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Suggestion: Humanity system

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Before you read this, every little detail SUCH AS BLINKING is not the purpose of my idea but just the mechanics.

So Dayz stand alone is in production, and i've noticed more and more that the new clothing system will make the current humanity system obsolete (if it isn't already). But more than that, I have a couple of suggestions I would like to bounce off of you guys to see what you think.

One way to approach the humanity system is have it less focused on aesthetics and more focused on development of your character from an emotional standpoint. A possible game mechanic that could be featured would be some kind of Incident/sanity system.

How the incident/sanity system would work on the negative (bandit) side:

  • If you kill someone who was innocent/positive humanity, you have a chance to get flashbacks later your character's life of the event when you killed the person. That would add a real horror element to the game. your character could also blink more and maybe even have mini nervous break downs or things similar.

  • Make the negative humanity side more involved than if you kill someone or not. Maybe have some kind of stealing mechanic where players have to allow you into their backpack/inventory/tent or else it's labeled as stealing which would have only a slight effect on negative humanity.
  • Also maybe some kind of backstab system, where if you kill someone you've been around with it gives you a huge humanity drop.

  • At extreme low humanity/sanity, your character has a chance to shake/blink more when aiming at players who are at a positive humanity.

How the incident/sanity system would work on the positive (hero) side:

  • The higher your sanity is the less your screen might go grey when on lower blood levels.

  • Positive humanity events could be expanded to sharing food and killing zombies who are hitting other players.

  • your character blinks less, and doesn't have breakdowns of any sort.

Finally based on your humanity it could change how you react to situations. if you are getting shot at and you have a positive humanity you might just swear a bit, where as if you were negative humanity, your player would start getting really anxious and bothered.

I'm sure there are things you guys can add and comment on with this system, but please tell me what you think. I like the idea that people can't judge you based on the fact you have a scarf around your head or not, but really based on your consciousness. Also, how cool would it be to be shooting at someone and they start swearing and freaking out? that's what would happen in real life.

Edited by SGT_SMUG
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interesting idea, but ingame blinking would anoy me, blinking in real life while looking at a computer screen inconjunktion with in game blinking would shit me off.

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Yeah, blinking in game would fuck with me hard.

But the basis of your idea is good. I think something along those lines should be implemented.

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Yeah blinking was just a suggestion and really most of it was. but the whole idea of the mechanics involved I thought would be cool.

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Like Lupatchi and Naz187 said, I'm okay with everything else but the blinking.

I hate the fact that I have to blink on my own while taking aim at something. I would flip my table if my character was blinking on top of my own blinks.

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in no way no. why should an bandit have some disadvantaged?

it shkuld be the other way around like ->

when an bandit kills an player he stay normal but ->

when a good humanity player kills another player he shakes and is nervous..

normal good humanity players also should be nervous during zombiefights. that mean you will accidently drop the hatchet/ not able to reload and such

but an bad humanity player stays calm all time

your suggestion is really utter nonsense

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

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I don't think the blinking should obstruct the players view in-game, but a regular player should definitely see the other player blinking. This isn't my favorite humanity idea, my favorite is still the firing stance and animations idea, which you can find here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/120185-standalone-suggestion-for-humanity-indicator/

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this should never be implemented.

no disadvantages for bandits. come one qq somewhere else. tell your momma or something

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

Edited by mischlig

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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:44 AM, colekern said:

I don't think the blinking should obstruct the players view in-game, but a regular player should definitely see the other player blinking. This isn't my favorite humanity idea, my favorite is still the firing stance and animations idea, which you can find here: http://dayzmod.com/f...nity-indicator/

I actually really like this suggestion as well. Maybe having a kind of mix between how your character moves and how your character reacts to situations/their emotional standpoint. Thanks for the link.

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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:45 AM, mischlig said:

this should never be implemented.

no disadvantages for bandits. come one qq somewhere else. tell your momma or something

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

It's fine to disagree with what I have to say, but if all you read was complaining i'll assure you I wasn't. I enjoy being a bandit myself sometimes and what i'm shooting for here is not to nerf bandits but to make them feel more realistic. give them dynamics and emotions. Looking for mature criticism like colekern has added.


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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:58 AM, SGT_SMUG said:

I actually really like this suggestion as well. Maybe having a kind of mix between how your character moves and how your character reacts to situations/their emotional standpoint. Thanks for the link.

I could see a mix of your suggestion and the one I liked working very well.

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I can hear the QQing that my normal blinking got me killed. I was trying to shoot player/Zombie and i blinked when I was going to fire which made me miss.

