning. My mate keep roaring, finally took of, flew about 5m and than fell down again and exploded. The sniper shot me before I hit the ground.

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My worst/best moment?

On taviana with my mates we were pretty geared up with a suv and ural. We were on a 700+ vehicle server (Don't ask why we were bored) and one of my friends tried to fly a plane at the sw airfield and failed but landed it somehow about 10 second later i watch our ural and suv get blown up with the plane... we had 30 odd high end guns and gear to last us a liftime in there and they burned it all. Needless to say i shot my friend who drove the ural into the plane and grabbed my hatchback which i had fixed a couple min ago when i was on a medical run.

And theres also the time that i tried crossing the large bridge connecting the 2 islands in taviana with an atv. Needless to say alot of shenanigans ensued. Just a tip dont try driving across that bridge with an atv.

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This didn't actually happen in DayZ but here it is anyway:

After stealing a BMP from a side mission(Arma2 Domination), we went back to base to re-arm. We were going down a mountain and I drove into a rock, this caused me to do a TRIPLE front flip and blow up in mid-air. That was my best "worst" vehicle moment.

Edited by BwobBwub

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