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Suggestion for Crossbow sights (and explosive arrows)

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Hi Guys! Since I'm a big fan of Crossbows and archery in general (once owned a light crossbow, and building a bow at the moment), I'd like to propose something.

Because arrows fly in a ballistic curve, people invented special sights for them. Below, you see a typical crossbow-sight:


As you see, for a specific Distance there is a specific line, because the arrow drops. That would allow more precise shots at greater distance. Also, that would be not very difficult to code. It should come with a fixed zoom, making the lines easier to use.

Also, i would get rid of Compound crossbows (or should be rare), because they're not that useful. The idea about compounds is, that they make pulling up the string easier, but only the last ~third. They do not make the arrow faster or more precise. Since it's a game, we are all strong enough to pull a regular recurve-crossbow. Also, these recurve models seem to be more accurate when pulled without a cocking aid. The reason is, that usually one arm is stronger and therefore pulls one side of the string further upwards, resulting in decreased precision. This effect is much stronger with compound-crossbows, since the cable can change its positioin on the rolls.

Another point is the whole reloading procedure. In the mod it's just wrongly done. Look how it is done in reality:


A strong person could do that really fast. So the actual reloading time ist fine. (Maybe a bit fast, but just fine for a game, still plausible)

I've seen a webpage from some italian guys that are really really good at crossbow archery. They show that with an upper class crossbow, good carbon arrows and a decent sight you can hit a target with the size of a CD at 80-90 meters. Of course they don't use regular 150lbs (70kg) pulling weight crossbows, more like 200-250lbs. For a strong person still pullable without cocking device.

So what about making crossbows with nice telescopic sight that are able to headshot at 80-90 meters?

PS: Found in a thread here a model of a middleton crossbow? These are the best crossbows at an affordable price IMHO.

http://www.middletoncrossbow.com/en/ Would be happy to see one of those.

PPS: Another Idea: What about explosive arrows? You would have to make them on your own, they ares easily made and extremely powerful. You could actually attach a normal handgrenade to the arrow, would still go some meters and be very powerful!!

Edited by LeonsenPartisani

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Seriously bro, the bow is fine. Trust me :)

Good idea though :)

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The crossbow is being redone for the SA, and im certain it will have optics. Drop will undouptedly be calculated into its mechanics as for explosive arrows/bolts, there really not as easy as most people think, a lot of people have tried. (it can be done) also tying a hand grenade to an arrow/bolt wouldnt work because theres no way to pull the pin. You could tie a string around the pin so the pin was pulled out when the arrow/bolt was fired but that would most likely pull the arrow/bolt off course and it wouldnt hit anything, not to mention the wieght problems you would have.

Also explosive bolts/arrows have been brought up before, they were shot down (i think).

Pretty sure this is mainly about the optic and theyve already said it will have some sort of sight


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I'd like to see drop-compensation optics for the bow, that would make it perfectly fine.

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Crossbows and other weapons have been confirmed to have attachments, which means crossbows could come with sight attachments.

I'd like to see different bolt varieties. Explosive bolts I'm not too sure though but we can hope and see what will happen :)

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Crossbows and other weapons have been confirmed to have attachments, which means crossbows could come with sight attachments.

I'd like to see different bolt varieties. Explosive bolts I'm not too sure though but we can hope and see what will happen :)

Poison tip.

Hallucinogenic tip.

Paralyze tip.

Of course these would only be used on players... maybe with the exception of the paralyze bolt. I like the idea of multiple bolt tips though.

This got me thinking... Use paralyze bolt on a human and then tie them up and use them as zombie bait! I would love for this also to not have a negative effect on you since technically you didn't kill them. ;)

Edited by twinturbonet

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Crossbows and other weapons have been confirmed to have attachments, which means crossbows could come with sight attachments.

I'd like to see different bolt varieties. Explosive bolts I'm not too sure though but we can hope and see what will happen :)

Good idea! Maybe not only different bolts, but bolt types (wood, carbon, aluminium) with changeable tips:

(German shop, doesn't matter, look at the pictures)

There are arrowheads that do open when they hit a target, would be quiet interesting:



Or just big ones:


Or a Bodkin-head:


A big tip would do huge damage, while beeing not very precise,

A Bodkin would be Ultra-precise, but with regular damage

An openable arrowhead would do great damage but also be very precise, since it opens only IN the body.

Maybe the material of the shaft should only affect the durability, it would get too complex otherwise

Edited by LeonsenPartisani

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Gews, you mean something similar to this? http://www.thecrossb...p/hha-ol-sd.htm

No, I was talking about something the same as your suggestion, an optic with different lines that correspond to where the arrow will be at different ranges. Like the SVD currently in the game.

Although the SVD scope in the game is actually incorrect. ^_^

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Maybe like this one?



I would prefer this one http://www.natchezss.../XRTG8504B3.jpg

This "triangle" would be a great help, since the arrow is not perfectly precise on the horizontal line

Edited by LeonsenPartisani

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