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Where to hide camps ?

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I set up camps alot on separate servers but nearly every single one gets raided,

i know you cant hide a camp forever but it would be good to keep one for over 3 days,

so what are some good places or tips to set up a few tents out of plain sight ?

Edited by Lt.Ehsan

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in dense woodland not near towns or travel routes, Plant them either between 2 conifers that are close together or at the base of a conifer close to trunk (something you need to get the knack of as somtimes after a restart they aren't accessible)

Also, some of the servers tents may still have the duping bug:- you plant a tent, put a rifle and some food in it, server restarts, you put some more gear in it, server restarts - its back to having just the original rifle + food so you may not actually be getting raided.

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Okay, so I've got this really awesome place, found it on my first week of playing DayZ. Not playing Chernarus anymore, so I can reveal the secret. It's covered from all sides, and you can only see it if you run past it by like 5 meters. It's important to pitch the tent right. I've been playing DayZ for about 6 months now, and it was only raided legitimately once, when me and my buddy left a big blue betty van near it with a sign "HEY GUYS THERE'S A CAR HERE SO THERE ARE PROBABLY TENTS AROUND HERE, TOO." PM me if you want to know the location.

Edited by chakijz
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Far away from everything where you don't think anyone will ever go, until a hacker uses his ESP and sees your tents, or vehicles. Than you're screwed.

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Lots of places around Blunt Rocks.. Lots of Cover with rocks and tree's in Willow Lake and Black Lake.

Black Forest has this one open area with good cover 090 075

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^ seems like a bad area to me, I think those are too well known to put a camp there.

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the problem with any camp site is you don't need to worry about 95% of the server, only 1 guy stumbling upon it. Maybe your tent is between him and his buddy and he got lucky

Try to think of how a player would go thru an area. Try to place it somewhere they may not go. a lone set of tree's in an open field. Why would anyone run across an open field when they can follow a different tree line with more cover.

Try to think about being seen from above. Really easy to spot tents and vehicles from the air. You will notice that each type of tree has a different advantage for visibility. Finding a good mix and match of bushes and different tree types may take a while, but when you find a good spot you'll immediately know.

Pull up the map of chernarus http://dayzdb.com/map and look at it not trying to see where you should place a tent, but how people would PROBABLY travel. Get a car and scout it out.

Luck and Chance have helped me find numerous tents, however... Also at times you have people like me, who will literally walk on foot for hours combing inch after inch of an area to see what goodies i can find.

Remember... always carry your best gear. Tents should only be backup stuff for when you die and need immediate items like matches, not a treasure vault or armory.

(Edit) Forgot about cheating admins... Gotta love that...

Edited by Charb
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In the Topolka dam surely no one will find it there.

But in all honesty I usually put mine in low traffic areas where players usually don't go close by

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On islands. Most people will not swim out to an island as they will feel it's a "waste of time". I do islands because usually i can get my hands on a boat or i have a heatpack so that when i get out of the water i can heat myself up.

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North of Guba bay is a pretty nice place to hide tents and vehicles. It's very secluded and I've never seen any survivors or campsites up there, so I'm assuming it's not a popular spot. There are many thick forests in the area and even a flat hilltop to hide a helicopter. I should also mention that the PBX (the fastest boat in DayZ, as you probably know) spawns on Guba bay, so that's another plus.

Edit: Guba bay is located northeast of the northeast airfield, if you're having trouble finding it.

Double edit: Another great spot to hide tents, believe it or not, is at secluded homes; more specifically the ones that only have a dirt road leading to them. Players usually don't expect to find tents or vehicles at these spots.

Edited by Private Cowboy
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I've had this amazing spot that's never been looted ever its close to an airfield and a big city it has lots of animals and a water source I also have another amazing spot that has never been looted either.

Pm me If u want locations.

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look for areas with rocks on the ground, from far a lot of rocks looks like tents ;)

i know a lot of spots all over the map wher you can hide good tents but rarely use them ... i prefer taking important stuff with me, lost too many camps because the server went down never comming up again ^^

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Print out a picture of the Cheranous map, hang it on the wall, then get a handful of tacs. Put a tac everywhere on the map where you have encountered people before. Then draw lines connecting the tacs.

Dont put your base inside the lines, what I did was took the farthest line on the left and top of the map and went out another inch and created a border-On one side I can put a base-On the other, I cannot.

This is probably the best idea. This way you know where most people are and then you can decide where to put your base.

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Thanks for all of your Suggestions and tips, found a nice place now :)

Beans for all !!!!

Edited by Lt.Ehsan

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  On 3/11/2013 at 2:39 AM, samazooks said:

I've had this amazing spot that's never been looted ever its close to an airfield and a big city it has lots of animals and a water source I also have another amazing spot that has never been looted either.

I'm guessing either the pond south of Skalka or the two lakes southeast of the northeast airfield.

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089 001. Or around there. I've played on high pop servers with constant heli fly overs and the mountain around that area REALLY covers a lot. Your vehicles don't get white dotted by heli's because the mountain covers them. I know it's wide out in the open, but I had a Mi-17 there for 3 day, a huey there for 3 more days, then a little bird there for 2 more days till it was found out.

People have gotten lazy in this game and don't do grid searches (that's what I did to find tents) anymore. They simply fly around an area and call it quits.

I know it's out in the open, so do what you want. Everywhere else is common place for me to check (black forest, rify, NW of Kamenka, all the normal spots, black lake).

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I find that rock formations with a crevice in them is generally a good spot. I have a single tent hidden that hasn't been found/looted in over a month.

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Well, i set up my camp behind the mountain called Ostry near Krasnostav, it's a pretty full server 40 people and up at specific times but mostly everyone only goes to the NEAF and then turns around and goes back to Berezhino or they just drive by, raid KRasnostav and head off to the diretction of pobeda dam, even helicopters were flying over my camp but didn't find it, maybe because i got a camo UAZ that is pretty hard to see, when parked near a pine tree and a lot of animals around here. I'm surprised no one found it so far.

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I have 3 camp spots, 2 have only ever been found on one server i still use them on other servers with out a worry, i would reveal those but then it would be telling, i will give a rough where abouts, black lake, very annoying spot to get to but tent is pretty invisible, above kamyshovo (starter tent, basic guns and loot) amazingly this is the one of 3 that aint been found, and one near novy lug :) enjoy

Just look for the right spot for YOU and were you think nobody will look, make sure theres a land mark to work from near by otherwise you can very easily lose your own tent, if your a stoner -.- lol

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