reds 4 Posted February 24, 2013 So I've had enough.I think you should know the reasons. Maybe you can feed them into improvements to the game.Close quarter combat is bugged, flawed and weak.- Shouldn't have to "reload" a melee weapon. It makes absolutely no sense.- There should at least be some support for unarmed combat.- There needs to be more melee weapons.- There needs to be more silent weapons. Crossbow bolts should be recoverable.- Zombies attack by having a fit in front of you. Usually this has no effect. Sometimes you'll fall unconcious. Sometimes you'll die instantly. It's all too random. How can I defend against random?Underlying all this there's a crucial problem. The ARMA 2 engine is a warfare simulator. The vast majority of this warfare takes place using ranged weapons. But zombies attack with melee (ie fists/claws). The ARMA 2 engine doesn't seem to be up to the job of "simulating" close quarter combat, which makes sense really, that's not what it was designed to do.The blood system is flawed.I'm sure that a lot of the other bugs influence this. Maybe once they're ironed out the blood system will become more acceptable.Backpacks are bugged and clunky.Why do I have to "open" a backpack to see what's in it? Just show me all the slots I have available. Make it dynamic based on the container type.Because you can't store a weapon in the backpack whgen you first spawn, and because you can't (easily) keep an axe and a gun at the same time, I find that my first objective is to find a backpack that's large enough to hold a gun. This seems like something I shouldn't be doing.The survival element is flawed/pointless.I've never once needed to build a fire and cook meat. And I've never once found all the parts needed to do this. If this (building fires and cooking) is a priority then it should be easier to find the resources to do it, and there should be more pressure to do it (ie less tinned food).Night isn't worth bothering with.It really isn't. Unless you have night vision goggles. In which case, why bother? If you like playing at night but your favourite server insists on playing daylight hours then simply turn off your monitor for the same realistic effect.Hackers.They really spoil a server. This isn't solely limited to DayZ, ARMA 2 has the same problem, but when you've spent a few days trying to build a character, only to have some l33t haxor explose the whole map, it kind of sucks.There should be more vehicles.I know this is dependent on the server and I know clans often horde vehicles for themselves. Still I've never played on a server and been overwhelmed by the availability of vehicles.There's no purpose to the game.Yeah yeah I know. Before you hit the flame key I know it's an open sandbox game. Unfortunately, because there's nothing really to do, it becomes a crude capitalism simulator. People become bandits because there's nothing to do and they take your stuff because only objects have value. There isn't the sense of cooperation you get in Left For Dead where you really feel as though you need to band together to survive the zombie horde. In this game you just need to band together so you can steal other peoples stuff.I suppose an interesting question to ask would be: Why would I want to kill zombies (other than "Aaargh get it off me")? Perhaps they could have a value that's tradable. Perhaps they could destroy player built defenses. Maybe zombies need to survive somehow too, eg capture a town, so there's actualy conflict between players needing to hold a town and zombies needing to hold a town. Who knows.Oh and I don't know if i'm winning, or if another player is a good player. Some engrossing game statistics would be good.A lot of the replies will probably be in the form of "dude it's a military simulator, it's ultra realistic, If you don't like it go back to Call Of Duty". Hmm. Well the game already takes many short cuts, such as allowing people to magically draw on my map even though they're thousands of miles away. Or telling me what town I'm in at the start. Or letting me open a tin of food without a tin opener. Or letting me fire weapons and drive vehicles that I've probably never been trained on. The point is you shouldn't let realism get in the way of fun. This should apply doubly so in a zombie game. Which, lets be honest, is just a bit of fun.Oh I like the fact that you can transfer characters between servers. This is pretty awesome.Anyway. I sound like a Debbie Downer and I don't want to. DayZ is a really original idea and I'd love to see it evolve into something more playable. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clumzy (DayZ) 377 Posted February 24, 2013 You're right, you are being a bit of a Negative Nancy. DayZ has its flaws, and most of your complaints will be addresed. Feel free to wait until the standalone, I'm sure it will be improved.I like your idea of clearing an area, that should be possible but only with great effort.Crossbow bolts can be recovered, by the way. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joe_mcentire 2074 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) well it's a mod therefore you cannot really blame someone in terms of bugginess..some other points you mention here are already adressed for the SA. so maybe just wait for it to come.edit: holy sh.. clumzy wrote almost the exact thing :o ...creepy Edited February 24, 2013 by joe_mcentire Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thesodesa 99 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Are you a troll, or just completely unaware of the fact that the game is not really even at the early alpha stages of it's development. Most, if not all of these issues are being addressed in the final product, which will take at least another year to finish, and that is after the paid alpha version of the game is released.EDIT. I keep forgetting that not all of the people in these forums know how game or software development works. Blame Mojang for mixing up the pack with regards to how games are being developed. Edited February 24, 2013 by TheSodesa 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Food 309 Posted February 24, 2013 Why I don't careAnother useless complaining person is leaving the game.It's not even a full game, of course it's bugged, it's not even beta... 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dallas 5195 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Are you on facebook or Twitter, so I can follow whatever else you're not doing anymore? Edited February 25, 2013 by Dallas 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
