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Working on a sardines tin-box or something, like from your image above :) you will need normal maps aswell right? Also Ambient Occlusion?

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So, say a friend of mine and I are making a functional ingame Nailgun together.. Does anyone have any pointers on how to do this? I understand that the weapon will need a config and all that, I'm reading up currently on creating weapons for the game, but in the context of putting it within a mod... would the model and textures go into _communityassets and the config into _code? Like everything else? Please let me know if you've got a moment, I thought it would be a fun idea to have an industrial nailgun - silent, low range, reasonable rate-of-fire and medium power, found in industrial buildings.

And I think there would have to be a new sounds folder in _communityassets too.

You'll also need an entry for cfgMagazines and one for cfgAmmos. In the relevant .hpp's in Dayz_code.

You can inherit an existing classes properties (class Rifle would probably be the best to use imo if the weapon occupies the main weapon slot). If you want to do things like make custom recoil, that's possible too (defines in cfgRecoils).

Hit me up if you want any other pointers - if you want to make the config together, we can do it on the forums here, or pm me. I like doing stuff on the forums so the info is available for others to use in the future.

Personally, I would make it as a standalone mod (easier to make and test as you go along) and then when you are happy with it, import it into the relevant community assets files.

Edited by Horde

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Working on a sardines tin-box or something, like from your image above :) you will need normal maps aswell right? Also Ambient Occlusion?

Thanks, and would be helpful to have the normal map. I don't think occlusion is that important in ArmA, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

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You'll also need an entry for cfgMagazines and one for cfgAmmos. In the relevant .hpp's in Dayz_code.

You can inherit an existing classes properties (class Rifle would probably be the best to use imo if the weapon occupies the main weapon slot). If you want to do things like make custom recoil, that's possible too (defines in cfgRecoils).

Hit me up if you want any other pointers - if you want to make the config together, we can do it on the forums here, or pm me. I like doing stuff on the forums so the info is available for others to use in the future.

Personally, I would make it as a standalone mod (easier to make and test as you go along) and then when you are happy with it, import it into the relevant community assets files.

I think it's going to be in the secondary slot, unless you would disagree. And thanks for the offer, I'd much prefer to do it on here; like you said, it helps people looking for info, and to be quite honest I have no idea what I'm doing!

I thought it would be better to make a separate mod first, yeah.

CfgMagazines entry isn't too difficult, just need the specs, although I'm not sure if we're going to need a different class. In the context of a nailgun, I'm thinking that it would be held more like a pistol than a rifle (which I'm assuming comes under the weapon class). Having researched a bit, I think we're just going to have to go for suspension of disbelief/shoddy Chernarussian nailgun when making it semi-automatic like I'd like it. I don't think it's going to need much recoil at all, nailers don't seem to have any.

It would probably be about as powerful as a revolver/M1911 in-game, with much less range (I think most have a range of about 45 metres). They are semi-auto as far as I'm aware though. I've already looked into sourcing some sounds for it, I'd guess that the Makarov/M1911 reload noise would suffice. I've located a nice sound for the firing so I'll edit it a bit to make it sound nice.

Let me know what else I could be doing - bear in mind that this friend of mine is doing the modelling, and he hasn't got very far yet - hopefully, the model will be done in a couple of days - one week.

Edited by Papa Ingasmeeg

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Cool. I've put together a basic config for you that you can fiddle about with.

Most things have been commented, so you can play about with the values for the nail gun, it's magazines and it's ammo. If you look through the config, there's some links to the configs it was based on and also the Bohemia official config reference guides.

I couldn't do some stuff on config level (like removing the muzzle flash), so I think that has to done in the model itself. I've deleted things like empty cartridges and their sounds for you already. Also, there is some placeholder files for ui pictures of the nail gun and it's nails. Plus there is a placeholder sound so you can edit it/replace it as necessary.

In this download is all the source files (and the pbo). The only thing that's missing is the models for nailgun, it's magazines and the actual nail you fire at other people zombies. Do whatever you like with it. It can be used as a template for other weapons as well if you want.

Nailgun files

If you want to test it in game, drop the @Nailgun folder in your Game folder and add the following to your Op Arrowhead shortcut:


If you want to place them in the editor to try, add a unit and place this text in its init line:

this addMagazine "100Rnd_20mm_angle_head_nails"; this addWeapon "Nailgun";

I didn't set any of the numbers up, so you will need to adjust things like dispersion, range, and muzzle velocity to your liking. I would say the following are good ones to look at for this project:


  • dexterity
  • dispersion
  • model (change this from the M9 to your model path when your mate gets it done)
  • reloadtime
  • selectionfireanim (this is defined to "zasleh", set up on the model)

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference


  • count
  • initspeed
  • model (change this from the M9 mag to your model path when your mate gets it done)

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference


  • airfriction
  • caliber
  • deflecting
  • hit
  • model (change this from the 9mm bullet to your model when your mate gets it done)
  • timetolive
  • typicalspeed

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference

If it helps, it looks like the only type of nail gun that is portable would be either a battery powered one or one powered by blank ammo (percussion caps). The really cool rotary ones are all on pneumatic lines. I guess there will have to be some suspension of disbelief as Arma can only simulate one one ammunition source, but in reality, they need nails and a battery, or nails and blank ammo. Maybe something could be scripted in to simulate consumption of two sorts of "ammo", but imo that seems like too much trouble for not enough benefit. After all, NVG's are currently powered by infinite battery so nobody should really mind if this is too. Solving battery problem should be subject of another topic imo.

You may also find that a portable nail gun would be hard pressed to hit something 20m away and the nails would lose velocity very quickly due to their unaerodynamic qualities. (Just something I noticed when researching this). This is offset I suppose by their ridiculously large "magazine" size.


Here is nailgun working in game menus:


Enjoy :)

I might start work on one of these:


Edited by Horde
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Continually excellent work inga :thumbsup:

Just a thought, would it be possible to reconfigure the axe/crowbar into the secondary slot?

It's never made sense to me that they have to be main weapons when in daily life they can be carried in work-belts/holsters.

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Continually excellent work inga :thumbsup:

Just a thought, would it be possible to reconfigure the axe/crowbar into the secondary slot?

It's never made sense to me that they have to be main weapons when in daily life they can be carried in work-belts/holsters.

There's a discussion going on about this on the Private Github, so R4Z0R and the coders know about the issue. I think R4Z0R is personally against the idea of having melee as secondary (he does have a point when he makes it, I just can't remember what it is! :)

Thanks for the support, buddy.

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Thanks Horde, that's really incredibly helpful. I'll muck around with the sounds and config (I've spent the last hour or so researching and testing different configs for ranges and things. There are still some values I've yet to look into, and thanks about Zasleh, the tutorial from Elvaron (I've linked it in the OP) will help with setting that up. I'll make sure my mate makes a nail too!

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Alright :) the Model of the fish can is done. Where can i send it to? I can't export it for Arma, cause i can't find the export plugin for blender. But i could send the model to someone else, who may has it and got more expierence with the importing of models, @ Papa Ingasmeeg can you do that? Tell me the format you'll need and you get it :) I've heard that .obj or .3ds is required. I also got a UV-Layout for you ;D.

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The author of the Blender scripts threw a wobbly over Arma 3 and discontinued all of his work:


But, someone else has made some scripts that will export from Blender. Details in link below:


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I got the Blender script a while ago, so I can export .p3d's. I can import .obj's and .3ds's so that's not a problem, if you're on Blender just send me the .blend! Can you upload files here? I think you can, seeing as that's what Horde has done with his nailgun.zip.

Looking forward to seeing your work, and thanks for doing the UV, it helps massively for a modeling noob like myself. :D

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Thanks man! Sorry, I've been out all afternoon.

I could only find the import scripts from Leopotam for Blender: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nm9yrdyy4tv668h/addon_leopotam_import_p3d_mlod.zip

Sorry guys, I thought I had both. I guess we can use Horde's link. :lol:

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AlphaX, I've got your model into o2, it looks great nice work!

I'll put together a texture for it now and if I'm happy with it I'll push it into the game later on. Would you like me to reference you as the creator of the model? :D

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thanks! Yess, a reference would be nice :) btw, finished already 2 other models :P one for the soup thingy and a mug :) mug needs to get a bit of fine tuning atm, but its almost done. Also a cereals box is finished :).

Edited by AlphaX
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Thanks so much AlphaX, I'll probably end up stuck behind you with the rate you're making these!

I'm about half done with the texture for the sardines, I haven't been doing it today so far as have been busy/working (and it's a Sunday <_< ) but hopefully I'll have it done later. Please link all the finished models if possible so I can get cracking with them as well!

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will link them asap :) i'll finish the work on the mug and after that you'll get the link :)

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Alright :) So far i've finished:

- sardines tin box

- cerealbox

- mug*

- military mug (with 2 normals maps one for regular and the other one for a "rusted" texture)*

- Soup (One of those pre-done soup mixes, where you only have to add boiled water)*

and things with "*", for them i have already done a bit of an "test-texture"


don't forget that the models with an "H" at the end are the highpoly models, wich i've used to create the normal maps, for importing you should use the models with an "L" at the end.

