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Overgrown vegetation, Decay of infrastructure

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I searched around and saw a few ideas similar to mine, but mine varied from them in some important ways.

Basically, I had the thought that if DayZ takes place some time after the initial infection, then the map should be overgrown with vegetation, correct? Grass has grown up in cracks in the pavement, saplings and weeds are everywhere.

Roads and buildings would tend to decay under harsh conditions without any care, as well. With the breakdown of society, the entropy of the system increases. I think this would add a lot to the atmosphere of the game.

I don't know if this is currently feasible (depends on the amount of work already put into the new map) but I thought it would be interesting to see what Chernarus would look like if nobody mowed their lawns for a few years. I suppose it also depends on how long after the initial infection DayZ takes place (going from the title, Day Z, maybe it takes place 26 days after. haha. just kidding).

Thoughts, anyone?

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Hello there

This would take quite a vast amount of work, although I believe Chernarus + is looking a lot more apocalypse-esque

My mate is off to pripyat later this month the lucky bugger so he gets to see it first hand.

It is amazing how quickly nature reclaims what is hers.



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I think the standalone will address the issue of degradation by adding more (and more varied) car wrecks or other incidents all over the map

there is also major work going on to create new textures for buildings insides, to provide a more apocalyptic look (blood smears, cracks, dirt, trash. broken furniture etc)

the idea of overgrowth is very good imho

dayz is in like around 5-20 years post infection, isnt it?

Edited by h3retic

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I have resurrected your thread from the grave!!

I believe more degradation is the way to go. It is unknown how long it has been since the Infection started but it must be long enough that everyone is dead or zombified and cars have rusted out and so forth.

One thing that has bugged me is the distinct lack of potholes in the roads, Where i live after a heavy downpour there are always numerous potholes that the council has to fix the next day. Surely in Chernarus there would be potholes everywhere. Some maps eg Taviana and Celle look like the apocalypse happened 20 minutes ago.

More vegetation in cracks on the roads and pavements, potholes (some large enough to hide in) would make the world a tad more believable.

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I don't think The apocalypse is far back (a couple of weeks tops), otherwise The soldier corpses would be completely decomposed.

Regarding The rusty Cars, they could have been that rusty before The outbreak, since it is a poor country.

Last but Not least. Buildings can Look shitty without a apocalypse ^^, all you have to do is Look at spain, there are some pretty rundowb buildings there.

Edited by UmBe

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