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Admins that spawn stuff to be "Helpful". Yes or no?

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162 members have voted

  1. 1. Like helpfull admins

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poll question is misleading

the thread title asks - 'Admins that spawn stuff to be "Helpful". Yes or no?'

the poll question simply says - 'Like helpfull admins'

they are two different questions!

my answers are yes i like helpful admins but no i do not like admins who teleport or spawn stuff.

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Spawning stuff for people? No. Pointing people in the "general" direction of a vehicle they're looking for? Maybe.

I'm an admin and all I've spawned into my server is a heli for myself (already 2 others on it) and I've loaded myself a few times with tents that I've hidden around the map. I put loot that I find in them for others to stumble across. Of course, the tents also help me out to gear up when I die but we all know how exciting it is to come across a stocked tent running through the forest.

When someone finds out I'm admin and asks for a gun or something, I simply tell them where they might find it and possibly offer a ride. I used to say I don't have the power to spawn things but too many people know how to read and research. I know, shocking, isn't it.

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very common abuse was on a server last night for eg very big popular one.

admin basically was restarting server to get his gear backand helis after losing them. very common practice .

have you ever noticed also how the server owner often has best gear 99 percent of time everytime you see them ;)

unless all this stuff is locked down on standalone its going to continue .

admins can see all your gear

admins can move you or move themeselves (we need restart for maintanence :rolleyes: then just happen to be next to oyu how many have had this ;) )

basically no point in ever hiding your gear. if you on a server thats busy and the people that own it 99 percen of time have the helis and so on you know roughly why.

please make it fair for the standalone and lock all this down.

Edited by dgeesio
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Just yesterday me and a friend are on a chernarus server.we fly to nwaf from balota,and over zelenogorsk a guy(the admin) said he is a fresh spawn that runs north and he asks for a ride.we say no and we fly to nwaf.when we're there i land the chopper so my friend will fly it while i'm looking for a gun and my friend starts getting shot at.the tail is hit and he is trying to control it and fly away,i had an acog so i shoot the guy 3 times,one was a straight hit on the head,second shot on his knees and third on his torso...and he combatlogs...i saw his name and he was the fucking admin.i get in a car and i see a random survivor,i pick him up and i go out of the airfield to park and wait my friend,the survivor i picked up shoots me,he was dead before he shot 3 bullets with his m4 cco,but he made me bleed,i was already low,i passed out and then bled to death.the admin spawns back it but some meters away and he gets and as50 out of his coyote backpack...my friend crashed and died..later we confronted him in side chat about the combat logging,and he admitted that he logged out,and he said that he got all the stuff and came to the af to kill because we left him..like we fucking HAD to pick him up..anyways,i have to mention that he banned 3-4 guys that happened to kill some friends of his,saying they were hacking...the server's name was SLAUGHTERHOUSE (something like that) and the admin was Limbless-Torso.If you happen to see the server avoid it,or go in and troll the admin,he is a freaking pussy

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If the admin does (which I totally agree with) 'glorify hack' as someone said, on their private server. Then I see no reason why the admin cannot do this. If it's their server - let them do it. It is the responsibility of the players to choose what servers they play on. As an admin of my own private server, I don't think it is right for admins to be doing this.

As DemonGroover said, it is glorified hacking. There is no difference in my mind between bad admins and hackers - they are both exploiting the game. And because of this players should avoid bad admins like they would avoid hackers.

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I like admins that give you your stuff back when you died because of a bug or something, but just giving people stuff for no reason... might aswell play armory

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They can on private servers.

not on my server :(, only thing i can do is view a map with 1min delay and give plp gear when they go to a lobby. i cant even spawn in vehicles without restarting the whole server again.

My server is through dayz.st

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I think admin that do this are terrible admin and can ruin the game. Admin should do nothing more than keep control of the server by banning/kicking scripters and trolls. Sure, its their servers, they can do what they want, but giving away free gear or porting people around defeats the purpose of the game.

It also throws off the economy of the server if your just giving away mostly rare weapons and gear to people.

