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the Dayz of the Triffids

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Hello there

I remember triffids the first time round. How do we manage the blindness of those who watched the meteor shower?



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I want some body snatchers myself...


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I want some body snatchers myself...


That's how I rap finger point at camera when I skype.

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Hello there

I remember triffids the first time round. How do we manage the blindness of those who watched the meteor shower?



hmmm. OK well I was not expecting to have to think about this so soon but since you asked so promptly.

The game is up on the meteor shower. So no one is going to look at it. Why would you?

However there is the helping blind people angle. so if you help a blind person you get humanity points. (?)

You could spawn blind, But not deaf, maybe you have abilities that are useful to humanity???

OK so yeah, good point. How do you deal with that?

No one in game gets to see the meteor shower. that is a bit lame.

But the same with an atomic flash.

So lets start the action POST meteor shower. (grumble grumble).



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Can we stick to the triffids thread please!!! Start your own if you want to go off topic!

Sh** next it will be "the dayz of our lives".... or "one of these dayz I'm going to (chop, ooops) cut you into little pieces" . (you run around hitting hippie zombies with your fender stratocaster... )


They shamble slowly.

Have a main weapon the stinger with poison. Reach of ooooh 5 meters. cycles about 25rpm. non directly leathal. lose health but takes time to die. If you get many hits you could die.

They can swarm and surround you.

They feed off of decaying corpse. (this makes them vulnerable)

The shoty is the gun to kill them with. close up and in the tuber... boom. it's down. BUT you can get struck by the stinger.

They have a front and back. so you can bushwhack it.

Secondary weapon is squashing you against something. so a pack of them can maul you if you get swarmed.

Sea water DOES NOT work against them!!!

More soon!!!


Edited by Mr Amway

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It was zappingzombies who put me onto this idea from his meteor shower thread.

Hey zappingzombies:

I owe you some beans!


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Triffids can't see, they can only hear you (or sense movement). So they'd be feckin' lethal in the dark.

That'd be a good challenge actually.

I don't think anyone's likely to want spawning entirely blind included. It'd be a bit of a waste of the games art-assets TBH.

Plus, if blind folks end up alone vs. zombies, that's not going to last long.

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I'm not sure I understand your suggestion.

I don't like humanity, but I do like the idea of little "debuffs" that you have a chance of getting on spawn.

Not blindness, but maybe things like deafness, or asthma, or something.

It would be a nice touch to survival. With asthma, you can't run as long without needing an inhaler. Sometimes.

Deafness is self explanatory.

If humanity were to be implemented, I think they should be in the form of, like, these "debuffs". Low humanity = more severe diseases, but nothing too serious. High = a higher chance of being healthy.

I still don't like humanity, but if it were

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Can we stick to the

Triffids can't see, they can only hear you (or sense movement). So they'd be feckin' lethal in the dark.

That'd be a good challenge actually.

I don't think anyone's likely to want spawning entirely blind included. It'd be a bit of a waste of the games art-assets TBH.

Plus, if blind folks end up alone vs. zombies, that's not going to last long.

Tall nasty plants hunting you down to camp on your decaying corpse. That can talk to each other by their knocking stick and seem to be able to find week points in defences. heh heh.

Check spawning blind is a bit of a dud. Especially on an empty server. no one is going to go for that.


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Can we stick to the triffids thread please!!! Start your own if you want to go off topic!
To be fair, the subject is basically "off-topic" from the entire "DayZ Suggestions" thread anyway.

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OK, I am confused. Why is it off topic?

Yes I am a bit dim.

Re skinning the zombies into plants is not much of a change. Or is it?

Oh no I have changed my format style getting flack. (rats, peer pressure strikes again)


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John Wyndham's Triffid banter would be a feckin' swish license to base a survival game around, but if it starts messing with my Zeds I'm going to be mighty pissed.

If SA gets moddability, a "survival vs. lethal vegetation" mod could be on the cards.

Or maybe get one for ArmA3.

A re-skin would be shoddy. Nobody wants haggard-ass green Zeds running around all over the shop.

Get some decent models and animations though, you might be on to a winner. ;)

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Hello there

Hmmm, i might move the thread... i'll have a think about it.

Triffid's causing temporary blindness/affecting vision from its attack would be groovy and horridly scary. I dont know how the blind masses could be emulated within the engine, but one could assume it's a while after the "event" and most blind folk have died off.