A Plastic Bag 3 Posted February 24, 2013 You can pickup crossbow bolts btw I have done so beforeI understand about the zombies though they are horribly scripted, jumping about around the place looking ridiculous.Although the game has issues it still is the best mod (cough cough) game I have ever played in my historyof gaming overall due to it's complexity and survival aspect to it honestly the best multiplayer zombie simulator I have ever played cannot be 'perfect' 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 506 Posted February 24, 2013 I'm sorry but this post made me laugh. All of your points about CQC are either wrong or just bugs with ArmA, which unfortunately does have problems in this regard. All your other points are nothing to do with DayZ itself, apart from the fact that there's nothing to do. That I mostly agree with, but again, it's limitations with the mod. SA will fix everything you're talking about. Enjoy playing something else, I'm sure no one will miss you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rekli 995 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Most of these being fixed.This really isn't a suggestion more like you bitching.we don't care if you're leaving DayZ tell your friends who play DayZ (if any) not us.SOME ARE STRAIGHT OUT WRONG. Edited February 24, 2013 by NeedzBeanz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pokey (DayZ) 103 Posted February 24, 2013 Are you facebook or Twitter, so I can follow whatever else you're not doing anymore?Soft and squidgy #feces 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadowjack 254 Posted February 24, 2013 So I've had enough.LOTS OF WORDS ...............................................................Anyway. I sound like a Debbie Downer and I don't want to. DayZ is a really original idea and I'd love to see it evolve into something more playable.While you make some valid points. Many of them are being addressed for the SA. You are aware this is a mod right? I have to question if or how much you have played the mod as many of your objections seem canned if not inaccurate. It is as if you took a list of negative talking points and re-posted them without bothering to check your facts I challenge you to come back 6 - 12 months after release of the SA and give it a real go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted February 24, 2013 (edited) Backpacks are bugged and clunky.Why do I have to "open" a backpack to see what's in it? Just show me all the slots I have available. Make it dynamic based on the container type.I'm sorry, I laughed at this part., but in all seriousness this is a mod and is it flawed. We just have to deal with it and hope for more updates and of course the stand alone. Edited February 24, 2013 by renaeX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Man vs Wild 313 Posted February 24, 2013 Backpacks are bugged and clunky.Why do I have to "open" a backpack to see what's in it? Just show me all the slots I have available. Make it dynamic based on the container type.Opening a backpack to see whats inside of it??? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bat (DayZ) 230 Posted February 25, 2013 It takes time to develop a game, the mod you were playing is only that, a MOD, in alpha version made by a single guy in his spare time for a bunch of friends and himself to play...Now just wait for the standalone, and remember :The experience will be entirely new. There is virtually nothing that has been directly ported from the mod, everything has been redone. This wasn’t our original intention (hence the December deadline) - but it has evolved this way. We’re all glad it has! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RayPugh 146 Posted February 25, 2013 (edited) This was a fantastic read, it really was. Pure hilarity from start to finnish. Edited February 25, 2013 by RayPugh 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reds 4 Posted February 25, 2013 Are you a troll, or just completely unaware of the fact that the game is not really even at the early alpha stages of it's development.I was totally unaware. I didn't read the part where it said "alpha" on the download page. Nor did I notice where it said "alpha" on almost every dayz server page Ivisit. Thankyou for posting.But seriously if noone says why they've stopped playing the game then it'll never get past alpha. Or it will get past alpha as an awful, awful game. I don't want that to happen.EDIT. I keep forgetting that not all of the people in these forums know how game or software development worksI'm a software developer.Are you facebook or Twitter, so I can follow whatever else you're not doing anymore?Sure. but on the internet I am known as kreWelDesTroyoRzOpening a backpack to see whats inside of it??? WHAT IS THIS MADNESSBut what does it add to the game? I understand the need to have a limited number of storage slots and its a realistic incentive to get a bigger backpack. But why go through the complication of having an extra context menu item and then a weird way of selecting and moving items? I suspect its a limitation of the ARMA2 engine.Thanks for all your positive comments. I'm looking forward to the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BattleBear Custom 18 Posted February 25, 2013 GOODBYE!