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Too hard since

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WRT gunshots, hearing them is one thing, knowing where they are coming from is completely different, esp if your head is rotting from the inside. if the Z infection is anything worse than a mild hangover, i can't see how they can be expected to pin-point one lound bang. Sustained gunfire is different, but there aren't many belt-fed MG's in game to really make this an issue. you might be able to tell roughly which building a shot came from, if you are in LOS and less than 100m away, but anything other than that is just BS. I don't find the game any more difficult now, if anything there are fewer Z's which makes it easier.

Edited by DK McWormfood

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WRT gunshots, hearing them is one thing, knowing where they are coming from is completely different, esp if your head is rotting from the inside. if the Z infection is anything worse than a mild hangover, i can't see how they can be expected to pin-point one lound bang. Sustained gunfire is different, but there aren't many belt-fed MG's in game to really make this an issue. you might be able to tell roughly which building a shot came from, if you are in LOS and less than 100m away, but anything other than that is just BS. I don't find the game any more difficult now, if anything there are fewer Z's which makes it easier.

Go fire a gun in Kamenka, and tell me how it works out. The floor was unseen through the bodies of those monsters. It seems like there are a lot more now because they all come for you. Anyway, I agree that they shouldn't be able to pinpoint it. There needs to be some investigation, you know? Not aggro at a gunshot, but slowly wandering toward it, tell they can actually pinpoint the shot, then get into the building and investigate some more. Only zombies that see the player should aggro, and zombies that hear should just investigate.


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The games supposed to be hard to survive, anyway the standalone should be coming out sometime soon so I suppose you can wait for that.

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Right, I just spent a few hours playing and I just want to say that it's buggy as hell. Even though the infected can swarm you from all over the place all you need to do is turn a corner and they forget. Sometimes even crouching in front of them confuses them and they give up. If you run through a city you can accumulate quite a horde but if you crouch run you can sometimes brush past them and they would ignore you. I don't remember it being that way... But yeah, firing a weapon in the wrong place can become your undoing.

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You guys are missing the point. No one cares that the zombies have better hearing and talk to each other. The problem is that when you increase the capability of a buggy zombie it doesn't become harder, it becomes more buggy.

Fix the zeds so they cant walk through walls, warp hit from 5m away and make someone in a car or chopper bleed from 10m away and then make them as hard as you want. A friend got knocked unconscious on a 2nd story building from a glitched zombie on the ground floor who 1 hit him through the floor. That is not hard, that is just retarded.

All these changes have done is make the zombies more buggy than before.

Fix the bugs, then make them as hard as you want.

Edited by nutshot

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You guys are missing the point. No one cares that the zombies have better hearing and talk to each other. The problem is that when you increase the capability of a buggy zombie it doesn't become harder, it becomes more buggy.

Fix the zeds so they cant walk through walls, warp hit from 5m away and make someone in a car or chopper bleed from 10m away and then make them as hard as you want. A friend got knocked unconscious on a 2nd story building from a glitched zombie on the ground floor who 1 hit him through the floor. That is not hard, that is just retarded.

All these changes have done is make the zombies more buggy than before.

Fix the bugs, then make them as hard as you want.

I agree with what you are saying, but on the other hand if these bugs are indeed from Arma II don't expect anything to happen. It's not like Bohemia is going to fix the engine of an old game just for DayZ mod. Especially with Arma III in the works and SA looming. Which in turn can mean the death of the mod once SA will be released. Who would want to play with these bugs? I'm sure 90% of people will scratch out the 15$ for SA.

Edited by intensity

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i think thats very good, that realistic zombie pull range. Now, when theres a poor new guy running around in cherno or elektro, dude with as50 will weight down pros and cons of shooting that poor harmless bambi and pulling all zombies on himself.

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i think thats very good, that realistic zombie pull range. Now, when theres a poor new guy running around in cherno or elektro, dude with as50 will weight down pros and cons of shooting that poor harmless bambi and pulling all zombies on himself.

Edited by Stafoo
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People need to stop complaining that the game is hard. Its a real life zombie survival simulator, not a kitty game with unicorns.

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People need to stop complaining that the game is hard. Its a real life zombie survival simulator, not a kitty game with unicorns.

Don't let this become like Minecraft!

Gosh, I used to love it when HARD MODE wasn't as easy as peaceful.

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Here is where i think DayZ standalone will go... Bare with me...

They release the first video showing off the clothing system and the loot system ideas they have they also made a lot more enter-able loot-able buildings in the map and added utes island back to the map.

The new loot system will require you to literally look under beds, in cabinets, in fridges, etc... Meaning that the loot will be way more realistic and require way more time to find what you need. If they are gonna go this in-depth with loot systems where do you think theyll go with the rest?

I bet in the standalone version going into a city will require some very good strategies to get out alive. I'm also here to say that you all need to really polish your A-Game because if you think this mod is tough right now you are gonna be crying with the standalone. In my opinion the more realistic they take it the better it's going to be.

