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The Shane Walsh of DayZ

Knocking people out.

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I think with some melee weapons we should be able to knock someone out for a few mins if we sneak up behind them and bash them in the back of the head. And instead of the way it looks now *being able to see everything going on even tho you're knocked out* it just shows a timer and a black screen *or maybe a dream or something who knows* till you wake up. This could make real bandits more popular *not the who KoS wannabes* as well as being able to kidnap people to bring to your base or something if you don't want them to know where it's at. The only thing I can see going wrong is people abusing it, but just add diminishing returns after the 2nd-3rd time. Just think how awesome it would be to knock out that guy sniping fresh spawns, taking all his stuff and putting him in a town full of zombies and shooting off a shot to lure all the zombies. It'd also be cool if you could have a zombie pit in your base to drop guys who are like this in there, or have a deathmatch with axes and machetes with the zombies in between *if you watch the walking dead, it's kind of like the Woodberry fights*. Just some cool things i'd like to see in the standalone.

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I would love to have something that was meant to knock someone out instead of killing them. It's too damn hard to try and knock someone out by shooting them and not killing them. I would much prefer knocking people out, making them hand over gear, give information, or just hold them hostage, over killing them.

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Knocking out should have a chance of not working, and a chance of killing them. Also, it should just be a black screen whenever you're unconscious.

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Interesting, i could imagine something like beanbag rounds being feasible (shots to the head only). Or a tranq dart launcher even. Would give people who dont want player kills an easy out.

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tranquilizer gun ? foun in deer stands :) . I would appreciate this knockout idea .

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This is a great idea and I would fully appreciate it.

It would also kinda solve KOS problem.

I also love the idea of tranq gun.

There should additionally be an option to bash a head or just knock out the person if you are standing behind him...

This would add to idea of "backstabbing" people in a game ...

Imagine the scenario where you are hunting zombies and equipment with someone and then this person later knocks you out... (double bandit points B) )

I have to agree with Jakub-SK: It is a knockout idea!

Edited by Va3V1ctis

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I hereby offer you my beans, do you accept this proposition?

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I agree on it, the blunt weapons should cause bleeding and unconsciousness when hit in the head. Of course, if your motive is to kill, just hit the knocked out guy in his head a couple of more times.

By the way:

Location: Your wife's tent
I see what you did there :D Edited by Sutinen

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tranquilizer gun ? foun in deer stands :) . I would appreciate this knockout idea .

From what I've heard, things like tranq guns and knockout gas can be very dangerous and unreliable when used on humans. The dosage has to be precise and maintained, otherwise it might either do nothing or kill them. If it were put in the game, it should be more effective against animals, maybe?

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It would be a nice feature in the game,why kill someone and become a bandit if u can knock the enemy down,steal everything and get away?

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From what I've heard, things like tranq guns and knockout gas can be very dangerous and unreliable when used on humans. The dosage has to be precise and maintained, otherwise it might either do nothing or kill them. If it were put in the game, it should be more effective against animals, maybe?

>.> Because getting shot, but just using a bandaid and eating some meat will save you from dying? Tranq darts could just be super rare to avoid it being abused. Anything is better than just having this KoS stuff. Plus i'm sure people would knock you out IRL to take your stuff rather than kill you, if they saw you were alone. That and true bandits can play without having to be classified as a "KoS noob". A true bandit will only kill you if he has too, with this they can silently rob you without you knowing. Sure you could get held up by a group of bandits, but now the solo or 2 man bandits don't have to KoS just to get your stuff

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This would actually be a great way towards less KoS, since there isn't any way to deal with untrustworthy people right now. Would it work as a stealth mechanic or would it be implemented into melee combat, perhaps both?

Edited by DirtySpartan

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Taser X26, anyone?

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>.> Because getting shot, but just using a bandaid and eating some meat will save you from dying? Tranq darts could just be super rare to avoid it being abused. Anything is better than just having this KoS stuff.

Maybe so, but one unrealistic feature doesn't justify another. I'm not saying they shouldn't be added, either, just saying they shouldn't be too reliable.

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Biggest problem I see with this is how they would implement it.

It would suck to be caught up in a KO stunlock for hours by a troll. Perhaps you simply die if KO'd more than once within a certain time period?

Certainly a nice idea for people who want to play more "humanely".

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actually if you can knockout shot someone in DayZ then get up to them and fix them up and then drag the body they literally cant do anything once they wake up because you are dragging them.

I have had a lot of hilarious moments when I shoot people and then drag them around telling them to die quietly

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I hope they implement tranquilizer guns at some point.

Imagine looting a city, and you stumble across another survivor. Incredulous, you both stare at each-other for a few seconds, not quite knowing what to do. A gunshot means certain death-- zombies being an actual threat. Luckily, you have a tranquilizer gun, so you put him down and get the hell out (or slit his throat.)

Silenced weapons will hopefully be rare enough that people will opt for the tranquilizer gun when they find one.

Edited by Very Ape

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Ima old Pugilist, need no weapons,only dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

This good

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They should allow knock out weapons. And maybe to add icing on the cake have bags which you put over their heads, to block vision. Then you can take them back to wherever your base is unbag them and make them fight in an arena which men fight and the first one to knock out dies. Making the others have to fight for their lives in a knock out contest fight like animals.

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