But if one thinks of it, triffids are really the equivalent of the traditional "slow" zombie except with a blinding attack.



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I'm not sure I understand your suggestion.

I don't like humanity, but I do like the idea of little "debuffs" that you have a chance of getting on spawn.

Not blindness, but maybe things like deafness, or asthma, or something.

It would be a nice touch to survival. With asthma, you can't run as long without needing an inhaler. Sometimes.

Deafness is self explanatory.

If humanity were to be implemented, I think they should be in the form of, like, these "debuffs". Low humanity = more severe diseases, but nothing too serious. High = a higher chance of being healthy.

I still don't like humanity, but if it were

spawn with down syndrome or prone to epileptic fits. or missing limbs or as a paraplegic.

either way base it on the novel not the movie/s.

Edited by DMC14

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Good point.

Partial blindness from the Tiffid attack is GREAT!!!!

In your stumbling to get away you are stuck on a fence, rail, wall, thinking you are running away when you are not... actually.


The plants are SILENT. so you could walk around the corner and walk into their stinger range, they hear you, and zap. you get a slimy cold banana skin to the head and seconds later you are blind.

Run for it. and hope you are moving away from the horrid walking parsnip monster.


good hearing

fast stinger

slow venom. (a good hit is blind/death in minutes, a glance is temp blindness in minutes... Start your B plan)

Anti venom? intra muscular self admin thingie.


Mr Amway.

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I call the idea Dayz of the triffids, I hope you like the ideas as they grow and hope its in the right place! Please let me know if anyone ever wants to make this a reality i have been wanting to do this ever since dayz came out. I have written a complete Mod for triffids but never did anything about it. I will release bits and pieces as time goes on. Enjoy

*Dayz of the triffids*

HERE are my thoughts on how a triffid game could work in dayz, some ideas given here but many more to come when its done

Triffids have a life cycle inwhich after spawning they age and grow. listed below is the danger and cycle of the triffid types.

1. Juvenile = This young triffid spawns and takes 1 hour to reach the next level of growth. Its speed reduction is 50%, its stinger range is 2 metres and can attack once with a stinger after which they are rendered harmless. The venom causes 25% deafness and a 25% reduction in vision quaility. being stung by the juvenile does light damage and has a 10% chance to cause damage-over-time which causes a total of 3000 blood damage but may be treated by a normal bandage before this amount of damage is taken. THe bandage does not need to be treated before hand (see medicine and treated bandages later)

2.Young adult= This triffid is growing in strength, It takes this triffid 2 hours to reach the next growth level, its speed reduction is only 25%, its stinger range is 3 metres and resets after 30 seconds which allows for a second strike which can stack ontop of the first attack but after the second strike they are rendered harmless for a time. The toxin after a strike takes an hour to reset in a triffid (if the triffid is allowed to live or is unharmed) . The venom causes 50% deafness and a 50% reduction in vision quality, being stung by the young adult does medium damage and has 25% chance to leave damage-over-time which can bleed out to a total of 6000 unless treated by a normal bandage. the bandage does not need to be treated before hand (see medicine and treated bandages later). This triffid has a small chance with each sting, 10% to render the player unable to walk.* breaks their leg*

3. Adult= The adult triffid is a danger indeed, it takes this triffid 3 hours to reach the next level of growth, its speed is 100%, its stinger range is 4 metres and resets after just 15 seconds and has the venom glands to deliver upto three consecutive venom strikes which can stack making them very dangerous indeed. The venom causes 75% deafness and 75% reduction in visual quality,being stung by an adult does heavy damage and has a 35% chance to leave damage-over-time which will stop after 9000 blood damage unless its treated by a TREATED bandage (see medicine and treated bandages). Ontop of this this triffid has a 25% to "break a leg" taking the ability to walk away from the player. In this state the player may only crawl which happens to be the same speed as an adult triffid.

4. Fully matured (seed master) = These triffids though rare are extremely dangerous , they move 125% faster, there stinger can reach 5 metres, and can reset after 10 seconds and has enough venom to strike five times which can all stack so the potential is 5 full stings in 50 seconds if your unlucky enough to wear the full brunt.THE venom causes 100% deafness and 90 % blindness making it almost impossible to see. The hit does severe damage and has a 45% chance to leave a Bleed-over-time that will kill if not treated (12000 blood damage). The treatment for a sting of one of these is special (see medicine and treated bandages). Ontop of this the triffid has a 40% chance to "break a leg" taking the ability to be able to walk from the player. In this state the Matured triffid is faster than a crawling player and therefore considered higjly dangerous in all ways.

