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So Would you Kill me?

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As the title suggests, i'm asking if you'd kill me from my loadout:

I currently carry the CZ 550, the best and rariest gun in the game! that in it's self i dont think is warrent enough for a KoS as my main gun is Always lowered however i wear a Ghillie (just picked up) to keep hidden. Would putting the camo in my rucksack on mean you'd be less likey to kill me on sight?

Opinions please! and i know that it doesnt exactly matter as i expect to be killed on sight but just an interesting question i thought =)

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If we came face to face and you raised your weapon (even in self-defence) I'd probably shoot just to be sure. Sadly the odds are that if you come across a guy with a gun like that, he's probably not looking to hunt zombies.

Having said that, if I'm watching you through sights and you're not a direct threat to me just yet, I probably wouldn't shoot based just on your loadout.

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lol, CZ isn't the rarest gun in the game, one of the most common snipers in my opinion. No I wouldn't kill you unless you shot at me. Now if you had an AS 50, (One of the rarest, if not the rarest guns in the game.) i'd tell you to drop it because i don't trust anyone with an as50. I have my own little timer mechanism, so i'd break your legs, and place morphine a few meters away, along with your weapons, and i could run away without fear of being shot.

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Here's the thing you don't understand.

You can be a new spawn running around with a crowbar. 90% of people will kill you anyway. That's how DayZ is right now.

That being said, a scoped weapon on a ghillie suit? Yeah. You'll get shot.

CZ on a normal character, however, you have a little less chance of being shot.

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lol, CZ isn't the rarest gun in the game, one of the most common snipers in my opinion.

I see more M107's, DMR's and use to have more thermals then a single CZ, to me and my many months of playing THIS is the rarest gun in the game thanks to duping.

Here's the thing you don't understand.

Dear sir, i understand, i wanted to hear what the forum would say not the game as i've been shot many a time without reason.

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Definitely without a doubt. The only reason anyone carries a scoped rifle is to kill other players IMHO.

That or they are try hard noobs who spend their entire days looking for gear and not interacting with anyone on the server. They could just as well play singleplayer, waste of bandwidth and CPU cycles.

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I certainly wouldn't walk up and ask if you needed help.

I've heard the wild wookies of the forest are usually quite hostile to other species.

Edited by HappyMushroom
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As the title suggests, i'm asking if you'd kill me from my loadout:

I currently carry the CZ 550, the best and rariest gun in the game! that in it's self i dont think is warrent enough for a KoS as my main gun is Always lowered however i wear a Ghillie (just picked up) to keep hidden. Would putting the camo in my rucksack on mean you'd be less likey to kill me on sight?

Opinions please! and i know that it doesnt exactly matter as i expect to be killed on sight but just an interesting question i thought =)

Anyone with a sniper gets gunned down, no hails. Snipers are exclusively for hunting Man. Ghillie is just icing on the cake.

ARGLEBARGLE XOT and Xian beat me to it. Well, here, have some beans, you two.

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I have found alot of CZ550's maybe every 2 in 10 barns i check have CZ's. As for the shooting on sight, if i saw a ghillie with a CZ550 it would depend where i saw you, on a hill next to

Elektro? yesi would shoot you, maybe your looking the SuperMarket in berezino, then i woudnt kill you, i think a ghillie gives people the perception that you have good loot and would be more likely to kill you.

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Anyone carrying a sniper rifle is probably out to kill, because zombie-wise it's not that good of a weapon. So yeah, I'd shoot you just to make sure you didn't shoot me.

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Even if I had a clear shot I probably wouldn't. As long as you're friendly. After all people look for hours to find loot like that.

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lol, CZ isn't the rarest gun in the game, one of the most common snipers in my opinion.

Common? You lucky sod.

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In all honesty, I would gut you like a pig for that gun.

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I am a hero(not that it means a whole lot) and have had 3 players not shoot me on site. I am kos every time I see another player. It is my fault as I am always too hesitant to shoot someone. We do try to interact but it always ends with us being killed because we suck. Usually goes something like this...

Me: Hey, there's a player.

Brother: Let's talk to them.

Me: Cool, we will probably die.

Brother: Yeah probably. Hey you ... We are friendly.

Pop. Pop. Pop.

Me: Well that sucked.

We have played COD plenty and that is not why we are here. Hell, my brother has a 4.2 K/D ratio on MW3. If we wanted to run around killing people, we would and do go play COD. We also understand that there will be PvP on DayZ and we believe that it makes the game better. So we die, go loot up again and and die. We have told ourselves that we are going to say screw it and kos but we are pansies and always revert to friendly tactics that get us killed. If I had a nickel for every time we were moving through some trees and got dropped out of nowhere I would have enough cash to buy a computer capable of playing this damn game.

I do prefer a sniper as my brother and I like to loot. Just what we do. He goes in to loot and I cover him from a hide. I have killed one person and that was a bandit who spotted him and was moving for position. I have sniped more zombies than people though. I find it enjoyable clearing a path for my brother to move across a town or pick off his stragglers as he is retreating back towards me. I love hearing him yell at me because I shot just next to his head taking out a zombie behind him. Hilarious. "You better not kill me you bastard"!

Edit: Forgot about the bus with the baiters who were killing friendlies that would respond to their cries for help. Unfortunately, the baiters battle logged and I ended up killing 2 guys caught in the middle. If I was to meet those two again, I would probably give them my gear. So I have killed 3 people.

Edited by rudeboy

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Hello there

If I thought you were a threat then most likely I would kill you. Probably due to the Gullhi gulhili ghilli suit. As most folk with that and a scope are up to no good.

I'd feel bad though.



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I wouldn't take pleasure in killing a Ghillie-wearing player, but I would do it regardless. I hunt bandits or hostile players (with varying degrees of luck, I'm not the best around) and generally the Ghillie/Camo wearing players are high-end geared and very hostile players. So if they are hanging around Elektro/Cherno, they are often on the hunt to kill bambies and other bandits alike. There are exceptions, like you.. but I have to say that if I got a clear shot, I would kill you or at the very least avoid you, I sure wouldn't hunt you down as it would more than likely spell my defeat in grassy/woodland areas. It's just one of those "civilian"/nice-guy casualties that are bound to happen, like nice players in bandit skin because they had to defend themselves.

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Dunno, but I did done kilt Derpy.

As long as you don't K3lt Fraggle, you'll be ok.

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interesting! i'm loving reading all the replies! and to why i carry a scoped wepon? well i don't carry military grade snipers, but the CZ is such a sexy and ragtag gun that i had to take it :3

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As the title suggests, i'm asking if you'd kill me from my loadout:

I currently carry the CZ 550, the best and rariest gun in the game!

lolwut, the as50 and the m107 is much better and rarer.

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From a new players experience, everyone I've come across has KOS, even when I've not had a weapon. I once got killed by a kid with an axe after he shouted he was a friendly. I've been run down by cars just after spawning, I've been killed by some night vision dude while I was enjoying a midnight cycle. So now, I will also KOS, unless I meet someone nice and friendly.

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lolwut, the as50 and the m107 is much better and rarer.

They are rarer but no way near as cool, like that bolt action rag tag survivor who could shoot a tin can from 800m, not an unrealistic god of war. Call me old fashioned but i like to feel a connection to my character, i have a chance of being effective in real life with the CZ550, not the the military wepons

So now, I will also KOS, unless I meet someone nice and friendly.

I'm sorry for all the kill's you've had bestod upon you but don't you see the only way to brake the cycle is NOT to KoS (unless they most certainly dont look friendly, or do not respond to communication) but how can you ever meet someone nice without showing you will risk everything in a hand of friendship.....

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