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JohnMadden (DayZ)

Respawn Confirmation

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Day 14. Moved my mouse too hastily. Pressed respawn. Goodbye M416 ACOG.

I'm actually depressed. Like. I don't know what to do with myself now.

Is there a support group I can join?

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I've done this 3 times, the worst was with an Ak red dot, a tent, barb wire deployer amongst the rest of my gear. Hope this happens.

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Just a box that pops up to say "are you sure you want to respawn? Y/N"

I've only done this once, but I've been playing with friends on multiple occasions where they have also done it.

Pressing escape with intentions of looking at the controls or the options.. and accidently hitting respawn.


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Would love this option in game.. so much so, that I made another thread about it accidently!

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After accidentally killing myself trying to change my video options like an idiot I'm wondering if a confirm re spawn button could be added to stop dumdums like me from killing themselves and avoiding losing all those precious beans.

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Haha, i did this the otherday... Curse my awesomely responsive mouse and clicker... ><

Please do add a confirm.

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2 more duplicate threads merged.

Guys, seriously! Stop creating new threads about this issue! We don't need 15 threads suggesting the same thing!

Whoever creates another thread about this will receive 40% warning from me.

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FFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU day 17 character kitted out with almost every fucking ninja item in the game. All weapons silenced, kicking ass. Was gonna mess with the graphics settings, it was a fatal decision.

I don't mind losing to a good player or a mistake I made in game(outside the main menu) but this was extremely frustrating.

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lol i just did this, (again) , every time i do it i just stare at my monitor with my mouth open, then burst out laughing. i kinda like it.

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This just happened to me. This must be changed. Hours put into a characther gone just cause i wanted to go into options.

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Fortunately I searched before posting this myself.

I would say a simple verification of the player via a prompt overlay would do the trick.

"Are you sure you want to respawn? Your character will die and lose all items."

{cancel} {respawn}


"Your character will die and lose all items" is educational to beginners as they may make the unforgiving assumption that they can respawn with all their items, only to find out their assumption was untrue.

That's one solution. The other would be to address the menu list items and perhaps assign "Respawn" to the bottom of the list and have, say, the height of a list item between "Respawn" and the rest of the menu options for clear separation.

In fact, this would couple nicely with the prompt proposal anyway, as a lot of these people accidentally select "Respawn" instead of "Options" which definitely represents a usability issue in respect to element proximity.

Also, I don't know if you can interact with menu options via keyboard, but I would place focus on {cancel} if the player presses the "enter" key in the prompt overlay.

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