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JohnMadden (DayZ)

Respawn Confirmation

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I've continuously pressed the "Respawn" button by accident and I'm quited peeved about it. Is making a confirmation window to much of a hassle to code or what's the general consensus on this issue.

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I've never done it myself but can appreciate how it could easily happen and be very frustrating. I'd definitely like to see this.

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that would be outside of the scope of the mod (see: game engine)

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Done this by mistake on several occasions.

If it's possible (which I hope it is), then pleaaaaase can we see it ingame?

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Self-explanatory, but perhaps it is possible to code a confirmation window to appear when pressing respawn. Numerous times I have died due to trying to press Options.

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Just slow down and take a breath. If you're taking the time to go into the options, surely you can take the time to be sure where you're clicking.

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Please yes, I've confidently clicked Respawn instead of Options one too many times. It makes me scared to go to the menu now

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I hate to admit it but I've done this once myself... and lost a ton of gear in the process!

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I lost a m4a2 cco, a coyote backpack, 4 pieces of meat, a revolver with plenty of ammo a tent a gps and other utilities because of this, so yes, do implement it!

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just killed my 10hour+ character by accidentaly clicking respawn when I was going to select options.

this really needs a "Are you sure you want this character to die" confirmation window before it just kills you...


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The Respawn button is a regular part of ArmA.

See it this way: Accidentially clicking can just aswell lead to accidentially shooting someone in the leg, who in turn blows your head off. The result is the same: Your char is dead.

So yeah... just learn to use your mouse properly.

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Someone has already made a thread regarding this.

Use the search function in the future.

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Last night I accidentally clicked respawn in the UI, killing myself and losing all progress.

I completely understand that it was 100% my fault.

That being said, I think a really smart addition would be a confirmation UI window with a simple, 'Are you sure?' prompt. It doesn't need to be overly complex.

Are you sure?

[Yes] [No]

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AH! You made me think of something. If you DIE in-game, DO NOT CLICK RESPAWN. I'm sure this is what happened to me, causing me to see the whole "Hourglass Bug" thing. (Basically, I respawned as 'unconscious', and then had to wait 10-15 minutes to die again, unable to talk, or even exit the game.)

Hope this helps somebody!


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I was tinkering with video settings and accidentally hit the respawn button. I'm more mad at myself than anything, but it'd be nice if selecting respawn triggered an "Are you sure?" prompt at the middle of the screen so stuff like that can't happen on accident.

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I've been playing this game for a couple of days. I was on day 2 surviving ingame had a lot of nice loot, been having a lot of time.

But upon going to save my settings I accidently clicked while hovering over respawn, which killed me instantly.

I think it's a needed and small thing to add, just a confimation box on respawn so this won't happen. I'm sure it has happened to someone else and will probably keep happening.

An instant suicide button isn't too fun, when you've gathered a lot of supplies you'll be one missclick away from death.


A confirmation window to the "respawn" button.

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Yeah many people have been complaining about it, a confirmation window would be extremely helpful. I personally never experienced this and if you have all the time in the world to go to your options why be so hasty and try to do it as fast as possible?

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Yeah many people have been complaining about it' date=' a confirmation window would be extremely helpful. I personally never experienced this and if you have all the time in the world to go to your options why be so hasty and try to do it as fast as possible?


It was not that I was hasty, I was being calm and slow. I hid out in forest with some buddies. But as I was hovering my mouse towards "options" I accidently left clicks.

I have a tendancy to do that, my mouse is 3 years old and way to easy to click with right now barely has to touch it and haven't gotten around to get a new one because this one is lovely.

Surely it's all my fault but a feature like this would be neat and make it way more safe.

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if this mod teachs ones thing, it is that mistake are punished in the most painful way possible.

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Was alive for about a week, fully equipped and got 700+ Zeds kills.

I was going to change video options, when missclicked and pressed "Respawn" :D


Demoralization complete :D

Please, make additional conformation for "Respawn".

Smth like: "Are you sure? If you press *Yes* you will lose... blah, blah, blah,... To stay alive and to continue the game with your current character press *No*"


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I was thinking this, myself. Luckily for me I have not pressed it myself; though, nor have I been able to survive for a week so far.

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