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RayPugh 146 Posted February 25, 2013 So I've had enough.Thanks for all your positive comments. I'm looking forward to the standalone.i'm confused, maybe you meant to name this thread somthing else? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bat (DayZ) 230 Posted February 25, 2013 But seriously if noone says why they've stopped playing the game then it'll never get past alpha. Or it will get past alpha as an awful, awful game. I don't want that to happen.I won't make a sarcastic reply about this line... just believe me, out of 1 600 000 players, others have already said evey single thing you said here, multiple times, in every language known to man, and for nearly a year now. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reds 4 Posted February 25, 2013 ... others have already said evey single thing you said here, multiple times, in every language known to man, and for nearly a year now.I don't doubt it. One more pebble in the fountain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angryofficer 89 Posted February 25, 2013 (edited) So I've had enough.I think you should know the reasons. Maybe you can feed them into improvements to the game.Close quarter combat is bugged, flawed and weak.- Shouldn't have to "reload" a melee weapon. It makes absolutely no sense. No melee weapons in arma, melee weapons are just guns with short range. Cannot be fixed (I think)- There should at least be some support for unarmed combat. True.- There needs to be more melee weapons. True.- There needs to be more silent weapons. Unless I'm being stupid and can't think, really the only silent weapons are bows, crossbows, silencers, and melee. We have 3/4. Crossbow bolts should be recoverable. They are.- Zombies attack by having a fit in front of you. Usually this has no effect. Sometimes you'll fall unconcious. Sometimes you'll die instantly. It's all too random. How can I defend against random? You don't. It isn't fair. It's not supposed to be fair.Underlying all this there's a crucial problem. The ARMA 2 engine is a warfare simulator. The vast majority of this warfare takes place using ranged weapons. But zombies attack with melee (ie fists/claws). The ARMA 2 engine doesn't seem to be up to the job of "simulating" close quarter combat, which makes sense really, that's not what it was designed to do. Yup. So why bother complaining.The blood system is flawed.I'm sure that a lot of the other bugs influence this. Maybe once they're ironed out the blood system will become more acceptable. What's wrong with it?Backpacks are bugged and clunky. They aren't bugged. I'm tired of seeing people complain about arma's inventory system, it could be better but if you take a couple minutes to learn it it works fine.Why do I have to "open" a backpack to see what's in it? heh Just show me all the slots I have available. Make it dynamic based on the container type.Because you can't store a weapon in the backpack whgen you first spawn, and because you can't (easily) keep an axe and a gun at the same time, I find that my first objective is to find a backpack that's large enough to hold a gun. This seems like something I shouldn't be doing. You couldn't fit a rifle in the tiny pack you start with realistically, so why here?The survival element is flawed/pointless.I've never once needed to build a fire and cook meat. And I've never once found all the parts needed to do this. If this (building fires and cooking) is a priority then it should be easier to find the resources to do it, and there should be more pressure to do it (ie less tinned food). How long have you been playing? 15 minutes? The parts are already very easy to find. Although I do agree with less tinned food.Night isn't worth bothering with.It really isn't. Unless you have night vision goggles. In which case, why bother? If you like playing at night but your favourite server insists on playing daylight hours then simply turn off your monitor for the same realistic effect. How so? Night is extremely fun and there are more things to worry about in it. Hackers.They really spoil a server. This isn't solely limited to DayZ, ARMA 2 has the same problem, but when you've spent a few days trying to build a character, only to have some l33t haxor explose the whole map, it kind of sucks. Private hives and whitelists.There should be more vehicles.I know this is dependent on the server and I know clans often horde vehicles for themselves. Still I've never played on a server and been overwhelmed by the availability of vehicles. I have. Depends on the server. If you haven't been overwhelmed and you've played on one of those retarded "800+ VEHICLES" servers, then there's something wrong.There's no purpose to the game.Yeah yeah I know. Before you hit the flame key I know it's an open sandbox game. Unfortunately, because there's nothing really to do, it becomes a crude capitalism simulator. People become bandits because there's nothing to do and they take your stuff because only objects have value. There isn't the sense of cooperation you get in Left For Dead where you really feel as though you need to band together to survive the zombie horde. In this game you just need to band together so you can steal other peoples stuff. Have fun. Do weird stuff. Drive a car off a cliff, Play as a hero. As a bandit. I haven't played dayz in a while due to not having windows on my computer, but I was nowhere near bored when I stopped.I suppose an interesting question to ask would be: Why would I want to kill zombies (other