Otherwise we will have an vertex- and facecount explosion :D

Edited by AlphaX
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Thanks AlphaX, keep it up. I feel as if this project is beginning to pick up momentum! However, I'm starting to fall behind. :o

I've downloaded all the models, and I've done about half of the original tin (which is going to contain sprat fish) - as I'm reasonably new to this I'm having difficulty doing good looking metal textures etc.

Hopefully I'll have something to show tomorrow. B)

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take your time, metal textures aren't the easiest thing out in this world :D Just look at my sick rust texture.. i mean its weird :D I could help a bit with the textures if you want :).

I think i'll do now some toy-models :) like a bit of a dirty and crunched teddy :D.

And a fancy model for chocolate... hm.... chocolate, something like parlines.

Edited by AlphaX
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take your time, metal textures aren't the easiest thing out in this world :D Just look at my sick rust texture.. i mean its weird :D I could help a bit with the textures if you want :).

I think i'll do now some toy-models :) like a bit of a dirty and crunched teddy :D.

And a fancy model for chocolate... hm.... chocolate, something like parlines.

If you keep supplying me with these, I'll think we'll be set to cram DayZ with random stuff till kingdom come..

I think I've done hard part of the tin now. Just going to do the label (which shouldn't take too long) and then I'll finish it later on.

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@AlphaX, sorry but is there any chance you could do an empty version of the sardine can? Hopefully, it would have the same UV Map, meaning the same textures would apply (it would just be slightly opened and a trash loot). I am currently configuring the .rvmat and .p3d of this can.

The rest of the things you've made so far shouldn't be a problem. :)

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Could someone please explain to me what has happened with the texture? I understand that I screwed up the .rvmat so I'll do that again later, but I can't figure out why the UV has come out like that. I don't seem to be able to do any manual lining up of it or anything, it's just stuck like that. I've been trying for at least an hour now. <_<

I'm off to bed, I hope this can be resolved soon!

By the way, Sausage, what have you been up to? Is there anything you could showcase/talk about here? ;)

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Cool. I've put together a basic config for you that you can fiddle about with.

Most things have been commented, so you can play about with the values for the nail gun, it's magazines and it's ammo. If you look through the config, there's some links to the configs it was based on and also the Bohemia official config reference guides.

I couldn't do some stuff on config level (like removing the muzzle flash), so I think that has to done in the model itself. I've deleted things like empty cartridges and their sounds for you already. Also, there is some placeholder files for ui pictures of the nail gun and it's nails. Plus there is a placeholder sound so you can edit it/replace it as necessary.

In this download is all the source files (and the pbo). The only thing that's missing is the models for nailgun, it's magazines and the actual nail you fire at other people zombies. Do whatever you like with it. It can be used as a template for other weapons as well if you want.

Nailgun files

If you want to test it in game, drop the @Nailgun folder in your Game folder and add the following to your Op Arrowhead shortcut:


If you want to place them in the editor to try, add a unit and place this text in its init line:

this addMagazine "100Rnd_20mm_angle_head_nails"; this addWeapon "Nailgun";

I didn't set any of the numbers up, so you will need to adjust things like dispersion, range, and muzzle velocity to your liking. I would say the following are good ones to look at for this project:


  • dexterity
  • dispersion
  • model (change this from the M9 to your model path when your mate gets it done)
  • reloadtime
  • selectionfireanim (this is defined to "zasleh", set up on the model)

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference


  • count
  • initspeed
  • model (change this from the M9 mag to your model path when your mate gets it done)

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference


  • airfriction
  • caliber
  • deflecting
  • hit
  • model (change this from the 9mm bullet to your model when your mate gets it done)
  • timetolive
  • typicalspeed

Reference: http://community.bis...onfig_Reference

If it helps, it looks like the only type of nail gun that is portable would be either a battery powered one or one powered by blank ammo (percussion caps). The really cool rotary ones are all on pneumatic lines. I guess there will have to be some suspension of disbelief as Arma can only simulate one one ammunition source, but in reality, they need nails and a battery, or nails and blank ammo. Maybe something could be scripted in to simulate consumption of two sorts of "ammo", but imo that seems like too much trouble for not enough benefit. After all, NVG's are currently powered by infinite battery so nobody should really mind if this is too. Solving battery problem should be subject of another topic imo.

You may also find that a portable nail gun would be hard pressed to hit something 20m away and the nails would lose velocity very quickly due to their unaerodynamic qualities. (Just something I noticed when researching this). This is offset I suppose by their ridiculously large "magazine" size.


Here is nailgun working in game menus:


Enjoy :)

I might start work on one of these:


nice work on the nailgun ,but it feels a little too clean and brigth for my taste.

also, while you're at it, can you make a grav-gun to fling that sawblade?

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