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A random thing i thought about for dayZ would be being able to fight with your fists and not only kill players but zombies as well, just a random thought B)

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Alright, you go and punch a zombie. Come back and tell me how that goes.

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DayZ: Bruce Lee Edition.

But in all seriousness I'd probably prefer to be able to smack a zombie with the end of my gun or a simple pistol whip, then a hay-maker.

Besides, if punching was built into the game, then I'm sure there would be a DayZ fight club. which nobody would be able to talk about anyway.

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DayZ: Bruce Lee Edition.

But in all seriousness I'd probably prefer to be able to smack a zombie with the end of my gun or a simple pistol whip, then a hay-maker.

Besides, if punching was built into the game, then I'm sure there would be a DayZ fight club. which nobody would be able to talk about anyway.

Enabling players to fight with their bare hands would indeed probably result in fight clubs, but that would only inject more awesomeness and player freedom into the game.

Edited by TheSodesa
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I'd risk getting shot by a dinner bell to knock a guy out and take his gear....

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watch from here:

that is exactly why we need any melee! situations like these are just a pain in the ass. There should be anything starting with pushing at least.

Edited by joe_mcentire

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A random thing i thought about for dayZ would be being able to fight with your fists and not only kill players but zombies as well, just a random thought B)

Have you ever punched someone? If so ... did the person die?

Stop watching movies ... real life don't work like that. :P

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Unless you can punch hard enough to break bones or rupture organs, you can't really kill someone with just a punch. Not only that but say you punch someone in the mouth, more than likely your gonna cut your knuckles on the person's teeth and get some kind of infection from a 'healthy' human being, let alone a someone who hasn't brushed in weeks/months and eats raw flesh. Now say a gut punch to stun someone (probably won't work very well on the infected) might work, or as suggested several times, some kind of pushback/struggle to deal with zombies while unarmed.

If I ever get into a fight with someone, I'm going to do everything I can to put them in a headlock and fall with them.

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I can shoot you 200M away before you can punch me. It could be in the game just useless against firearms.

Yeah, just like real life.

Have you ever punched someone? If so ... did the person die?

Stop watching movies ... real life don't work like that. :P

I once heard about a guy who had some issue with another person, they walked up to them, punched them in the temple and immediately killed them, by accident. Of course it can happen. Houdini also died from getting punched in the stomach. It happens.

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well i was in army, because i had to, and i was actually amazed how fuckin' difficult it is to shoot at a target with a steyr aug from 10 to 20m range.

i remember the thought going through my head "Well that seemed to be much easier on the computer"... Actually the time i hit the target the first time, it could have stabbed my 20 times to death already.

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I once heard about a guy who had some issue with another person, they walked up to them, punched them in the temple and immediately killed them, by accident.

Must be true then.

Houdini also died from getting punched in the stomach. It happens.

Really ... and how long did it take ... wait here is the excerpt:

A student in Montreal asked him if his stomach was hard enough to take any blow, to which he replied that it was, whereupon the student rained a series of blows on it before Houdini had time to tense up. A few days later, he died of a ruptured appendix. This may have been unconnected, as he had already been suffering appendicitis and refusing to seek medical attention.

So yes by all means ... punch away at Zombies and Players ... you will die before they do ... he was already suffering from appendicitis at the time.

I have done Full Contact Karate and Kick Boxing most of my life ... no one has ever died ... so sorry. :(

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Because you haven't seen it, it must be outside the realms of possibility. ... seems legit!

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Must be true then.

Really ... and how long did it take ... wait here is the excerpt:

So yes by all means ... punch away at Zombies and Players ... you will die before they do ... he was already suffering from appendicitis at the time.

I have done Full Contact Karate and Kick Boxing most of my life ... no one has ever died ... so sorry. :(

Well shit, I didn't know you've never accidentally killed someone in any of your martial arts. Obviously this is enough proof in your case, and I apologize profusely for my now apparent blindness in the matter. After all, I heard it from a stranger on the internet, so it must be true, right?

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Sure, introduce punching, but don't let people turn into Muhammed Ali and score knockout shots all the time. I don't think you should be able to kill someone with it unless you punch them down a flight of stairs and they hit their head on the ground, or you go John Hartigan on their face while prone or unconscious.

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So nobody in real life has ever been beaten to death??? :rolleyes:

Is that where this is going?

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Have you ever punched someone? If so ... did the person die?

I punched this guy in high school so hard that eighteen people in various locations around the globe simultaneously fell over and died of ruptured everything.

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I punched this guy in high school so hard that eighteen people in various locations around the globe simultaneously fell over and died of ruptured everything.


But in all seriousness, I'm amazed at the number of people in this this thread who don't realize that punching someone in the head multiple times can cause serious, disfiguring, even lethal physical trauma.

Quite worrying.

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Nahh, guys. Come on, this would ruin immersion. It would ruin MY ASS. Is there actually any reason not to punch, sure it should only have a 2% chance of knocking someone out, but make it like a throwing item, the longer you hold in the mouse button, the harder you punch, increasing the possibility of a knockout.

Are Chernarus-ians incapable of using their hands?

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Have you ever punched someone? If so ... did the person die?

Stop watching movies ... real life don't work like that. :P

People really can die from a punch...

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I punched this guy in high school so hard that eighteen people in various locations around the globe simultaneously fell over and died of ruptured everything.

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Have you ever punched someone? If so ... did the person die?

Stop watching movies ... real life don't work like that. :P

You CAN beat someone to death. are you in second grade?

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