ALL venom and damage works like this.

1. There is a one off damage given by the triffid apon stinger contact which differs to the age and growth of the triffid. This is light (500) medium (1000) heavy (2000) severe (3000)

2. Ontop of the one off damage each triffid has a chance to inject the venom which leads to a loss of blood over time (Juvenile =3000 slow loss 5 mins over time) (young adult=6000 slow loss 4mins over time) (adult=9000 faster loss 3 mins over time) (mature seed master=fast loss 11,999 1 min over time and if not treated 100% blindness will accour after this time)

3. Ontop of the one off damage and venom(bleeding damage) some triffids have a varying chance to render the player unable to walk (break a leg)

Young adult has a 10% chance to *break a leg*

Adlut has a 25% chance to *break a leg*

Mature seed master has a 40% chance to *break a leg*

HOW the damage system works for triffids.

The toxin in a triffid stinger,when exhusted, takes a full hour to reset in a triffid like ammo if you will. This means if struck by an adult triffid the player would receive a heavy hit which is 2000 blood damage, then also from that hit a 35% chance to be injected with the triffid toxin (bleeding wound) and also from that one hit a 25% chance to be rendered unable to walk (broken leg). The same adult triffid must wait 15 seconds for another strike after the first HIT and will get two more hits after the first that have a chance of delivering the toxin with the same mechanics as above, after the 3 strikes with venom and its chances , the triffid can simple hit with a drained stinger and do the 2000 heavy damage is all with no more chance of toxin.The toxin, if placed on a player, will also effect sight and sound. Using the Adult triffid as the example apon the toxin being injected (35% chance) your sight and sound are reduced by 75% making it a serious outcome for the player. After the toxin has worn out from a triffids stinger the chances to go blind and deaf and break a leg are gone and it simply delivers the damage of 2000 direct blood damage and nothing more! This mechanic works the same for all Triffids with varying degrees of damage and or intoxification and its effects

Medicine and treated bandages

For the Juvenile and young adult Triffids a normal bandage will be require to stop the spread of venom (the blood loss effect)

For the adult triffid a treated bandage will be needed to stop the venom (blood loss effect)

TO Obtain a treated bandage it requires some work from the player beforehand.

For an adult sting which leads to venom in the victim (DAMAGE OVER TIME) a treated bandage is needed and this is how it works

The player may havest a stinger from a dead triffid (must be young adult and above). EACH triffid has a small chance to leave behind a stinger worth havesting (10% from the young adult, 25% from the adult and 35% from the mature).

Once a player otains these they can use a craft like system on it. ONE bottle of boiled water ONE triffid stinger ONE empty can OVER a fire will turn the stinger into a pulp. THAT PULP needs to be mixed with one other craft item, an ANTIBIOTIC or ANOTHER TYPE OF HERB OR PLANT. Once mixed together it becomes a salve or balm. ONCE THE PLAYER has this stinger balm or salve they simple combine with a normal bandage and then you have a TREATED bandage or poultice (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poultice) which then can be kept forever by the player until used. It will stop the damage-overtime (toxin) of all the triffids up to the mature!

Treating the MATURE triffid sting is very hard but can be done by following the above steps, the only difference is that the TREATED bandage from the steps above must undergo one more process. You must combine three stinger Balms and two bandages which in effect makes a complete head and or body part wrap. BECAUSE the sting from a mature triffid takes just 1 minute to render you totally blind and Deaf you have but a short time to not only kill the triffid but get to a safe place if possible. THE full treated bandage (3 balms two bandages) needs to be placed on a player and left for 1 minute in which they cannot move nor see nor hear. IF by chance a player DID mange to kill the Mature triffid but did not have the means to treat himself, ie did not have a heavy treated bandage, then all he could do is wander around deaf and blind and on 1 blood point until another player cured him with a heavy treated bandage or he died.

