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Still struggling... (ok, HELP!)

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Hi back again.

So yeah, anyone want to lend us a hand over here?

So the deal is I have manually installed everything. Because I can.

So why when I have all the latest updates can I not get onto a server.

bad version, little red crosses etc etc.

do the arma2 version upgrades not make you BACkWARD's compatible with older server versions???

this is just weird.

So I have ver 1.62 and beta patch 102936

why can't I connect to a LOWER version???

that's the whole idea right? yes/no?

Why do I have to ask these PAINFULLY obvious questions?

Am I missing something here???

do I have to load ALL the beta updates??? I mean, surely not. You jest.

Heck I am going to try it.

I will look for an old beta on a server and match it. see what falls out of the tree.

Mr Amway.

PS oh yeah thanks for all the help to date. I feel special....

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I have the solution ... for the LOW LOW PRICE of FREE ... why not try this awesome tool that will take all your DayZ Pains away.

Yes you heard right ... FREE ... as in BEER. :) <-- Linux people will get this.


Download this FREE tool and it will make your pains and woes disappear ... like a BOSS. Did I mention it was FREE. ;)

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Nooooo!!!!! (that's actually yeeeeessss!!!)

I worked it out! whoop!


Remove the beta folder from:

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\Expansion\beta

(this was 1002936 (notice it's called "beta" not "beta_1002936"))

Put it in a folder called "beta_1002936" some where you can find it again.


Find a server, look at the beta it has installed, get that beta.



Unpack it into a folder called "beta_XXXXX" replace xxx with the beta version number.


copy that beta into

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\ (this where the beta folder will live)

so it should end up like this:

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\beta (see there it is)

(The NEW beta folder has whatever beta you downloaded, in it.

Notice you can find out the beta version by looking at the folder?

open this file in that folder:

changelog.txt funnily enough it tells you what beta version is in that folder.)


Log into the server you wanted to log into. (in my case I wanted to get into to a sever with beta 100296)

I changed from:

Arma2 ver 1.62 +++BETA 1002936+++ Dayz origins


Arma2 ver 1.62 +++BETA 100296+++ Dayz origins.

Ran into a town, shot a zombie, go rained on, died of hypothermia PLUS another zombie attacking me.

so there you go, I helped myself.

F**** it. If you really try you can get quite good results.

Must be a Kiwi...

OK I am Scottish Kiwi.


Robert "Amway" F

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Hello there

Interesting posting style you have there.

As others have pointed out apps such as DAYZ Commander / Play with Six / Armarize (armarize is more for arma1-3) can really assist in keeping those mods managed.



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Hmm (thinking)

Orlok : Hi, I am not sure I understand what you mean by "interesting posting style"? Could you explain your comment?

Novogeek: Thanks for the FAIL. (I have learned a few things about arma2 and Dayz that I could NOT learned by using a 3rd party program to manage my wares. since when is learning a FAIL? grow up)

To any one who may bother to read this thread:

I would really like to understand how the mod folder structure works.

Where things are supposed to live and what they do.

I don't want some turkey telling me I need xyz ap to manage my game.

Seriously, I am quite happy struggling with something till I get to understand it.

and so far the game for me is getting the game to work ;)

Kind regards to you all, out there shivering in the miserable cold light of dayz.

Robert "amway" F

Ps. My posting style? My posting style??? ha ha ha ha.....

Edited by Mr Amway

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I have the solution ... for the LOW LOW PRICE of FREE ... why not try this awesome tool that will take all your DayZ Pains away.

Yes you heard right ... FREE ... as in BEER. :) <-- Linux people will get this.


Download this FREE tool and it will make your pains and woes disappear ... like a BOSS. Did I mention it was FREE. ;)

Dude are you some kind of wizard with that knowledge??????

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Orlok : Hi, I am not sure I understand what you mean by "interesting posting style"? Could you explain your comment?

I'm thinking, perhaps, it's the way you make a new paragraph after every sentence.

It's weird when you do it because it's not a correct way of structuring sentences.

You could combine all the sentences together, as you haven't actually changed subject yet. Three to six sentences per paragraph is a fair rule to follow when writing on-line (differs from written text - readability issues).

But anyway, it's your way of writing and at least it's not full of text-talk. :)

Edited by Mr Mouse

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Hello there

Yup, I understand and am aware of my gramatical errors. I tend to think of them as bullet points rather than paragraphs proper. Correctly or incorrectly. Its mainly to avoid the "wall O text" syndrome.



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I have the solution ... for the LOW LOW PRICE of FREE ... why not try this awesome tool that will take all your DayZ Pains away.

Yes you heard right ... FREE ... as in BEER. :) <-- Linux people will get this.


Download this FREE tool and it will make your pains and woes disappear ... like a BOSS. Did I mention it was FREE. ;)


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Why the HELL is

HOW you type up your comments SUCH a big deal???


I just do NOT get it.

Threads get co_opted by unrelated BS.

COME on. Can we move past the



too many spaces

in my reply.

Just be thankful you can read and write!!!!

I read manuals and regulations etc that are DENSE and getting some space between lines is easy to digest.

Other people here probably do the same.




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Got to admit Dayzcommander cleared all my troubles up in one simple download, i now have a good list of servers in my favourites list, no hassle looking for any to choose to play on.

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Operation Arrowhead is classed as an expansion for ArmAII.

ArmAII + Operation Arrowhead is also known as Combined Operations.

The beta patches are for ArmAII & Operation Arrowhead (not ArmAII only).

Therfore the beta's need to be installed in the expansion folder.

Depending on system setup command line will resemble this...(or steam/steamapps/common).

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" "

When using a modification, we can expect...

C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2;Expansion;ca;Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;@dayz"

For complete control of your ArmAII/CO modifications I recommend SpiritedMachines ArmAII launcher.

This allows to mix and match different Islands & mods to suit.

Video tutorials are avilable.


BIS Forum Topic... http://forums.bistud...l=1#post1480904

Might help, might not.

Trouble goes in Troubleshooting.


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