than "Aaargh get it off me")? Perhaps they could have a value that's tradable. Perhaps they could destroy player built defenses. Maybe zombies need to survive somehow too, eg capture a town, so there's actualy conflict between players needing to hold a town and zombies needing to hold a town. Who knows.Oh and I don't know if i'm winning, You're winner. Anyway, you can't be "winning". You're winning when you're surviving I suppose. Or when you find a campsite. Or when you barely make it out of a situation alive. or if another player is a good player. Some engrossing game statistics would be good.A lot of the replies will probably be in the form of "dude it's a military simulator, it's ultra realistic, If you don't like it go back to Call Of Duty". Hmm. Well the game already takes many short cuts, such as allowing people to magically draw on my map even though they're thousands of miles away. Or telling me what town I'm in at the start. Or letting me open a tin of food without a tin opener. Or letting me fire weapons and drive vehicles that I've probably never been trained on. The point is you shouldn't let realism get in the way of fun. This should apply doubly so in a zombie game. Which, lets be honest, is just a bit of fun.Oh I like the fact that you can transfer characters between servers. This is pretty awesome.Anyway. I sound like a Debbie Downer and I don't want to. DayZ is a really original idea and I'd love to see it evolve into something more playable. Edited February 25, 2013 by Angryofficer 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IHombreI 16 Posted February 25, 2013 (edited) so other than the reason post like this pop-up every week or so i dedided to say somethingoh you never cooked meat because you don't see the point of it? well when i play i try only gut animals and cook their meat because once you see all the pros (low risk,restoring alot of blood,...) thats the only food you want to eat i certainly don't want always loot some supermarket in a town only to find some canned food.Things like this let me think you haven't played the mod for very long and that posts like this are pointless because there are alot of them.Dont get me wrong it's your decision and i respect that. But that everyone who is sick of dayz feels the urge to tell the whole community and bitching about things that everyone including the developers know about is something i don't understand.After all rocket himself never considered the mod as a "Game".So i feel sorry for you that the mod is nothing for you but believe me warz will probably not be the only game that emulates that idea and i think thats a good thing because sooner or later there will be similar games so everyone can choose what they want because the sandalone will be much more "realistic" than the mod.Sorry if my post is a bit unstructured but i'm pretty tired and english is not my main language Edited February 25, 2013 by IHombreI Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
reds 4 Posted February 25, 2013 So why bother complaining... [about an engine that isn't designed for close quarter combat]Because if you're designing a stand alone, you might not want to use that engine. Or you might want to totally rewrite the engine. If the standalone uses the same engine then it might not be so good.You couldn't fit a rifle in the tiny pack you start with realistically,Realistically rifles wouldn't disappear when you try and put them in a backpack that's too small. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GotBeanZ 45 Posted February 25, 2013 (edited) I. I shouldn't have to "reload" a melee weapon. It makes absolutely no sense! There should at least be some support for unarmed combat.A. The Arma 2 engine does not support melee weapons, so when the axe/crowbar was created, it was made as a pistol with very short range.I. There needs to be more melee weapons.A. Yup.I. There needs to be more silent weapons. Crossbow bolts should be recoverable.A. It's a zombie apocalypse, I disagree with having military grade weapons in the first place, or atleast the amount that is in currently. QQ more.I. Zombies attack by having a fit in front of you. It's too random. How can I defend against random?A. Run.I. Why do I have to "open" a backpack to see what's in it? Just show me all the slots I have available! Make it dynamic based on the container type!A. *cough* Carebear *cough*I. I've never once needed to build a fire and cook meat, and never once found all the parts needed to do this. If building fires and cooking is a priority, it should be easier Wayyy harder to find the resources to do it, and there should be more pressure to do it (ie less tinned food).A. This should be fixed in the SA.I. Night isn't worth bothering with.A. Solution: Brightness + GammaI. Hackers.A. Their numbers should decrease in the SA, according to Rocket.I. There should be more vehicles.A. No.I. There's no purpose to the game.A. It's in alpha, and more features will undoubtedly be added.I. Why would I want to kill zombies (other than "Aaargh get it off me")?A. Because they took your family?I. Some engrossing game statistics would be good.A. In a video of the SA, rocket said they will probably add that.Where "I" = Issue and "A" = Answer.Edit: D'oh, AngryOfficer beat me to it... Edited February 25, 2013 by GotBeanZ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angryofficer 89 Posted February 25, 2013 Because if you're designing a stand alone, you might not want to use that engine. Or you might want to totally rewrite the engine. If the standalone uses the same engine then it might not be so good.Realistically rifles wouldn't disappear when you try and put them in a backpack that's too small."totally rewrite the engine"Exactly what they're doing. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites