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Be or not to be friendly?

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It takes more balls to try and befriend someone in this game than to shot someone on sight. Just use voice comms, if the person dosn't respond, it usually means that he's not interested in helping you, found loads of friendlys by using the voice comm.

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Just found 3 guys here that shot me on sight.

Now I'ma kill everyone I find.

What about you guys?

You don't need to create moral excuses if you want to shoot people, It's ok, It's a game.

90% of people use this reason and it's bull. In 2 weeks of playing I shot one person in self defence. I had to completely change my play style but not losing my identity was the way I choose to play.

Not for everyone as it takes patience. And everyone is free to play how they choose which is what makes this mod imo.

Short version : It's ok to be a bandit. Just don't give me the hard luck story that other people turned you that way.

Enjoy this great mod.

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The simple fact is most players are pussies and trolls, and simply enjoy shooting other people, whether they need their loot or not. It gives them joy. It is what it is, regardless of their "the world is so cold, and i must be colder" bullshit.

I've had to kill in self-defense, but if I don't have to kill someone, I'm going to do my best to make sure they never know I'm there.

I agree with others, it's much more challenging to be helpful and constructive, rather than just another mindless PKer. Yesterday I found someone being chased by a small group of Z's, none of them saw me, and I took them all out and bandaged him up. In thanks, he gave me food and precious Pepsi.


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Last night, I was crawling out of Elektro in the dark, when I see a guy in a ghilie suit creeping with a chemlight. I thought about shooting him, but I was also in a field surrounded by zombies. He didn't seem to see me, so I carried on my way.

He probably shot like 4 other people after I left though.

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I was friendly for the first day I played, about 3 weeks ago. After dying 6 times from trying to either team up or just acknowledge a friendly situation, I shot everyone on site, without remorse. Now I'm somewhere between the two. As Double_Back said, I would peg myself as neutral (though not necesserily loner).

If I spot someone who I suspect has a rare bit of gear then I'm probably going to stalk them and try and find an opportunity to take them out without bringing zeds down on me. If I think they are less than or equally geared as me, I mostly quietly extract myself from the situation.

The exception to this is if I'm in town or an airfield and you scare the shit out of me by suddenly appearing somewhere, I can't be held responsible for reflex actions.

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Unless there is some reason I should trust that person to not shoot me later, I shoot everyone I see assuming I can safely loot the corpse.

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Around the airfield and other areas up north, I shoot people. In the south, I rarely if ever do. Helps a lot that direct voice chat works now. No need to risk typing out 'friendly' and it seems to make it harder for them to shoot you. I find the fun from finding people and working together ofsets the anger of dying, since in those areas you rarely have good stuff.

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I just found my friend in-game (took forever though) and my entire Team Fortress 2 is gathering around to play DayZ. (around 15 players).

You guys could wonder what that many people could do.

But we're friends, don't worry. (or not)

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Always friendly, never been killed by another player... tree bug sure... bleeding out... you bet... starvation, gotcha... zombies while I was logging in and couldn't move from being clipped into the terrain, certainly... but never another player.

That said I have rules for how I go about doing this, and use DC voip, always approach with the drop "on them", and always always avoid groups of people working together (this implies a 3rd party communication device and likely a group think attitude).

I don't go out of my way to interfere with people, and let the event normally happen in a low stress situation.

Learn to sit, lower your weapon, and salute... as a further note I tend to only "work" with pick up's for a very short time... it's democracy on a pirate ship... never forget... it's a pirate ship.

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Without side channel its hard to be friendly,....

In first place,...i try to help others or just ignore them,...(not in War Zones like the Big Citys)

Just shoot 4 Players in my gametime on DayZ

1 on the Beach that was just shooting around with no sens

2 Guys from a Group of 5. Because they trying to loot our Camp.

and 1 Clan Member with my M24 at Airfield after they were shooting at us and lost us in the woods! (just to let them know nobody shoots at us) ^^

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I have never fired at another player unless first fired upon. Sometimes it kills me, but I've found the most rewarding experience in DayZ is the impromptu dynamic teamwork that can breed from a group of friendlies stumbling into each other.

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Here's my philosophy. If you see someone and they haven't seen you, nothing needs to go down. If they have, and haven't shot yet, hide and try to talk your way out of it. I know it sounds dumb, but I've defused the last two player encounters I've had by talking it out. The best example of which being an encounter in the middle of futtbuck nowhere. I was running through the woods to meet some friends when I saw a contact heading in my direction. I saw him, he saw me and I saw him seeing me. I ducked behind a tree and he did the same. Since he didn't shoot, I could tell he didn't want to fight. I called out in direct chat "I'll pretend I didn't see you if you pretend you didn't see me..." Sure enough, we went our separate ways. No bullets where given or taken.

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