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Bullets Damage Things+Bloodly Clothes

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The idea is: If you shoot someone with a high caliber bullet- its going to damage some of their gear.

If you shoot them in the front of the chest, it can damage some the gear in their backpack, and also their clothes. Bleeding can cause blood to spill onto the clothes where you were hit and must wash them to get rid of it. Rifles can be hit with shrapnel and you must find scrap metal to repair them so you can use them. Scopes and various optics can break when you die and fall to the ground, so you will need to find glass to repair them and make them useable.

When damaged, items have a chance of breaking depending on the location (damage to your back back will cause a larger possibility of damaged goods in backpack- damage to vest can break some items, headshot when target is wearing NV will break them (glass to repair)

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This is coming in Standalone, to a degree; not sure if anything reasonable could be done to implement this in the mod (I highly doubt it).

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Yeah its a good idea, I don't know how far they would go into this, but Rocket already mentioned the same example about damaging NVG with a headshot

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something that is not exactly the same as the OP. but does somebody know who bleeding will be visualized in SA? I think your clothing getting more and more blood stained over time and all soaking wet would be nicer to see as the fountain we are getting at the moment.

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something that is not exactly the same as the OP. but does somebody know who bleeding will be visualized in SA? I think your clothing getting more and more blood stained over time and all soaking wet would be nicer to see as the fountain we are getting at the moment.

I like the fountain effect but having it after you've been killed is a tad silly. Maybe fountain only after a hit of X amount of blood (5k+?) and only for a second

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