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Can we get Dayz "official" servers?

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I would like to see official servers on DayZ.

I find it hard to find a normal server. The servers i find say things like "24/7 day light" and/or "start with M16 and...and...and...and..." These servers for me, aren't really challenging or difficult.

I like to play the game how it should be played, therefore i want official servers with default settings.

I hope other people agree with me and hope that this will happen.

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There are plenty of public hive servers that are pretty much standard. Just look harder.

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The public hive servers are usually the ones with names like "US 3885" or whatever. They're not allowed to have custom names.

Unfortunately their number has dwindled and they're often hacked, and some admins breach the public server rules.

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The game ran for months on vanilla settings and then private hives started to happen. Anything still connected to the main hive has to run vanilla, albeit infested with skiddies.

BTW you got balls coming in here going "I want this or that" towards a free mod. If you want it go rent a server and make it happen.

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