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Contary to previous posts,certain antihack tools have teleport options, like TSW. Honest admins will never abuse those power, for example I only use it for players stuck in debug or investigating a possible hack. Sadly, dishonest admins give us all a bad name.

Also, I've been camping this weekend in PA, frezing certain parts of my anatomy off, so mi grammer and spleeing might be off. Suck it gramaher nahzis.

Edited by BioHazard050

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Contary to previous posts,certain antihack tools have teleport options, like TSW. Honest admins will never abuse those power, for example I only use it for players stuck in debug or investigating a possible hack. Sadly, dishonest admins give us all a bad name.

Also, I've been camping this weekend in PA, frezing certain parts of my anatomy off, so mi grammer and spleeing might be off. Suck it gramaher nahzis.

Jeez, you have been camping up their already... I used to be the Mountain Man, and everyone knows me as such, but due to a very serious injury, I cant phathom sleeping in the mountains this early. Yet alone where you are.

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Was on a lingor server with a friend, admin realises my friend is a girl and keeps teleporting to us offering us helicopters and stuff, its a real killer, the reason i play other maps is to start again, its boring if someone just dumps you all the gear in the game.

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Was on a lingor server with a friend, admin realises my friend is a girl and keeps teleporting to us offering us helicopters and stuff, its a real killer, the reason i play other maps is to start again, its boring if someone just dumps you all the gear in the game.

guess that admin is... Forever-Alone-psd81128.png

Edited by Zombo
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Way to defeat the whole purpose of the game, bro!

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I haven't encountered much of this admin help but I agree that it feels way better to earn your gear. I see more and more servers now where your spawn with a pistol, a bit of food and drink,map,compass, etc. I started playing Day Z because I liked the concept that you started with absolutely nothing. I was surprised at the bandage and painkillers but they're in the original mod so i accept them.Now it's hard to find a server where you start off with just the two things, and every aggressive player is busting pistol shots at me with the makarov as soon as they spawn.

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I agree that giving players free swag ruins the gameplay a bit. It's just as bad as a player spawning their own weapons, the result is the same.

I WANT admins to be able to teleport, be invisible, and add/remove items from player inventory. Without those abilities I imagine it would be much more difficult to catch cheaters. The caveat is those abilities are easily abused, so whether the admin is a good or bad one makes all the difference in the world. I've been fairly lucky to find a few good white listed servers with excellent admins, and all the bad server admins I've seen in the past make me appreciate them even more.

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If it's because of a hacker or error with the server its fine to restore lost weapons and vehicles but just giving weapons outright screws with the balance unless it's some kind of hosted event on the server I would be against it.

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The only abuse that should happen is when an admin is about to log in or out,just run a check through everyone's gear to find suspicious shit.Not coords or tents though,just the inventory.OR spectate someone but only after many accusations of hacking

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No. They are not helping anyone. In fact they are hurting the player and their DayZ experience by doing that. Had a ex-clan member who did this. Said "it's a bambi box, to help them get started" I shot the thing until it exploded and banned him.

As an admin I might help new players. How? By mother fucking playing the game with them. Meet up, scavenge, survive. Send them on their way after we make it inland. We meet again later on and are on friendly terms.

I'm against giving them ANYTHING. We can go to a place together to find stuff and I will cover you, this is help enough as it is.

This kinda shit is so rampant that it sucks for good admins because everyone assumes they all suck. Had someone yesterday ask me if I was an admin, after responding yes they proceeded to ask me for the nearest bike location...how about play the game? Told him there were plenty of bikes (and everything else) so he should just get to searching.

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I know this is off-topic, but I thought I'd let you know;

Hovering over the link in your signature displays it as a link to 2girls1cup. I believe the rules state you cannot link to pornographic material, so you'd have to change it.


you clicked it didnt you?

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Ofc they are, in the server I generally play, when the dark came down, I asked the owner of the server to help us as the server was for noobs.. :P He just gave everyone NightVisions!! \\O// :3

you clicked it didnt you?

u made me wonder and click it too... :X i lold for a few seconds... but when i felt like i am about to just puke... i closed it insta...... QwQ

Edited by SoulHunter

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