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Well shite...

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This is not a whine post, I legitimately want to know if this is something that is malfunctioning in the new patch or is specific to the server I was playing on.

So, being the kickass bandit I am I had racked up 148 days survived and managed to keep myself at -31 000 humanity. I was just now at the Norway 10 server, looking for someone

that could accidentally fall into my bullets but it was a slow day so I figured I'd leave and go somewhere else.

About a click from the NAF I stopped in a bush, because I heard someone was calling me on Skype and wanted to tell them to GTFO. At any given time when I plan to alt-tab I _always_ hit esc to have the menu open so the classical noob mistake of clicking back into the game doesn't result in a loud bang as your weapon goes off when maximizing.

I looked around, nobody in sight, not a zombie in sight, I was not blinking on the aggression marker and then I hit esc.

This is what I got on my screen:


Followed by the sound of flies and a character falling.... Wat?

Is this a legitimate function in the new patch that I haven't read about or is this specific to the server which is running official hive?

Also... Q_Q


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Looks like a hacker tbh

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Yeh, that's not something I'm aware of, doesn't look legit to me :/

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anyone who is bad enough to live 148 days in the woods above pobeba dam deserves to die anyway

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ditto (as in Ive never seen it)

Edited by orlok

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anyone who is bad enough to live 148 days in the woods above pobeba dam deserves to die anyway

Nawww, poor wittle survivor mad that bandits killed you?

I could never be one of them though, I always roamed from Skalka to Vybor, randomly picking one of the towns in that area as a playground.

Oh and these are the times that I'm glad I got two accounts, using 1 as a mule to hold weapons for when shit hits the fan. Poor thing only has some 70 days lived though :D

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Yea I've had that happen to me too. I was near the northern airfield and a horde of 50+ scientist Zombies appeared near me and chased me endlessly. I ran through a long building to loose them and I was way out of sight but somehow they still knew where i was. After i got them all back into the building I hit them with a frag and most of them died. After my friend and mopped up the rest we were thinking something was up so I tired to quit and that same thing happened

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