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Gutting animal, agro everything, trough walls, aka everything inside 200m+ radius

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So i found a cow, and after the new patch this is the easiest way to get blood without infection. So i equipped my hatched and hit it in the face :) Hm any zombies around? well yeah, but when i stand i don't agro them and they are basically dots far away. So i start gutting the cow and lalala lot of meat and hoh inventory full of cow... Then i look up.... the horde is coming like 20+ zeds running like maniacs, and i think... well that was just bad luck and its to the woods playing plow the grounds under trees with my body.

Two hours after that i spot a sheep... inside a shed... Ah perfectly safe, easy pickings, axe to the head, and i start to gut.. There were a couple of zombies 100m away, and i hear "RAAAWR aararrar" fuck fuck fuck need to get out of here,,, but wait i'm gutting sheep so ofc i cant stopp even when there is zombies 5m from me.... woohoo brilliant game mecanic. So well i survived, but broken bones and half blood.

So what is up with the gut mechanic is it like a 300m instant agro on everything? And who designed the gut button the be uncanelable? I mean as they really upgraded the system, maybe they should fix the glaring fuckups?

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Dude, I don't think chopping and gutting an animal is totaly silent.

I would definately hear that, even 100 m away from you, well it's the same for infected people.

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Doing things like gutting animals, chopping trees, repairing cars, or putting up tank traps and tents now attract Zombies.

Be aware of your location and the Zeds around you when you do these things.

Edited by HappyMushroom

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Yeah its ok that it makes noise, but that it attract zombies that is at the range of 200+ aka just spawned at max range, is idiotic. I watched a couple of deers being gutted and it doesn't make much noise. maybe a four on the scale. I have tried this and the agro range is further that you running up and down a road. And that you cant stop the gutting if you find yourself in danger from zeds/players is not good either.

And it stands to reason it should make no more noise than killing with the axe in the first place.

Edited by Gernia

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Haven't had this ever happen to me, probably because all the animals I kill are 4km's from a zed spawn.

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Devs should add a death-shriek to cows when you kill them (to other animals too!). "MUUUUoooAAAUUAAUAUAUAAAARRRRGHLLLllrrrrghhh.." that could be heard from abt 500m away :D

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Yeah that would be so hilarious... :)

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Devs should add a death-shriek to cows when you kill them (to other animals too!). "MUUUUoooAAAUUAAUAUAUAAAARRRRGHLLLllrrrrghhh.." that could be heard from abt 500m away :D

Have some beans for the phonetically hilarious cow-death-scream. Is it wrong to laugh at the death of a cow?

Edited by Bottlerocket

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Yeah I noticed this too hehe.

I used my M1911 to blow away to chickens... no zed aggro.

Then I started gutting one chicken... and hello Mister Fancypants... or rather farmer joe with the sixpence and boots. Came through the walls to stop me from gutting his precious chicken.

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Dude, I don't think chopping and gutting an animal is totaly silent.

I would definately hear that, even 100 m away from you, well it's the same for infected people.

Uhhh, what? Have you ever gutted a deer or an antelope? I have plenty of times, and no, you cannot hear it from a football fields distance away, not even close. Where people get their info to justify things in the game by saying they are "realistic" is just beyond me. Just plain false claims everywhere.

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Uhhh, what? Have you ever gutted a deer or an antelope? I have plenty of times, and no, you cannot hear it from a football fields distance away, not even close. Where people get their info to justify things in the game by saying they are "realistic" is just beyond me.

Infected people living sometime in another reality, a different universe.

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Infected have human organs. They should not be able to "smell" blood from anywhere that a normal human could.

And gutting an animal makes no noise. It's one knife, slicing fur and flesh, and sinew. I've done it often in the woods.

As for the death shriek from animals...maybe. Never shot a cow but I would bet that they complain about being smacked/shot.

Deer have not made much noise for me before.

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If I read the code correctly, gutting an animal alerts zombies within 50m. Maybe this should just be lowered to 25m.

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Its Skyrim all over again.

Kill chicken and village forms a posse.

Haha, did you know at some point chicken could witness crimes in Skyrim? Talk about clever chicken, no wonder they're so valuable.

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Dude, I don't think chopping and gutting an animal is totaly silent.

I would definately hear that, even 100 m away from you, well it's the same for infected people.

No, you wouldnt hear him gutting anything.

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I ran a goat over with a car last night and no zombies came...that might be the solution. Only kill wildlife with vehicles...ultimate ninja!


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Have some beans for the phonetically hilarious cow-death-scream. Is it wrong to laugh at the death of a cow?

Only in india
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Yeah, a makarov has an audible range of 30 meters for zombies and then all of the sudden they start hearing you gutting animals... Fucking ridiculous.

And the talking to each other does increase the difficulty, but with cheap ways. I sneaked past one zed (In 5 meters) at night and it heard me.

So after that, his friends joined in and I had to shoot them all, only to find more zeds, their now dead friends had "alerted" them before getting shot by me. Then I just ran. Not very realistic, way too long range.

Edited by Sutinen

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Yeah, a makarov has an audible range of 30 meters for zombies and then all of the sudden they start hearing you gutting animals... Fucking ridiculous.

All of my this. If you could cancel the animations it would be bearable - you can't, so it's not a smart code change.

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Totally agreed, I gutted a chicken today and 20 zombies shows up like I had opened a KFC diner with blasting music playing...

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If I might put this into some perspective. 100M is about a city block (or at least it is in the suburb I live in). If you honest think you could hear a knife sliding into a piece of meat from a CITY BLOCK away, you need to become Dare Devil or something.

I can't hear someone put their knife in meet from across the damn table, let alone 100 meters away.

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