So that is my opinion on what's to come the reason i'v shared it is to shed some light on difficulty. When the zombie hordes are scarier than the other players that's when DayZ will be correct. Right now teamwork is an option not a necessity. In a real zombie apocalypse it would be a neccessity imho.

About the glitches yeah the zombies kill themselves, walk through walls, and spawn in odd places... This needs solved... I agree with that...

Happy Survival! -Jeremiah-

Edited by Jeremiah_Ranger
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What I find hilarious is the complaint of endlessly spawning zombies. These are people who think that the solution to a zombie aggro that they've caused by firing a weapon is to KEEP firing the weapon. Seems like Darwin Award material to me. You fire a gun, best to lose the aggro BEFORE firing again.

The only time I've been in serious trouble with is when I tried to take out zombies with a LMG... in other words, I was being stupid. Stupid actions will kill you in this game... which is also kind of the point to the game.

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What I find hilarious is the complaint of endlessly spawning zombies. These are people who think that the solution to a zombie aggro that they've caused by firing a weapon is to KEEP firing the weapon. Seems like Darwin Award material to me. You fire a gun, best to lose the aggro BEFORE firing again.

The only time I've been in serious trouble with is when I tried to take out zombies with a LMG... in other words, I was being stupid. Stupid actions will kill you in this game... which is also kind of the point to the game.

Zombies are finite in the SA, so killing all zombies until server restart is possible. It'll be nice. Still, there will be a LOT of zombies. I hope that the players can wear some clothes the zombies have (not like take them but find clothes that look like theirs) so it'll be more immersive in the fact that if the zombies where the clothes and you find clothes in their house that no one in the country wears but players, it's like "WTF.....". The point being players may look a bit more like zombies then.

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Zombies are finite in the SA, so killing all zombies until server restart is possible. It'll be nice.

No, the impression I'm getting from the video that was released by the developers is that they won't be finite. Zombies and loot will spawn everywhere on the map at server restart and not just when players enter an area; they will respawn as needed. They only mentioned this process with regard to loot, but I'm sure it will apply to zombies as well. The idea is to make the spawning system more server based (it's more client based in the mod which lends itself to hacking), make the spawning system more efficient (getting rid of the more complex spawning mechanics used in the mod) and to get away from meta-gaming where you could tell if there was someone in the area by the presence of zombies. Having only a finite number of zombies would seriously kill the game. Edited by entspeak

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My suggestion for those who want to loot without aggro... go in a group and have an appointed person to draw the zombies away... controlled aggro. You can also do this on your own by firing, say, a Lee Enfield into the air while in one area near a large bit of cover... once the aggro occurs, run around the cover and get behind the aggro to the place you want to loot. I did that once to get to a heli crash on the NWAF... I drew 15 zombies toward the trees and then did a huge circle through the trees and back out onto the airfield to the, now abandoned, heli crash site. Easy peasy. Just takes skill.

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What I find hilarious is the complaint of endlessly spawning zombies. These are people who think that the solution to a zombie aggro that they've caused by firing a weapon is to KEEP firing the weapon. Seems like Darwin Award material to me. You fire a gun, best to lose the aggro BEFORE firing again.

The only time I've been in serious trouble with is when I tried to take out zombies with a LMG... in other words, I was being stupid. Stupid actions will kill you in this game... which is also kind of the point to the game.

So you're saying that an infinite number of infected people in a village or town is realistic?

Now, they are going to fix this issue with the never ending horde of the undead in the next patch by adding a proper spawn timer, but I cant understand why some people would argue FOR a system where a player had no control what so ever over a situation where the zeds aggroed on him other than to start running.

Running is not fun game play. There needs to be a use for guns in SA because people love to fire guns in games. Look around you, how many FPS games, single player or on online are there where the main satisfaction of plying is "sneaking around"? That shit gets tired fast if there isn't a good amount of violence involved to break up the sneaking or running around. How many mmo's are there where there is no option for violence from players, just sneaking around or fleeing?

Gun play needs to be a viable option in the SA or the game will lack appeal.

Make it so that you can pick off zombies from a distance if you're hidden. Thin out their numbers before approaching a town. Make towns and villages and areas around the map have SET numbers of zombies that you can pick off, after which there is a "breather" during which a spawn timer ticks away. Have the zeds congregate in great numbers around loot spots. Make ammo limited and very desirable and sought after. Implement a kick ass hand to hand combat system that makes you feel that with planning and skill you can take on situations or make an escape through violence if you're getting surrounded. Zombie AI should react to loud noises of course, but without "super senses" through which they can just pin point your location the use of guns would become a much more fun and rewarding strategy. Even if the stupid infected can not find you, the threat of giving away your location to other players would still be there.

Gun fire in a town should have the zombies agitated and on "alert", looking around trying to find the source of the agitation. This would become a danger for all players present in the town, no matter who started the ruckus. There is much that can be said about this but if the SA goes the route of making guns useless for dealing with the zeds I think it will lose a lot of potential appeal. There are many, many people out there who like to swing baseball bats and fire shotguns at the infected and feel like they can potentially control a situation in that way. A zombie game shouldn't be solely about running through bushes or through forests with a zed train after you. There should be the option to progress with the gear to a point where you can "bad ass" your way through certain situations.