**UPDATE 1**

Life cycles of the Triffids work like this. When a server is new or started there is a mixture of triffids , it will be spread like this percentage wise. 70% are Juvenile,15 % are young adult. 10% are adult and 5% are mature seed masters. The growth system will work on a timer like this. A juvenile would take 6 hours to reach Mature seed master status like this. One juvenile takes 1 hours to reach young adult, then 2 hours to reach adult then 3 hour to reach the deadly mature,so thats half the life of a 12 hour server. Which means the threat grows as the days go on. When the server resets it must remember how many and of which age the triffids are so as to spawn with the same ones after reset. Gives the player incentive to hunt down young ones before they grow. The mechanic will be fleshed out in full in futher updates here

MUCH more to come soon, from my Dayz of the triffids. Everytime I add an update here i will keep it on the same thread and just mark it with **udate** and the number it is , to save room and what not!! please PM me if you are serious about making a team that can make this mod HOPEFULLY with the standalone technology!

Edited by Blacsparrow
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Wow, I was just thinking of this the other day and you're already working on it, can't wait!

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Hello there

Hmmm, i might move the thread... i'll have a think about it.

Triffid's causing temporary blindness/affecting vision from its attack would be groovy and horridly scary. I dont know how the blind masses could be emulated within the engine, but one could assume it's a while after the "event" and most blind folk have died off.

But if one thinks of it, triffids are really the equivalent of the traditional "slow" zombie except with a blinding attack.



You could just set it after the outbreak, so you can skip all the blind people explanations etc as you don't really need them.

From memory, Triffids are alot more dangerous than Z's.. They aren't dead or infected with rage like a zombie, they're alive and adapt and learn; I guess as they age. As an example to their badassery, they tested electric fence lines for week spots and laid siege to a house in the book.. Imagine running into a barn and locking the doors only to hear 10 of them shuffling around outside, silently probing and waiting, then you hear them leave (or so you think) and gently open the door and .. BAM last thing you hear is the group shrieking in a frenzy as your torn limb from limb.

Also, I don't remember them making you blind, that was all done by the meteor and the plants just seemed (very suspiciously) to be in the right spot at the right time. But it's been a while since I read it.

Can't wait!

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Just another thought, unlike z's they could co-ordinate low level tactical maneuvers, maybe just staying in a herd when they're just little guys, then they learn more advanced tricks as they get older like mimicing sounds of guns and cars and even player's cries for help to flush survivors out, the larger and smarter they are the more clever and devasting they'd be... It'd make for some realllly messed up scenarios, maybe even they could type words from a dead player they just ate in chat (hard with skype etc) like "pick me up" or "help me".. The first time you might go back to help them and walk into a trap, but even hearing / seeing a plant you know is lieing to you (although fake) trying to lure you out is frikkin crazy, you'd have no idea what they're thinking and that itself is really offputting..

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Good point.

Partial blindness from the Tiffid attack is GREAT!!!!

In your stumbling to get away you are stuck on a fence, rail, wall, thinking you are running away when you are not... actually.


The plants are SILENT. so you could walk around the corner and walk into their stinger range, they hear you, and zap. you get a slimy cold banana skin to the head and seconds later you are blind.

Run for it. and hope you are moving away from the horrid walking parsnip monster.


good hearing

fast stinger

slow venom. (a good hit is blind/death in minutes, a glance is temp blindness in minutes... Start your B plan)

Anti venom? intra muscular self admin thingie.


Mr Amway.

From memory they make rattling sound to lure out prey and are pretty clumsy when walking so I don't think they should be silent.

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Also, I don't remember them making you blind, that was all done by the meteor and the plants just seemed (very suspiciously) to be in the right spot at the right time. But it's been a while since I read it.
The protagonist (Bill?) didn't get blinded by the meteor shower because he was already temporarily blinded by a Triffid sting, so he missed the show.

Maybe they don't aim to blind (or maybe they do) but apparently getting whipped in the eyes will fuck you up.

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hullo there

Yep, Triffid venom will blind their prey if stung on the eyes/face. Goggles/diving masks/paintball masks are key, so perhaps another useful in game item?

I forgot about the electric fences and the Triffids testing them for weak spots.

I generally go by the Book or the 70's tv series.



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hullo there

Yep, Triffid venom will blind their prey if stung on the eyes/face. Goggles/diving masks/paintball masks are key, so perhaps another useful in game item?

I forgot about the electric fences and the Triffids testing them for weak spots.

I generally go by the Book or the 70's tv series.



Thats some great ideas, Iam like you Orlok, HUGE fan of the book every since I was a young lad reading it and running around my Aunties HUGE gardens and fighinting and ducking imaginary triffids!! Those were the days, the smell of fresh cut grass and summers that lasted for ever ;)

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