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It's a secret. You will have to find it, for that is the point of DayZ. If I owned the interweb I'd delete every online DayZ lootmap in existence.

Edited by Fraggle
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I've found one in the fields between east of NW airfield and stary sobor. Mind you though though, I indeed had a can of mountain dew in my packpack :P

Thatone was pretty damaged though, so if you ever find one, prepare to have every part in game available.

PS - an easter egg of 6 stanag magazines were included in the car and server was official hive

Edited by Colonel-Wicked

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Back in my day we had no such thing as a loot map, just a makarov and a whole weekend to learn rough russian and walk around getting lost and being excited by every building we saw.

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It's a secret. You will have to find it, for that is the point of DayZ. If I owned the interweb I'd delete every online DayZ lootmap in existence.

if only that were possible, why can't spawn points be more random, why does the hummer or little bird etc have to spawn in the same place each time

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Please say where spawn HMMWV?

At least you had the manners to say "please" enjoy the thrill of the search, it will add more excitement and pleasure ( when you find what you've been searching for ) and will aslo increase your gaming experience..... A straight line is not always the best path to take.

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Chernarus has a Humvee?

Since when?

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The Humvee spawns in on the plains of elektro next to the sniper hill, although it only spawns if your in a 20+ server ;)

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Chernarus has a Humvee?

Since when?

Since the new patch

The Humvee spawns in on the plains of elektro next to the sniper hill, although it only spawns if your in a 20+ server ;)

Your a massive dick, you know that?

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whilst on the subject, my server tries to spawn it, shows the vehicle + inventory in log but then I get this:

8:36:47 "OBJ: 7051 - HMMWV"

8:36:47 Unrecognized CfgVehicles simulation in bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/HMMWV/

8:36:47 Cannot create entity with abstract type HMMWV (scope = private?)

8:36:47 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HMMWV,

on the vilayer hive btw, any ideas?

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