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Did they "nerf" deer stands?

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Hey I'm wondering if they nerfed deer stand weapon loot sometime during the past few months? I've looted about 20-30 the last few days and all I'm getting is cz550's or lee enfields? I sure remember them spawning more high-end weapons then that?

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To the OP, yes, deerstands now have a separate loot table.

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Their loot table is now "Hunting", no longer "Military". So you won't find Military items in them any more.

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  On 3/21/2013 at 11:51 PM, TheDesigner said:

CZ's are the most rare gun (in my case) in the game and it's a beautiful gun, don't complain!

The CZ is the most commonly spawning scoped rifle in the game. I like it, but the chevron sigh/lack of chevrons makes emergency shots (when ranges can't be tested properly/rangefinder can't be pulled out) risky. I'd take a M24 or even a Lee Enfield over it.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 12:18 AM, Applejaxc said:

The CZ is the most commonly spawning scoped rifle in the game. I like it, but the chevron sigh/lack of chevrons makes emergency shots (when ranges can't be tested properly/rangefinder can't be pulled out) risky. I'd take a M24 or even a Lee Enfield over it.

You haven't practiced with the rifle much, if you can make those crack shots.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 12:27 AM, MaxiPads said:

You haven't practiced with the rifle much, if you can make those crack shots.

Wait... I HAVEN'T practiced, and that is why I CAN do well? ....what?

And the CZ isn't HARD to use; it's my favorite scoped rifle because of how common it is. Literally every barn house has one.

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They are there own loot table which I would compare to the farm buildings loot tables.

So what you would find in a barn you find in a deerstand now.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 12:18 AM, Applejaxc said:

The CZ is the most commonly spawning scoped rifle in the game. I like it, but the chevron sigh/lack of chevrons makes emergency shots (when ranges can't be tested properly/rangefinder can't be pulled out) risky. I'd take a M24 or even a Lee Enfield over it.

I've found two AS50s, 1 DMR, and a M107 in a Weapons+ server ad no CZ. I will call a possible error on your statement.

Slightly edited by OrLoK

Edited by orlok
just toning things down a notch. no offence.
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Anyone here in vote of a scoped enfield?

With like a pso scope or something.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 12:27 PM, burritoman259 said:

Anyone here in vote of a scoped enfield?

With like a pso scope or something.

You'd end up with something like an L42A1 / Enfield Enforcer:


Monstrously accurate, but it would be even more anachronistic and out-of-place in Eastern Europe as the Enfield itself.

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Hello there

i44's scoped enfield is one of my favourite arma weapons, but as AshleyP says it's a really Out Of Place weapon.



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Mosin Nagant would be far more suitable than Lee Enfield

Edited by VidKo

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  On 3/22/2013 at 2:21 PM, VidKo said:

Mosin Nagant would be far more suitable than Lee Enfield

it seems that a lot of WWII english veterans retired in chernarussia..

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Yeah, I'd prefer if they replaced the Lee Enfield with the Mosin Nagant M1891/30 Carbine, one that you wouldnt have too much trouble finding in a soviet country.

Very similar to the basic Lee Enfield and there are also scope variations of the rifle.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 1:12 AM, TheDesigner said:

I've found two AS50s, 1 DMR, and a M107 in a Weapons+ server ad no CZ. I will call a possible error on your statement.

Slightly edited by OrLoK

On a WEAPONS+ not a legitimate server. CZ spawns were reduced and over-powered weapons improved because the server admin sucks and can't play the game right. Play on VANILLA and try reproducing that scenario.

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  On 3/22/2013 at 2:21 PM, VidKo said:

Mosin Nagant would be far more suitable than Lee Enfield

It would be more suitable than the enfield but the only problem with that is they would have to make another gun kinda like what the did with the Winchester.

I'd be in favor of just renaming the enfield but I'm not sure how well that would sit with everyone else.

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