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About B()we

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. How far off the mildots were you aiming?
  2. Play on a server where the M107 and AS50 have been removed from the loot table so nope i aint one
  3. B()we

    That moment when..

    Me and buddies tend to move to locations where we hear of people getting killed and try to take on the person doing the killing. So we neither call ourselves heroes nor Bandits but soldiers of fortune and make the best of any situation
  4. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Let me know what thread i have suggested something different in and i will be happy to try and explain.
  5. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    didn't mean to come across rude. Apologies in advance
  6. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Clearly you have no sense of military tactics. Rule 101 in contact drills - fire a 2-3 round burst take a few pace and hit the deck and move either left or right (ground dependant). Locate your enemy and return effective/appropriate fire, change your position every few shots. Saved my life manys a time for real and on DayZ.
  7. B()we

    Idiot people

    On this occasion i myself and 4 of my buddies were the idiots. I will keep it short but sweet. We were playing on Taviana and had stopped on the bridge to check out a vehicle so we could split the team into two sub-teams so that if one vehicle got hit then at least half of us would survive, when out of nowhere a car came speeding at us and tried to side swipe one of our members. We, as i'm sure anybody would took this as hostile intent so we opened fire and watched as the dudes car burst into flames, we proceeded to move towards the vehicle to make sure that culprit was laid to rest on approach we seen the attacker crouching beside his burning wreck. Myself and the rest of the guys assumed he was trying to bandage and then he DC'd. Not 20 seconds later " KAAAABLUEEEEEH", all five of us DEAD. The sneaky bugger wasn't bandaging at all, he had laid a scatchel on a timer. Sneakiest dam move i have ever seen. Good show whoever it was.
  8. B()we

    I wish I spawned with a...

    I would have my very own KIM JONG UN. He will threaten Bandits like they have never been threatened before!
  9. B()we

    Cap Galova Bandit Camping

    Likewise. I can bring the troops!
  10. B()we

    Cap Galova Bandit Camping

    1.) take a good look at the map and the terrain 2.) Select your route in to your proposed firing point 3.) Stop short of your proprosed firing point and scout it 4.) May i suggest you split into two fire teams (providing you have adequette numbers) 5.) Once you're in your "stop short" position and are happy, then begin your approach to your proposed firing point using the terrain. 6.) As vDarkStar suggests' keep good spacing between each of your team members 7.) If you have a new spawn suggest they travel by the targeted location and see if they come under contact As for the Lighthouse itself. It could be a good idea to have an LMG (SAW/M240/MK48) to suppress that position once your are ready to assault .
  11. B()we

    Too Many Hackers, I'm Done.

    What? Primary school taught you well. Try UK11 machoman taviana, it is a private hive and the all admin are on the ball dude. Since the server has been whitelisted there hasn't been a hacker.
  12. B()we

    Motor Vehicle Theft

    Find a road that has a sharp bend, set up a few tank traps around that corner and wait. Simples.