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Derpy_Hooves (DayZ)

The Revolution @ balotabuddies.net

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Custom Private Hives

We have been hard at work over at Balota Buddies recently and are finally proud to announce that our custom patch is now running on all our servers.

Our patch features all the custom food items from (Fraggelo's, Sula Hoops, etc etc) aswell as everything good from the latest hotfix, we have also added a few tweeks in ourselves to make it more stable.

Currently we are developing new features to add into our servers including new vehicles (BAF_Lynx for example) and we are also working on adding in some K9 companions!

There is nothing to download either, everything is server based and will be in the mission file when you first log in all you have to do is get over to our site and get yourself whitelisted to enjoy our new patch.

Extra Vehicles, Barracks and weapons are already standard on our servers (UK is more Vanilla DayZ).

UK/US and AUS Cherneraus and Taviana, regular and Hardcore servers.

Come join in the fun @ www.balotabuddies.net

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Hello there

Interesting. I never got to see my fruity goodness in game, I'll have to pop over. I have been terribly absent from the game as a whole.

Good stuff.



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Whitelisting is relatively quick and painless and you only need do it once. No excuses! get in there, man.

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I think I need to get on for a long overdue good ol' fashion bandit hunt. Also seeing as I never got the chance I gotta nom me some of dem muffins.

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Hello there

The time it takes to get whitelisted (on almost any server that uses the system) is vastly outweighed by the benefits it brings.

One doesn't have to abandon open servers all together but the difference in general is astounding.

I still like to go native and use pub servers now and again as they have a markedly different feel, but for me I like the security and camaraderie that a well run whitelisted server provides.



Edited by orlok
its 3.30 am too many spollin mistookes

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Please don't add dogs and stuff like that. I don't mind a new vehicle here and there, that's all nice variety, but when servers start adding their own features outside DayZ's core functionality, that's when I start to lose interest.

There are hundreds of crappy servers out there with OMG DOGS, 500 HELIS, CARE PACKAGES, START WITH AS50 and so on, and most of them are empty. I love the BB servers because they're DayZ the way DayZ is meant to be played - nothing added, nothing taken away, and a great community to play with.

At the end of the day, it's your server and you're free to do with it what you will, but I really hope you reconsider that particular addition.

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Question - do the US servers get a decent enough ping if you're based in the UK?

Wouldn't mind playing on a server with some custom features yo.

Another question - if I played on the US server, would I still carry over my character from the UK server?

Another another question - I thought there was a bit of an issue with dogs and the like, that's why the Dev Team hadn't released it into the mod as an official patch?

Another another another question - how delicious is Orlok's fruit? no euphemism intended.

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Your ping will be fine on the US server. I've played there before with no issues at all, unless anythings changed (I haven't played for ages) you will have a new character though.

Edited by Fraggle

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Please don't add dogs and stuff like that. I don't mind a new vehicle here and there, that's all nice variety, but when servers start adding their own features outside DayZ's core functionality, that's when I start to lose interest.

There are hundreds of crappy servers out there with OMG DOGS, 500 HELIS, CARE PACKAGES, START WITH AS50 and so on, and most of them are empty. I love the BB servers because they're DayZ the way DayZ is meant to be played - nothing added, nothing taken away, and a great community to play with.

At the end of the day, it's your server and you're free to do with it what you will, but I really hope you reconsider that particular addition.

Don't you forget the lack of hackers!

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Don't you forget the lack of hackers!

Oh yeah, the lack of hackers and honest admins are great too, plus the fact that I seem to have awesome luck finding stuff on BB servers. :P

But yeah, please keep it as vanilla as possible!

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Going to finally apply for a whitelist. I've waited long enough.

Do a double BG check on this guy plus an anal cavity search before you let him in. Although he may enjoy it.

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...I'd like to apply for my Whitelist again, please.

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