Just my thoughts.

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So you're saying that an infinite number of infected people in a village or town is realistic?

Oh, well... they could put the proper amount of zombies in a town... but I think you'll find that number to be more on the side of what people are exaggeratedly calling "infinite" than what currently spawns in a town.
Running is not fun game play. There needs to be a use for guns in SA because people love to fire guns in games.
It seems to me that guns are still needed even with the zombies being what they are in one just can't use them with the reckless abandon one could in the earlier versions. And running is plenty fun when it's strategic. The kind of people that running annoys are the kind of people who probably wouldn't like DayZ in the long run... and certainly will be disappointed when they've got to deal with things like Cholera and other health related issues in the standalone.
Look around you, how many FPS games, single player or on online are there where the main satisfaction of plying is "sneaking around"? That shit gets tired fast if there isn't a good amount of violence involved to break up the sneaking or running around. How many mmo's are there where there is no option for violence from players, just sneaking around or fleeing?
Well, you're joining in the hyperbole... there are options in the current update for violence from players, so... I don't know what you're talking about. And, DayZ is supposed to be different. This ain't your typical shooter... those that can't hack it (no pun intended) won't play long. To them I say, "Adios." But, considering the number of successful RPG's out there (of which this is a kind of hybrid), I think the standalone will do just fine without those who are in it just to play a PVP FPS with zombies as the backdrop.
Make it so that you can pick off zombies from a distance if you're hidden.
You still can. Just need a greater distance... which requires one be a better shot. So... skill is required.
Gun fire in a town should have the zombies agitated and on "alert", looking around trying to find the source of the agitation.
I agree with this. I made a suggestion in another thread about having zombies react differently depending on whether they hear something or see something. With some exceptions, zombies should only aggro when they see food... a player... even if they are hearing other zombies aggro'ing and are responding to that noise... they should only aggro when they see a player.

My point is that if a zombie is killed it should respawn... the game is way too easy otherwise. And, I currently haven't had an issue with the respawn timer in I went into Elektro, fired an M1911 in the street and killed the resulting aggro with a hatchet - bad ass Hollywood style... rinse, repeat... I got hit a few times... even got a broken bone once, but didn't die. I can fire a weapon and lose the aggro in a matter of seconds by knowing how to use the environment around me to my advantage. So, it really is a matter of skill. And, you can currently gear up and get bad ass even with guns... silenced ones. Use an M9SD, M4A1 CCO SD, G36 SD. But, if you're going to use an M249, better have a lot of ammo. The problem is most people haven't really played the game keeping the zombies in mind and so, haven't learned how to ditch aggro or adapted to their awkward paths, glitchiness... I, for one, have... it's a skill... people need to learn it rather than simply complain about how hard it is. It's a hard game, it's not like, nor is it intended to be like, other FPS games.

Edited by entspeak

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Share on other sites is fine, BUT needs some more adjustments done... Sooner than later please :)

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is it too much to ask that the zombies and players just let me kill them while i run through Cherno with my SAW spraying rounds like a Bau5

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is it too much to ask that the zombies and players just let me kill them while i run through Cherno with my SAW spraying rounds like a Bau5

Step one to achieve total world domination:

1) Open ArmA:CO w/ DayZ running.

2) Go to >Multiplayer >Host New Session >Editor

3) Place a player unit, and write in the init code "this addWeapon [class for SAW]; this addMagazine [class for SAW mags]"

4) Place tons of zombies around Cherno.

5) Place playable units around Cherno.

6) In their inits field, write "this disableAI MOVE"

7) Run the mission and have your friends join the slots except the one with you and your SAW in it.

8) Enjoy no-aggro zombies and frozen players!

If you have any further questions feel free to







:D JK abt the FK OFF part. The steps should work well tho.

Edited by McCullins

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No, the impression I'm getting from the video that was released by the developers is that they won't be finite. Zombies and loot will spawn everywhere on the map at server restart and not just when players enter an area; they will respawn as needed. They only mentioned this process with regard to loot, but I'm sure it will apply to zombies as well. The idea is to make the spawning system more server based (it's more client based in the mod which lends itself to hacking), make the spawning system more efficient (getting rid of the more complex spawning mechanics used in the mod) and to get away from meta-gaming where you could tell if there was someone in the area by the presence of zombies. Having only a finite number of zombies would seriously kill the game.

You can't deny this when you say "...the impression..." "..only mentioned the process with regard to loot...". Frankie told people about the SA (As much as he could) and he said zombies are finite. Want where it is? I can ask my friend to pull it up, if you really want me to.

Besides, of course loot would be infinite, as the real amount of loot in the country would be too much to handle, at which if it could handle it, it'd be okay to have finite loot till restart, I guess. Or even after for a while. But DayZ wouldn't be interesting if towns didn't have loot. It'd be a lot of forest and animals.... like a farming sim....

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Game is perfect now. In the old version you could easily survive on your own, now you need a buddy for cover / distraction.

But i don't want a buddy...

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