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how often would you trust a bandit skin character?

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Never, I KoS a bandit that is in my way and if he's not I ignore him/her. If the player is neutral or hero I will ask if they need healing and offer them a lift if they are in the middle of nowhere.

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Same as a survivor skin: shoot on sight. :thumbsup:

Unless they bothered to say "friendly" and I had little gear.

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i always shoot on sight

even had then say hi before and still shot them

I even shoot people near bandits

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I will trust anyone if they are not shooting at me. If you die, you die, starting again is the thing that keeps DayZ fun.

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I don't think looking at the skin in the current mod is going to prove anything.

If you shot 2 people in self defense, you can already be a bandit. You can shoot a million people on other servers, switch and you are a survivor with a clean history.

Personally, I think KoS is born out of Fear. But cowardice is an important player in survival, so that's ok with me.

I base my actions on gear and behavior of the player I encounter. If he tries to get into a defensive position and stays silent, he's toast. If he greets from distance and approaches only after I agreed that he can, he get's a chance. But if the player is better equipped and at a location I need nothing from, I try to evade him, so I can continue on without him noticing me.

But If I evade people, I usually make 3 or 4 Stops on the first 500 m. each for several minutes. just to make sure i am not followed or detected.

tl;dr: the skin is not important, treat any survivor on how he behaves and what threat his weapons are to you.

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Depends on the situation.

  • If i call friendly and he/she responds then I stay back and keep hidden. If they don't respond I shoot.
  • If they are in a group then I will shoot as most likely it is a group of bandits working together + I can't take the risk of losing the element of surprise when against more then 1 player.

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Well every bandit I encountered in the newbie areas is hunting the noobs. So now I dont even think I shoot. Hell other players I see who adjust to move towards me I shoot. I have been fooked over alot in the 2 weeks I have been playing so I dont take chances anymore.

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i have the bandit skin but I do help out fresh spawns call it professional courtesy if you will. I also only hunt players that have done me wrong or if there is a group on that my group has a professional rivalry with. Even with those we deem to have a professional rivalry with if we see them just freshly spawned we still help them until we meet again on the battlefield

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Would you trust me? :(


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Would you trust me? :(

seeing you from that angle, with the rifle around your shoulder, making sure my rifle is pointed at the back of your head at any time: sure, why not. let's talk. :-)

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seeing you from that angle, with the rifle around your shoulder, making sure my rifle is pointed at the back of your head at any time: sure, why not. let's talk. :-)

Notice the humanity. ^^

My stats bugged and I'm stuck in a bandit skin, lol.

Edited by mZLY

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Notice the humanity. ^^

My stats bugged and I'm stuck in a bandit skin, lol.

lol... didn't even notice :-)

humanity system seems to be pretty messed up right now

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I'm not sure what happened...

Had a bandit kill and 2 murders after a rough night at the airfield, the next time I logged in my kill stats and humanity all reset to 0 and my skin refuses to change.

I'm hoping that either finding a ghillie or camo and changing in and out of it might reset my skin but obviously, now that I want them I can't find them... :(

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Seems like the fact that your stats were reset while you where offline caused you not to switch your outfit.

I suppose coming up to a guy asking to borrow his ghillie for a minute, because you want to slip in and out of it so you're not a bandit anymore, he's probably going to shoot you...

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Yeah, that and 'I want to slip in and out of your ghillie' sounds a bit...

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Well, I actually got pretty lucky by not KoSing a bandit once. It's a long story, but the general idea is that I let him go because he was unarmed, and he later came back and vouched for me when a different bandit was going to kill me.

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It worked!


1) Someone actually gave me a set of camo clothing.

2) It actually fixed my skin!


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Personally I think its really hypocritical to KoS anyone and call yourself a survivor. Even if they are a bandit doesn't mean they will KoS you or even want to kill you. As mentioned before, I have a bandit skin out of self defense so I don't think you can really trust the humanity/skin system. Even judging people by their guns. Its like someone gets geared up and everyone just wants to KoS them. I'm not complaining it may sound weird but I love dying and having to start over it what keeps the game alive! But I never KoS. I shoot if shot at first or the individual or group, clan, team or whatever they are in have killed one of mine or is a KNOWN KoS group. Even if they are a known KoS group I might sneak behind or around them, maybe even talk with them. I think the main problem with this game is that everyone is so obsessed with Bandit skins and KoSing that in game people forget how to create relationships in game that can really help you. IMO :)

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I find that the best way to deal with any situation that involves another player (that you may not know) is to run away and see if they shot, if they do... keep running and hope they don't hit you... or shot them first... Anytime I've asked someone if they are friendly or not I've been trolled and they have shot me in the back for no reason.

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