Nice concept but wouldn't work.

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  On 2/8/2013 at 2:08 AM, logan23 said:

I can hear the QQing that my normal blinking got me killed. I was trying to shoot player/Zombie and i blinked when I was going to fire which made me miss.

Nice concept but wouldn't work.

And yet people still miss the point that the concept isn't about blinking -__- it's about humanity/sanity

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there shouldn't be a difference between players with either positive or negativ humanity

all i have to say

no disadvantage or advantage or different behaviour between those groups

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

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very bad idea, and almost no clue to how people function, every person deal with murder in its own way, in mmo we have something called intangibles, which is variables that cannot be understood, these are everything from leadership, morale, rp, etc, not if the person is or not a good player, kill ratios determines the ability of the player, the most experienced to the newbie, and in most mmos they creat groups and guildes based on those intangibles, if they like killing other people because the game has not fulfilled their wishes they can, if a group of carebears start a community farm they should, what i am trying to say is that the game should not try to understande the intangibles of the player, they are intangibles and punishing someones playstive just because he likes to kill is wrong, it will hinder the audience and receptivity amongst power gamers, what will make everyone different is the grouping and gear, psychologists or whatever they are called have trouble understanding the mind, lets not go and try to create systems to understand the mind of the player because it will make many more mistakes.

And please stop posting stupid ideas like humanity, theres a reason no one in the game industry puts this in sandbox mmos, freedom dammit......

rocket may be a game developer but humanity was a real bad idea, finally i said it, wooo much better, dont try to measure intangibles.

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I am not too keen on this idea , but being the bandit , shouldn't necessarily be the easy option as it is now .

Easy , safe , no drawbacks .

That is all .

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I think the thread is great, I also think there should be a humanity system and I like the proposition ideas on this thread.

I think the blinking idea is great, but only if you see it on other characters only, that way you can tell who is a bandit by how fast he blinks, but this would not make it to annoy the hell out of the one blinking of course.

Hero's should definitely have a bit of a bonus over bandits of course, they are no threat to them, but they are to bandits, so it would be awsome that their aim would fuck up a little making it harder to hit them.

I like the idea of the people swearing and stuff, but I'm not sure it would be a good idea because many people would not agree with their personality, for example bandits not necessarily will freak out in a gunfight as they would have more experience at it.

I do think that killing another player should be a bigger deal to control the PK's more, I know its the apocalypse, but just run around shooting people is called a deathmatch, I don't think the game is intended for that. But for the people who really want to gang up and just kill on sight, they should know the consequences and killing someone would be a big deal, and if they are good enough to do it, they can handle it.

Getting flashbacks of the people you have killed would be awsome, thought that should happen to everyone, not only bandits, I'm not sure how it would work, maybe save a file on your computer for that or something and then it will pop on your screen after 5 minutes without moving or something, it would be annoying to get it in the middle of something, and make it cancel when you move or so.

The stealing mechanism is also creat, lower humanity a little if you do so, for example I'm a hero, but I would still loot a tent, so that would balance heroes a bit also.

I would also make it so if you reach different levels of humanity, something special would happen, since its gonna be focused on a MMO type of game, those could be kind of your levels. That would be another cool thing to add to the game so you have an objective to carry "I need to get to 10,000 humanity to finally do this and that", or "Fuck I got to -10,000 humanity, now I will this and that". So as a hero and bandit it would insentive to get your humanity up or down. That idea itself could expand so much.

Anyways, you got my beans ;)

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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:42 AM, mischlig said:

in no way no. why should an bandit have some disadvantaged?

it shkuld be the other way around like ->

when an bandit kills an player he stay normal but ->

when a good humanity player kills another player he shakes and is nervous..

normal good humanity players also should be nervous during zombiefights. that mean you will accidently drop the hatchet/ not able to reload and such

but an bad humanity player stays calm all time

your suggestion is really utter nonsense

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

we're not dealing with psychopaths here, smartass, people get their psychologic really fcked up when they kill someone, when they kill a ton of them, they may become 'numb' for the effects, but some crysis occur from time to time.

And we dont want to encourage player killing, you shouldnt want to be a bandit, being a bandit isnt something to be rewarded for.

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  On 2/8/2013 at 12:45 AM, mischlig said:

this should never be implemented.

no disadvantages for bandits. come one qq somewhere else. tell your momma or something

Sent from my mobile Device and now i have big ePeEn!

the only one QQing here actually is you, so go tell your momma dude, she may hear you.

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