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About Dayz Standalone

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Hey I just want to know something about standalone payment method option .......... Except ( visa - master card - Paypal ). Is there going to be payment method with phone to get the game?I am from Egypt and my father won't lend me his visa. Me and my friends want to play this game . It would be a great idea if they put pay by phone in the payment method right ???

Edited by mo7amed3211

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The game will be on sale on steam, this has been said many times.

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Interesting layout you have there.

The SA will be released on Steam, so if you can purchase Steam games you'll be fine. No, you won't be able to purchase over the phone.

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So I have to do it with visa or never do it ...... So sad

Or buy a steam cash card.

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So I have to do it with visa or never do it ...... So sad

Not sure what your local options are, but if you have a Gamestop (okay thats a no go then) (I think its overseas equivilant is EB Games, not sure) or a Best Buy your golden, just need to buy a couple of Steam Wallet Codes using cash.

Another option would be if Green Dot cards or other reloadable debit/credit cards are available in your country you could buy one of thous, put some money on it and buy Steam Funds with that when Standalone comes out. (I think its going to be about $20USD when it first comes out, to be safe I'd put $40USD on the card.

If that fails you could always try asking your father again nicely and with money in hand and explain why you want the game so bad.

Edited by BigMike

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Why wont your dad let you use it?

Doesn't trust it?

You could try maybe ordering from a site he will trust?

Like a previous poster said a Visa Debit card/Greendot Card you don't need anything except money for. Pay the amount you want on the card, and use it like a regular credit/debit card. Throw it away after you're done with it. None of your information, or money tied to it.

Do you have any friends on Steam, or in the states? Maybe they could buy it for you, or trade something for it? There's got to be someway you can get this game.

Edited by Hellfire1014

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Also if you do get him to purchase it for you, or when you can purchase it someway. You might want to wait for the Standalone version to come out. It's going to be more polished, and have more features.

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He is talking about purchasing the Standalone. I would imagine he probably bought a physical copy of Arma2 and OA from a store.

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